Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 426 I Swear on Tom's Life (4000 words)

The raging of the water gods has seriously affected the business of the merchants. Except for merchants such as building materials and hardware stores, which can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, other merchants have not opened much, especially the catering industry.

After all, many people are busy repairing their houses. Such expenses are a huge burden for many families. How can they have time to eat in those restaurants.

Therefore, when the owners of these shops saw the amber tour group entering the door, they all felt as if they were seeing relatives. When I saw their bold way of ordering, I was so happy that I almost lost my way.

Under the guidance of a gourmet map, Arturia also started the efficient shopping mode, asking the banner demon to help run errands, go to the next restaurant in advance to get the recipes, and order the dishes before going back to order.

The reward is to take them to eat with them.

The owner of the first restaurant sneered at their approach. I am such a big restaurant, how can I still fill the stomachs of a dozen of you?

Whether the boss believes it or not is hard to say, anyway, the chef finally believed it, even if the boss tripled their salary, they would not be able to fight anymore.

Not everyone in the Amber Group can advance to the next round. Weiwei, Karoo and Jackie Chan were the first to be eliminated.

Jackie Chan decided to go to bookstores, flea markets and the like to see if he could find good things. Weiwei wanted to wait for Wendy and the others to hang out together.

Ye Yan withdrew in the middle of the second round, leaving only the Banner Demons to make enough money to eat.

Perona and Xia Lulu followed closely behind and joined Weiwei's waiting queue.

Perona had a sudden thought: "Xia Lulu, can you eat more after you transform?"

Xia Lulu squinted her eyes, and a drop of sweat hung on her forehead: "Who would change shape specially for this kind of thing?"

"Try it!" Perona encouraged her with a sense of fun.

"No, it's too embarrassing." Xia Lulu flatly refused, and specially transformed herself for such a thing, wouldn't she appear to be greedy? Although there is absolutely no need to care about such things in this team, Xia Lulu still has a sense of shame.

The banner demons all looked at the tall and powerful people, but their actual combat effectiveness was not very good, so they quickly withdrew from the dinner and applied to go out in style.

After Zhang Da also asked them not to cause trouble, he approved them a sum of money. Usually there is hard work without credit, and recently they are always used to practice soul gongs, which is embarrassing.

Wendy is worthy of the title of dragon slayer, and she has lived up to her usual hard training. She tied for fifth place with Shark Pepper, although she herself is not proud of such a thing.

Shark Pepper happily set off to stock up on his 'necessities', while the lolis formed a team and went out to play.

The finalists are still Arturia, Rui Mengmeng, Tom and Zhang Daye.

Zhang Da is also very satisfied with the growth rate of his food intake, which means that his body is constantly getting stronger - if the influence brought by Tom is ignored.

Tom's appetite is getting more and more strange. Sometimes a chicken leg can fill you up, and sometimes you can enjoy a banquet from the beginning to the end. Zhang Da also suspects that Tom's appetite is determined by the people who eat with him.

A few hours later, the quartet of finalists visited the restaurants that they hadn't had time to visit last time, and also tried the newly opened restaurants recently, making outstanding contributions to the economic development of the capital of seven waters.

It's just that Zhang Daye's wallet hurts a bit.

"Although we have experienced such a disaster, the people here seem to be more energetic than when we came last time." Zhang Da also observed the citizens while walking. More or less it will be a bit of a leadership inspection style.

"Hi'er~" Mao Qiu's full hiccup further lowered his temperament.

Arturia nodded: "Mr. Tom's efforts were not in vain."

A craftsman has worked hard for more than ten years to finally save a declining city, and his disciples are still working hard for the continuation of the city. This is simply a fairy tale.

Several people wandered around the reborn capital of seven waters, purchased some supplies, and returned to the Amber before dark.

The others also came back with a full reward. After everyone happily shared their gains, Zhang Da also ruthlessly repaired the banner monsters.

These eight old bastards actually bought a lot of magazines and books that are not suitable for children, and even showed them off proudly. The little loli was so shy that she became a steam girl!

It is worthy of what they can do.

After Zhang Da also beat the banner demons to their heads, he hung them upside down on the mast: "Don't atomize, reflect on yourself!"

Ye Yan didn't object, and even tied the rope with his own hands. He bought a new pair of stilts today, and when he was bored, he could turn over the banner monsters.

The embarrassing atmosphere finally disappeared, Zhang Da also asked: "Did you encounter any trouble when you went out to play?"

Karoo raised his wings: "quack~"

"Have you met?" Zhang Da also looked at Perona, and first focused on the most suspected cause of trouble.

Perona pouted: "It's not troublesome, is it? It's just that someone saw that the things on Karoo's body seemed to be expensive, so they wanted to rob them."

The three little lolis took a cat and a duck to go out to play in a team. It is not troublesome to encounter robbery, which is reasonable.

Then Perona added in a low voice with guilt: "It's just that I accidentally affected others when I fought back, so I apologized in the end."

Weiwei said: "In fact, someone came up to help, but Perona didn't see it clearly, so she dealt with them as a group."

Wendy and Xia Lulu added some details. Those brave people happened to be a few big guys from the Franky family. After being hit by Perona's ghost, they definitely didn't get hurt physically, but they probably suffered a little bit mentally. hit.

However, facing Perona's apology, they didn't bother to care about anything, it was too shameful, and in the end it was the robbers they helped take away.

Zhang Da also thought about it: "There seems to be no problem, but let me go to Franky to apologize, who made us feel wronged."

Shark Pepper said: "When I came back, I saw that they were still busy helping people repair the house. They probably won't be able to come back until very late. Let's visit later."

"Alright." Zhang Da originally wanted to ask Franky to help overhaul the Amber, and study the modification by the way. It seems that he doesn't have much time these days, so he can only apologize later and mention this a little bit. something happened.

It just so happens that they also want to stay here for a few more days. There are still people who have never experienced the sea train, and they will arrange it tomorrow.

After discussing for a while what gifts to bring, everyone started the evening practice.

Zhang Da also followed Wendy and Xia Lulu, and started learning transformation magic and dragon slaying magic from today.


Later, Zhang Da also led the loli team to Frankie's House with several barrels of wine and a bunch of food.

At this time, the Frankie family had just returned, and they fell to the ground in a mess after a busy day. Only Frankie had the energy to hold a bottle of Coke and lecture them, saying that they were too unseemly.

Zan Bai spoke for everyone: "Brother, we are starving to death, hurry up and let Kiwi and Moz cook!"

Sister Fang Fang collapsed on the sofa and said in harmony:

"We also today,"

"I'm so tired!"

"Why is this happening!" The younger brothers wailed, brother Frankie couldn't be allowed to cook, right? will die.

"Ahh~ I really can't do anything with you, let me do it, it's guaranteed to be the most exquisite cuisine!"

"No!" Praising them, they knew in their hearts that Brother Franky, as a top boatman, had excellent craftsmanship, and the dishes he made were as exquisite as works of art.

The problem is that it doesn’t taste good just to look good!

"Excuse me~" Zhang Daye's voice sounded at this time, it was like the sound of heaven to Zan Bai and the others.

Frankie enthusiastically said: "Mr. Tatsuya came just in time, I'm about to cook, super~cooking~"

Zhang Da also said: "There's no need for that, we've already eaten, and this time I came here to apologize, this afternoon..."

"Mr. Tatsuya!"*3

Three tall people suddenly appeared to prevent Zhang Da from continuing. The three of them were the ones who tried to do justice during the day. In terms of combat power, the Franky family definitely ranked in the forefront. Because of their great strength, they were collectively called "" Power Destroyer', trusted by his companions, but...can't block Negative Specter.

The three surrounded Zhang Daye and the others, blocking the view of the companions, and whispered: "Please don't tell everyone about that, please!"

Zhang Da was also puzzled: "Ah? But Perona..."

"No, Miss Perona has already apologized, we don't mean to blame her at all."

"That's right, please don't mention it again, this is our lifetime request!"

The faces of the three giant men who were six to seven meters tall showed expressions of prayer.

Zhang Da also understood, he didn't want to die, he smiled and said, "I understand."

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, but Franky said dissatisfiedly, "What are you guys doing? Didn't you just say that you didn't even want to move your fingers? Let Mr. Tatsuya finish his sentence. Could it be that you did something wrong?" Good thing, right?"

"No, brother, that..." The three faltered.

Zhang Da also hurriedly stood up and said, "Actually, I brought a few of them here to thank them. In the afternoon, the children went out to play, but someone blocked the road and robbed them. Thanks to the help of these three."

Perona was a little confused, didn't she apologize?

But Zhang Da also said that, so she had no choice but to cooperate and say: "Thank you very much!"

"Is that so?" Franky felt something was wrong, "Then why are you in such a hurry?"

"Yes... yes, that's right, that's how it is!" The Destroyers of Strange Power hesitated, "Because it's not a big deal, I didn't want to tell everyone, and I didn't expect Mr. Tatsuya to come here in person... Ha, ha ha..."

"I see." Franky's expression became serious, he adjusted his sunglasses, and put on his huge robotic arm with both hands.

"Big, big brother..." The Destroyers of Strange Power became nervous, did the big brother see through the lies?

"You guys... are really good!" Franky hugged the three monster destroyers together with his mechanical arm, and then cried bitterly, "Well done~ bastards! For doing such a good thing, Shi It is what a man does to repay favors!"

Franky cried with snot and tears, and still had his signature tongue-licking sound when he spoke.

Zanbai and the others were also affected by the atmosphere, and wept together.

The Destroyers of Strange Power were a little startled at first, but they quickly got involved.

Only Zhang Daye and the others were left standing at the door with a bewildered expression.

Karoo wanted to cry along with her, but Weiwei corrected her by rubbing her cheeks.

Perona said puzzledly: "What is this?"

"Why don't we go back." Xia Lulu felt that she couldn't get along with these strange people.

Wendy had an embarrassing smile on her face: "Should we send out the gift first?"

Seeing that Frankie seemed to be crying almost, Zhang Da also said: "Anyway, thank you for your enthusiastic help. These are thank you gifts, so we won't bother you!"

Zhang Da also left the flatbed cart and called the lolis to run away.

After Zanbai found out that what Zhang Daye brought was wine and food, he said gratefully: "Mr. Daye, you are a good man!"

"Ah~ Mr. Tatsuya is indeed a man of love and righteousness!" Frankie cried for no reason because he was moved.


"What a strange person." Xia Lulu thought that Frankie was just a pervert, but unexpectedly he was also a pervert with rich emotions.

Perona asked: "Hey, do I have to apologize again?"

"No need, that's enough." Zhang Da also said that he didn't want to see that kind of scene again. When he read the comics, he only thought it was funny, but now he finds it hot and can't be offended.

Weiwei reminded: "As a result, the matter of the boat didn't seem to be mentioned."

Xia Lulu asked: "Then, do you want to go back?"

"Hey~" Wendy showed a scared expression, "Yes, do you want to go back?"

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said helplessly, "Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Perona found that she had grasped Zhang Daye's handle, and said with a smirk: "Who taught me 'Today's things must be done today'?"

Zhang Da also nodded seriously: "That makes sense, then let's go back now!"

"No!" Wendy and Weiwei ran away.

Perona was stunned: "Hey? Wait for me!"

"Quack~" Karoo Duck scratched its head with its wings, and belatedly chased after it.

Zhang Da also smiled: "Perona, how dare you lead our army?"

Xia Lulu didn't follow them, but floated beside Zhang Daye and complained, "It's funny."

"So-so." Zhang Da also walked cheerfully, and suddenly remembered something, "Xia Lulu, do you feel that something is wrong?"

"Something wrong?" Xia Lulu asked suspiciously, "No?"

"Ah~" Not far away, Wendy cried out in surprise and fell to the ground.

"Wendy!" Xia Lulu subconsciously flew towards Wendy, but turned back quickly, because there was nothing to worry about, but the person next to her...

Xia Lulu said helplessly, "You don't mean this when you say something wrong, do you?"

"Well, no."


"No, I swear on Tom's life."

happy children's day duck

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