Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 424: A Beautiful Girl With Cat Ears (4000 words)

Zhang Da also asked, "Want to help?"

"No need, as long as I go and talk to Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor will pay attention to the forecast from the amber tour group." Espagu left Frankie's house quickly and rented a bullfish cloth Lu rushed to the city center.

Weiwei asked curiously, "What are the gods of water?"

Zanbai replied: "The gods of water are also called Akuya Lagna, and it is an annual natural disaster here, usually accompanied by violent storms and tsunamis, when all the low places on the island will be submerged. "

Wendy said: "Isn't that very dangerous, don't we really need to help?"

Frankie opened three bottles of Coke and handed them to the little lolis, and said, "Don't worry, people here are used to evacuating once a year, and they usually wait for the strong wind to start moving. This time, with such a long notice in advance, it won't Something happened."

"Don't you need to take refuge?" Arturia asked a question and asked for a bottle of Coke by the way.

Frankie said: "The Frankie House has already considered this when selecting the site, so there is no problem."

Weiwei understood today that arid countries are suffering from drought, and floating cities will also be troubled by floods. She asked, "Is there no complete solution?"

"At least not now, because this kind of disaster itself is not the biggest problem. The most troublesome thing is that the water level is rising at this time of year... It is not accurate to say this. In fact, it should be that the island has been sinking."

Frankie poured himself half a bottle of Coke, breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "If you dive down, you can see that the current backstreet is actually built on the ancient streets hundreds of years ago. On the roofs of towns. Even so, the backstreets are constantly being flooded, and in a few decades, the island may disappear completely.”

"Why?" Weiwei asked incredulously, "If this island disappears, what will happen to the people who live here?"

"Either find a way to save the island, or leave here before then." Franky said, "The sea train built by Mr. Tom will provide everyone with a way to evacuate at any time."

Tom nodded approvingly, proudly, even though the Tom Franky was talking about wasn't him.

Compared with taking a boat, taking the sea train is obviously faster and safer. When it is a last resort, you can even pass through the gods of water and leave the island forcibly. However, just as several people in Tom's Studio love this city deeply, most of them will not choose to leave until the end.

"The food is ready!"

"it is done!"

Sister Fangfang sang and yelled, pushed out the dining car and began to set up tables. Everyone put aside the heavy topic for a while and sat down one by one, laughing and starting to eat.

The Franky family's banquet was extremely noisy. The opening ceremony was Franky's perverted dance, and he sang and danced. Fang Fang sisters and a group of younger brothers consciously went to accompany the dance, and even the lighting was specially coordinated.

Obviously it is the old lair of a part-time bounty hunter in a shipbreaking yard, but after the quarrel, it is like a mob of demons dancing wildly, and no one will believe it if it is a pirate.

After an eye-catching performance, Frankie took out a ukulele from nowhere and insisted on performing a "Song of Friendship and Gratitude". Zangao and the group applauded loudly.

There was a little accident during the performance. Frankie was playing and playing, and one of the ukulele's strings suddenly broke, making a "jump~~~" sound.

"Ho~~~" Tom gasped, covered his beard, and the whole cat bounced off the chair, flew backwards, and hit a big cat-shaped hole in the wall.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on in Tom's little head.

Franky asked: "What happened to the cat with the same name as Mr. Tom?"

Zhang Da also looked at the broken string in Franky's hand, and knew that Tom probably had PTSD caused by Jerry's uncle: "It must have been frightened by the sound of the broken string. Go on, I'll go find him. That wall... ..."

Franky pointed to himself: "Don't worry about the wall!"

"That's right." A top boatman is here, so there is no need to worry about this at all, so Zhang Da also squeezed out of the hole that Tom knocked out. The elasticity of the hole made the Frankie family a little suspicious their own eyes.

Franky gestured twice at the entrance of the cave, and asked, "Mr. Tatsuya...what's the reason? A devil fruit capable person?"


Zhang Da also followed the big hole that Tom knocked out and chased him out of Erli.

When he found Tom, he was leaning against a wall, covering his beard around his mouth with one hand, and pressing his beating heart with the other. Tom didn't relax until he saw Zhang Daye's face clearly.

"Okay, okay, no one here is going to pull your beard, it's okay." Zhang Da also stroked Tom's head for a while to calm him down, and followed Zhang Da back.

After walking a few steps, the sky suddenly darkened, the air became a little stuffy, and the sky was covered with dark clouds at some point.

A gust of cool wind blew by, Zhang Daye and Tom, who were looking up at the sky, narrowed their eyes, and then two drops of rain fell on their faces.

Tom tactfully took out the umbrella, and Zhang Da also tactfully put Tom on his shoulder.

It rained harder and harder, and the wind blew harder and harder, and Tom had to tilt the umbrella in front of him in order to hold it steady.

It stands to reason that this little resistance is nothing to Zhang Da, but today he walked with great difficulty.

Until there was a whoosh, the umbrella in Tom's hand was completely overturned. Thanks to Zhang Da, he grabbed Tom's feet and kept him from being blown away by the wind, but the umbrella surface went with the wind.

The clothes on the two of them were soaked by the torrential rain in an instant, so they simply went back to Frankie's house in the rain.

"Huh? It's been repaired, so fast?" Zhang Da, who wanted to go back the same way, also found that the cat-shaped hole in the wall had been repaired, and there were almost no traces of repair. This workmanship was almost as good as Tom's.

Frankie waved at them: "Hey, it looks like you've been drenched miserably."

"Ah~" Tom sneezed.

Zhang Da also said, "Yes, can I borrow the bathroom?"

"The bathroom is over here."


One of the Fangfang sisters pointed in the direction, and the other simply opened the door for her.

Zhang Da also took Tom into the bathroom, and soon he poked his head out and said to Ye Yan, "This is performance art, a walker in the rain."

Ye Yan looked at him with squinted eyes: "Are you despising my IQ? You just want to trick me out into the rain with just one word?"

Two minutes later, the members of Franky's House complained loudly: "Aren't you going out now!?"

Ye Yan looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, letting the rain slide down his cheeks: "It's different, just now he tried to trick me out, but now I came out because of my own inspiration."

Frankie took a sip of Coke: "What a weirdo."

Zanbai waved his hands together with the other younger brothers: "Brother, you have no right to criticize others."


Ye Yan was still mad outside, Zhang Daye and Tom curled up on the sofa wrapped in bath towels, each holding a cup of hot tea in their hands, Zhang Da also asked, "How long will this rain last?"

Franky said: "If it is long, it will take two days, if it is short, it will be one day. When the rain stops, this year's Water Gods will end."

"That's really inconvenient." Zhang Da originally wanted to help them, such as splitting and blasting the tsunami together.

But the situation Franky said was unrealistic. The waves were coming from all directions, and it was meaningless to split one or two for more than a day.

Moreover, the sinking of the most troublesome island has nothing to do with them. Should they go to Uncle Yixiao and ask him to put a few meteorites under the island?

The banquet ended quickly, and the Franky family felt that the banquet ended very quickly this time. It seemed that there was only a little food left after the performance. Who stole it while the others were dancing?

I can't figure out why, so I don't want to think about it. Anyway, I had a good time today, and nothing else matters. Unexpectedly, the big men of the Amber Tour Group have no airs!

"Uncle Long, what's the matter?" Rui Mengmeng saw Jackie Chan's uneasy look.

Jackie Chan frowned and said, "It always feels like we've forgotten something important."

Ye Yan wiped his hair with a towel: "What important things do we have, isn't it just that we can't go out to play these two days?"

"That's right." Jackie Chan said, "Let's think about where to stay at night. Do you want to stay overnight?"

Perona didn't like the Franky House very much, and said, "No, I'll go back to my own room on the Amber."

"Alright." Zhang Da also said, "Then don't bother them, let's go back to the Amber."

Everyone was silent for a while.


The Amber is still in the bay on the north side of Hulk Island, and the situation doesn't look good in terms of height.

Nine people, two cats and one duck swished out of Franky's House, and hurried towards Hulk Island.

A minute later, everyone turned back and stared blankly at the familiar boat in the bay in the rain.

Shark Pepper asked, "Did the Franky family help drive here?"

Rui Mengmeng said: "No, they all came back together, and I didn't see anyone going out during the banquet."

"Let's go up and have a look first." Zhang Da also had a guess, "See if there is any obvious damage. When the rain stops, please ask Frankie to do a comprehensive overhaul."

Everyone boarded the boat one after another and checked the hull inside and out.

Zhang Da also patted the mast: "Sorry for accidentally ignoring you, it won't be like this next time."

The statue on the bow hangs its tongue, so tired, so scary, it doesn’t feel like it is usually controlled by everyone, it’s really scary to face the continuous big waves, and it’s not the stupid cat that likes surfing , Such a big tsunami was really frightening to death.


The rain gradually became lighter, but there was still no intention of stopping after it rained all night, so everyone had to move around in the cabin. Fortunately, the space inside the cabin is not small, and there is also a special training room for everyone to complete daily exercises.

After breakfast, Jackie Chan wanted to dive down because he was curious about the towns hundreds of years ago that Franky said.

Shark Pepper was worried that the bad weather would be dangerous, so he simply drove the giant shark to take Uncle Long to dive.

So Weiwei also followed. As a little girl full of adventurous spirit, diving with a shark giant is quite attractive to her, especially when eating devil fruit is destined to miss swimming.

Jackie Chan originally disagreed, but with Shark Chili's assurance, he was still relieved.

The rest were sitting in the small bar on the boat, holding hot soup, hot tea, and hot cocoa brought by Tom and Rui Mengmeng, reading books, playing chess, and cheating.

In such inclement weather, it is very comfortable to be able to gather and entertain and relax indoors in the warmth.

"I have learned." Xia Lulu suddenly put down her teacup and floated in mid-air.

Everyone was wondering what she had learned, only to see the wings on Xia Lulu's back spread out and became bigger, and then folded in front of her body to wrap her body.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of white light flashed, and the little white cat turned into a beautiful girl with white hair about the same height as Wendy, with white cat ears on her head, and a cat tail with a bow tie dangling behind her.

"Xia Lulu! You succeeded!" Wendy happily held Xia Lulu's hand. She knew that Xia Lulu had been working hard to learn transformation magic. Seeing her success, she felt happy for her from the bottom of her heart.

Zhang Da also keenly noticed that Xia Lulu seemed to be taller than Wendy after she transformed.

"Hey, hey? Can it still be like this?" Perona circled around Xia Lulu in surprise, and wanted to pinch her ears curiously, "So cute!"

Ye Yan held his chin, is this a goblin? The kind that can freely transform into a human form, but it doesn't seem to have any evil spirit. This is not important, the important thing is is this considered performance art?

"It's really cute." Rui Mengmeng noticed Xia Lulu's ears and asked, "Xia Lulu, you have four ears now, can you hear all of them?"

"Huh?" Xia Lulu didn't pay attention to this problem, she reached out to touch the cat ears on the top of her head, "It's all right, my hearing has also become much stronger now."

Everyone was watching the beautiful girl with cat ears in surprise. Only Tom was a little disappointed. Why did a good cat turn into a human? Obviously, the appearance of a cat is cuter.

"This will increase my strength a lot, and I will be able to fight side by side with Wendy in the future!" Xia Lulu happily clenched her fists, and decided that in addition to improving her magic power, she would also learn kung fu from Uncle Long.

After looking around for a while, Zhang Da also found a blind spot. Xia Lulu was wearing clothes similar to a neon school uniform, with a shirt, coat, and tie on her upper body, and a short skirt and black silk on her lower body.

Of course this is not important, what is important is that the clothes she wore before the transformation were the same as now, but much, much smaller!

Zhang Da also said excitedly: "Xia Lulu, teach me this trick!"

"Pfft!" Ye Yan laughed, "Do you want to transform into a beautiful girl with cat ears?"

"Get out!" Zhang Da also said, "I just want to learn how to make clothes bigger!"

The super shape change can make him grow up to three meters high, but the clothes will not change accordingly, so once he transforms, the clothes will be stretched, which is very inconvenient and shameful.

If you can learn Xia Lulu's magic, you don't have to worry about this problem in the future!

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