Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 428 This Person Really Is Still Annoying (4400 words)

"I've never heard that the ship spirit can make the ship itself stronger." Franky disagreed with this statement, but he couldn't think of other reasons.

"It's okay, just ask when we see the ship elf." Zhang Da didn't worry too much about it, he asked, "In short, you confirm that the Amber only needs simple repairs, and there is no big problem, right? ?”

Franky said: "You can rest assured about this, but since this ship has such strength, I have some suggestions for modification."

Zhang Da also asked: "How to change?"

Franky said: "A pair of auxiliary outer wheels can be added, and an emergency power device can be added at the stern to accelerate the ship in one breath. It is very useful whether it is chasing or fleeing, or even jumping over obstacles."

"Adding the outer wheel seems to make it ugly." The auxiliary outer wheel is indeed a lot more convenient when the wind is not enough, but Zhang Da also doesn't trust Franky's aesthetics.

"Then let's make it freely adjustable and retractable, and it can be stored away when not in use." Franky has an immature idea, which is the soldier dock system. Although his current energy is mainly focused on the mechanical arm, which has not yet been designed, but it is no problem to do the outer wheel alone.

"This sounds very good." Shark Pepper said, "Does the power system mean the steam engine of the Smoke Tom? That is too noisy and inconvenient to use."

Franky smiled proudly: "The principle is somewhat similar, but it's not steam power, but Coke power!"

"Coke Power?" Zhang Da was also a little surprised, Franky didn't transform himself, so why did he still come up with Coke Power?

"That's right, my super~ robotic arm is powered by Coca-Cola, and I can't exert its maximum power with my own strength!" Franky is very proud of his original Coca-Cola Power.

"Then add one." Zhang Da also said, Wendy is usually in charge of the emergency rush. Zhang Daye's magic has not yet learned the breathing part. Considering that Wendy may also be inconvenient, add One is also good for emergency.

"By the way, how much does it cost?"

"The part of the outer wheel is easy, but the cost of the power unit is a bit higher. There are a lot of things that need to be prepared temporarily, and the cost of materials is about this much." Frankie opened his fingers and reported a number that made Zhang Da's heart ache.

Money is a bastard, we earn money after we spend it, Zhang Da also gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

Franky was a little embarrassed. He didn't need to charge labor costs, but he couldn't help with so much material costs. After all, the family still had a lot of younger brothers to support and couldn't pay for it out of pocket.


Franky took the material fee, and he needs a little time to prepare materials and design drawings. A full refit and repair would take about two or three days—after all, he didn't need to work around the clock like he did when building the Sonny.

Zhang Da also called his companions for a simple meeting.

"Announce an important matter. This is all the cash in our hands, about 200,000 Baileys." Zhang Da also seriously put a pile on the table, including 10,000 Baileys and 1,000 Baileys loose notes, and fifty and one hundred pele coins.

"After paying the money needed to modify the Amber, we are so poor that only a lot of gold and jewels are left. The financial crisis is great, comrades!" Zhang Da also had a sad face, and those who didn't know thought they couldn't afford to eat. up.

Weiwei immediately raised her hand: "I still have a lot of money in my hand, Karoo!"

"Gah!" Karu hurried back to Vivi's room and brought a box.

It was prepared by Cobra for Vivi, and she wanted to hand it over to Zhang Da when she set off, but Zhang Da also said that there was no shortage of money and asked her to keep it for herself, but every time she went out to play, she would Send out pocket money, so Weiwei hasn't touched the money at all.

Now that Zhang Da also said that he was short of money, Wei Wei immediately contributed it. That’s not counting, she took out her small wallet and took out a few banknotes: “I didn’t spend the pocket money Brother Da also gave me. over."

Wendy and Xia Lulu also each took out a thick wad of banknotes: "We also have them here."

Zhang Da also made a rough estimate, adding up to almost two or three million, and asked in surprise, "Why are there so many?"

Xia Lulu said: "Because every time you arrive at an island, you will be given pocket money, and there is still a lot of it, and we haven't spent it all."

Wendy said with some embarrassment: "And Brother Tatsuya gives me the most stuff every time."

It is natural to give Wendy more, after all, she is the most well-behaved one in the loli team, Zhang Da is also worried that she is not enough and is embarrassed to ask for it.

Perona looked through her small wallet and was embarrassed to find that there was only a little change.

It's not that Zhang Da also bullied her, but that she can barely spend more money than her brain, anyway, she can borrow it if she doesn't have enough money, or she can ask Zhang Da for more.

Although Zhang Da also disliked her, he would make up for her in the end. But usually not left.

Ye Yan, Uncle Long, and Shark Chili also took out some. Uncle Long has not been here for a long time, and Ye Yan and Shark Chili each have their own expenses, so they don't have much savings.

Rui Mengmeng, on the other hand, turned out more Baileys than Wendy.

"Well... I usually spend less money, and every time I go out to buy the leftover money, the boss says he keeps some things to buy... But I don't have anything to buy?" Rui Mengmeng was a little worried, "I'm Isn't that considered corruption?"

"...not counting." Zhang Da also slowed down, "At first, I wanted to say that during the few days when the ship was being repaired, I went out to find pirates to earn some extra money. I made a fuss for a long time, but I was the only one who had no money. .”

Artoria said honestly: "Tatsuya, I don't have any money, not at all."

"I know that." Zhang Da also nodded. When Artoria went out, she usually took Zhang Daye with her, and Zhang Da also took money with her.

Tom was the most guilty. Whenever anyone looked at him, he put his hands behind his back, squinted at forty-five degrees, and whistled softly.

Zhang Da didn't even bother to expose Tom. He reckoned that he would get something if he went back and searched the little nest where Tom didn't usually sleep, or pulled up the flowers in the flowerpot together with the soil.

"That's all right, all right, the economic crisis is temporarily lifted, I'll take a little for each of us, enough for purchasing before going to sea, if you don't buy expensive ingredients, a million or so will be enough." Zhang Da also said, "The rest is still Keep it for yourself, and pay more attention to pirates these days."

It is obviously not safe to store too many banknotes in Zhang Daye's hands.

"Then let's talk about the ship elf." Zhang Da also said, "The so-called ship elf is the incarnation of the Amber, and it should be regarded as our companion. He showed up?"

Wendy said, "If possible, I would like to meet him."

Wendy heard from Zhang Da that she was still able to take the Amber without seasickness because of the existence of the ship elf. She wanted to thank him very much.

Ye Yan said: "I'm also a little curious. According to you, the ship elves should also be regarded as a kind of goblin. I don't think I've ever felt a ghostly aura. Maybe I can get some inspiration when I see it."

Zhang Da also asked: "You don't think you want to beat him up and accept him as a banner demon?"

Ye Yan retorted: "How can I be so cruel?"

Zhang Da also disdainfully said: "When you first came here, you still wanted to kidnap Tom."

Shark Pepper said: "If possible, of course I want to see him, but didn't we look for it last time? He doesn't want to come out, and we can't help it."

"The conventional method is definitely not enough." Zhang Da also hugged Tom, and said with a smile, "We can use unconventional methods, such as asking Tom to stab the deck, mast, etc. with a sword, and he will come out as soon as it hurts. gone."

Rui Mengmeng objected: "Isn't that bad?"

Wendy couldn't bear to say: "If that's the case, why don't we meet him when he himself is willing to meet us?"

Ye Yan seemed to be heartbroken and said: "Also, the spirit that was promised to appear only if the crew took good care of the ship, won't your conscience hurt if you make such a suggestion?"

Zhang Da also looked at Ye Yan: "That depends on his personality. If it's like you, you won't feel guilty if you prick him."

"Unscrupulous capitalist, I doubt that the ship spirit will be dragged by you to work illegally if it really comes out."

"No, you are already a black worker."

Talking in the cabin, there was a commotion, and an eavesdropping statue outside the cabin quietly returned to its original position. People are sinister. If I were a ship elf, I wouldn't come out.

No, it can't come out even if it's not a ship elf. Hey, it's better to be an ordinary statue.

The refitting of the Amber went smoothly, and since Espagu came to help halfway, the progress was much faster.

Zhang Daye's various cultivations were also progressing in an orderly manner. By the time he set sail, he had successfully used his armed forces to harden his arms and the weapons in his hand, and he had also mastered a few simple dragon-slaying magic tricks.

There is nothing to say goodbye to Franky and Espagu, I just wish them success in achieving their goals, and ask them to help say hello to Mr. Tom and Granny Cocoro next time they see each other.

Not being able to see the fat murloc and the big frog named yokozuna made Tom a little disappointed, and Zhang Da also didn't expect that the big frog would be able to dive 10,000 meters to the fish-man island.


"Switch the outer wheel!" Zhang Da also pulled the mechanism installed near the rudder,

There was a crackling sound, and a cover plate on each side of the Amber was flipped up, and the two outer wheels protruded from the inside, half submerged in the water.

A barrel of Coke in the cabin shook violently, and after a series of complex changes, the two outer wheels began to rotate rapidly.

"It's very convenient. It can drive so fast without wind. This speed is about to catch up with modern ships. It feels so unscientific." Shark Pepper said, "It's just a bit of Coke."

"Using Coca-Cola as an energy source is already ridiculous enough, and it's reasonable to achieve such a speed." Zhang Da has also given up on being serious.

In order to cope with emergencies, Franky also designed a pedal for the outer wheel. If Coke is not enough, it can also be driven by human power.

In addition, the emergency power unit at the stern is similar. It can consume three large barrels of Coke at one time, allowing the Amber to fly out. At the same time, according to Zhang Daye's request, the air outlet is also designed to cut off the power of the Coke, and let people blow it. style.

But the only one who can use this now is Wendy.

Everyone was somewhat curious about the newly added equipment, and each of them tried to step on the outer wheel pedals, having a great time.

After two days of sailing, the surrounding fog suddenly thickened.

Weiwei exclaimed: "I can't see anything!"

"It's about time to get here." Shark Pepper said, "Slow down, it's better to walk slowly in the Devil's Triangle."

"It's back here again." Rui Mengmeng said, "It's a pity that Brook is gone."

"Don't make it seem like he is dead." Zhang Da also paused, and added, "Although he is indeed dead."

"Huh?" Vivi suddenly felt that the topic everyone was talking about was scary, and quickly pulled Wendy to ask who Brook was.

Perona bit the straw and didn't drink the juice, but snorted and blew bubbles in the cup.

Artoria asked: "Do you want to go back and have a look?"

"There's nothing to see." Perona shook her head slightly.

Zhang Da also said: "If you want to go, you can go. I also said that in the future, I will transform it and treat it as my own site. It's not easy to find."

"Nah... long-winded! If you don't want to go, you just don't want to go!" After blowing bubbles for a while, she dropped the straw, "I'll help find the way!"

Saying that, Perona ran to the bow, released dozens of little ghosts, and got into the thick fog.

The scope of the Devil's Triangle is so large that it is not so easy to find an island ship, but for Perona, it is much easier than ordinary people to find a way or find a ship.

Dozens of little ghosts are all her eyes, and no matter how far you fly, you don't have to worry about getting lost. She is the best guide here.

"There is a rock 500 meters ahead, be careful not to hit it."

"There's a broken ship floating over there!"

"At ten o'clock, there is a vortex."

Perona warned of various dangers one by one in advance, and helped Shark Pepper adjust the course.

At a certain moment, a complicated expression appeared on her face, she hesitated for a moment and then released a little ghost: "I want to confirm that direction with my own eyes, let's look at its gestures first!"

The little ghost was floating up and down in front of Shark Pepper cutely, Shark Pepper nodded and said, "Okay, be careful."

"I'll be back soon!" Perona's soul floated out, even forgetting to let her body sit down first.

Rui Mengmeng quickly caught Perona's body and carried her back to the room.

Shark Pepper thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

Zhang Da also said: "Give it up, wait for her, it's not too late."


The terrifying three-masted sailing ship was still floating slowly on the sea, but as Perona said when she was stubborn, there was nothing to see.

Because of the fuss of the Oz zombies, the main mast had collapsed, the castle was in dilapidated condition, and Perona's own room was buried in a pile of ruins.

The bodies of Moria, Absalom, and Hogubak had also been taken away by people sent by the world government.

Those zombies who lost their shadows don't know who buried them.

Now the entire horror three-masted sailing ship is lifeless, and there are almost no animals to be seen—after all, even the mice were captured by Hobak and transformed into zombies.

Perona floated above the ruins of the castle for a while, then fell down and touched the gravel on the ground, although she couldn't touch anything in her spirit state.

"Go back?" Perona looked around with her hips on her hips, her mouth was flattened, and there seemed to be several figures spinning around in front of her eyes.

She thought it was Moria or Absalom, but when she looked carefully, it was Tom holding hot cocoa, Wendy looking at her with her hands behind her back and a smile, Xia Lulu who transformed at her request, and it was Tom from the Amber. Everyone...and the most annoying black-hearted boss who forced her to recite the school rules.

"Hmph, it's not particularly annoying." Perona floated up, "I'm going back!"


"I'm back!" The long-haired figure with pink twin ponytails slowly landed on the boat, and said disgustedly, "What, it's been so long, why are you still stopping here? Could it be that you lost your way?"

Zhang Da also exaggeratedly read: "Yes, yes, without the guidance of Mrs. Perona, we have completely lost our way."

Perona stomped her feet, this person was really annoying.

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