Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 411 Brigadier General Virgo (4000 words)

"Miss Tina? I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing recently? How is Mr. Zefa? Is Smoker still so weak?" Zhang Da also doesn't know what Tina's military rank is now, so he can only For the time being, I will be called Ms.

The phone bug suddenly began to imitate Smoker's face, and said angrily, "Hey, I'm listening!"

"Ha, that sounds just right, so it won't count as saying bad things about you behind your back." Zhang Da also said with a smile, "By the way, do you want to buy cigars? There aren't many special cigars in stock."

"No need, I have a serious business with you this time." Smoker refused. That kind of cigar tastes good, but he can't afford it. One hundred thousand Baileys is too dark.

It's worthless if you don't buy it, Zhang Da also said mercilessly: "Forget it, let's let Miss Tina talk about the business, her voice is much better than yours."

"You bastard..."

"Hehe..." Tina chuckled and pushed Smoker away, "Thanks for your concern, Teacher Zefa has been very energetic recently, and is now preparing for the next training session of the students."

"next episode?"

"Yes, Smoker and I have both successfully graduated, and thanks to you, we were awarded the rank of captain right after graduation. Tina is very grateful." Tina knew that this was related to the hundreds of Baroque jobs Whiskey Hill received. The agency agent is inseparable from the matter. Although those people were not arrested by them themselves, they were always in the spotlight.

"That's really congratulations." Zhang Da actually doesn't know what it means to become a captain after leaving the training camp, but judging from Tina's reaction, it should be pretty good, "Then what is Smoker talking about just now? "

"It's about Gaya Island. We are responsible for escorting pirates to Gaya Island this time." Tina said, "Besides, Marshal Warring States plans to build a naval branch there, and we will lead people to investigate nearby Condition."

"Establish a naval branch? Are you two going to be the base chief?"

"No, the qualifications of the two of us are still far behind, and we are only responsible for assisting in the establishment of the branch." Tina said, "The head of the base is Brigadier General Virgo transferred from the G-5 branch of the New World."

"Oh..." Zhang Da also felt that it was unreliable for the captain to be the head of the base, but the brigadier general sounded familiar, so he asked, "Who did you just mention?"

"Brigadier General Virgo." Tina thought that Zhang Da also felt that the rank of brigadier general was not enough to be the base chief, so she introduced it specially:

"Although Commodore Virgo only joined the navy four years ago, he has always been very active. One year later, he was transferred to the G-5 branch of the New World. He made a lot of contributions in such a harsh environment, so he was able to He rose to the rank of brigadier general in just four years."

"You seem to know him very well." Zhang Da could also hear the admiration in Tina's tone, but... that guy is an undercover agent, hey!

"Actually, I have never met Commodore Virgo, but I know from his resume that he is a very powerful navy, and I heard that he is powerful, humble, and approachable. He is enough to be the base commander. Tina is looking forward to it. .”

Zhang Da also said: "If he is such an excellent person, I am looking forward to meeting this brigadier general."

Although he knew that Virgo was an undercover agent sent by Doflamingo to the Navy, Zhang Da didn't know how to expose it, after all, it was totally groundless. And he is now a Commodore, so he can't directly resort to tough methods.

After thinking about it, Zhang Da also decided to put it aside for the time being. Anyway, before Doflamingo has any important missions, Virgo will do nothing. At most, he is just stealing information and will not be harmful to the residents of this island for the time being.

Next, Zhang Da also confirmed her itinerary with Tina, and asked her to help apply for a few sets of Hailoushi handcuffs. There were only two sets in hand, which were not enough at critical moments.

Zhang Da also hung up the phone, and said to Ye Yan and Wendy, "I'm going to stay here for a few more days. It just so happens that Shark Pepper asked those pirates. It will take four days for the records of Gaya Island to be fully stored."

Of course, these four days still have to be used for cultivation. Although I said stubbornly in front of the pirates that my aunt would not be afraid when she came, but in fact it is still a bit troublesome to start a full-scale war.

The high-end combat power is okay, but the real trouble is that the aunt has about a hundred children. Although not all of them are very strong, the mid-level combat power is so much that it makes one's scalp tingle, and there may be a danger of reducing the number of staff if you rush to the top .

Therefore, exercise must not be left behind.

When the purchasing team returned, there were several more fruit mountains along the coast, and everyone gathered around the fruit mountains to sort the fruits hard.

Put the ones that are easy to preserve first, and the ones that are not easy to preserve can be stuffed into Artoria's mouth, or handed over to Tom to squeeze the juice and feed it to Karoo.

However, until the end of the screening, Karoo had already drank the fruit juice to his full capacity, and no one could find any fruit with special patterns.

"Quack~" Karu lay sideways on the ground and raised a wing, indicating that he really couldn't drink anymore.

"Karoo!" Weiwei touched Kalu's stomach worriedly, and looked at Wendy for help.

"He's just drunk, and he'll be fine in a while." Wendy said, "If it's relieved, do you want to induce vomiting?"

Kalu jumped up with a 'croak', covered his mouth with his wings in horror, and shook his head desperately. I managed to drink so much of such delicious juice, how could I spit it out casually!

"Karu~" Weiwei put her hands on her hips, there was nothing she could do about him.

Tom patted Karoo on the back, pointed to the sea surface, and asked him to exercise to digest.

Karoo nodded, and quickly ran to the shore, stretched his wings up to the top of his head, plunged down, and then swam freestyle with the standard posture taught by Tom.

Tom nodded in satisfaction, and Weiwei sighed helplessly, forget it, seeing how energetic he is, he must be fine.

"Boss, there doesn't seem to be any." Rui Mengmeng put away the last fruit

"It seems that luck is not so good." Speaking of luck, Zhang Da also looked at Artoria who was eating fruit happily, and felt that maybe her luck was at work, after all, delicious fruit turned into unpalatable The devil fruit is too wasteful.

Arturia noticed Zhang Daye's gaze, thought he was disappointed, and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, Daye, at least the fruits you bought are delicious."

While talking, she also stuffed a peach into Zhang Daye's hand: "Try this, it's very sweet."

The matter of searching for the dark fruit came to an end for the time being, and Zhang Da was not too disappointed. Anyway, Ye Yan didn't have to have the help of the dark fruit to transform, so let him practice slowly. In this regard, Zhang Da can also provide Ye Yan with some motivation, for example, he will be more aggressive in the next sparring session.


In the early morning of the next day, Tom and Zhang Da also sat up together, stretched and yawned together, instead of being crushed into cat cake.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, then walked sleepily towards the bathroom.

"Morning Wendy, Xia Lulu." Zhang Da also saw Wendy and Xia Lulu who also got up at this time.

Tom didn't even take off his nightcap, and waved casually as a greeting.

"Good morning Brother Tatsuya, good morning Tom!" Wendy was very energetic.

"Morning." Xia Lulu asked, "Why are you two so lethargic?"

"Haha~" Zhang Da also yawned, "I was bored last night, I told Tom a ghost story, and then he was so scared that he shook for half the night, which made me sleep well."

Tom half-closed his eyes and didn't show any embarrassment, because he was still in a state of fugue, and basically didn't pay attention to what Zhang Da was talking about.

"It's your fault, right?" Xia Lulu complained, "Don't you know that Tom is afraid of ghosts?"

"Yes, but I also know that Tom likes to listen to ghost stories." Zhang Da also said that this is because Tom is good at cooking and loves to play.

Of course, Zhang Da also laughed happily when Tom was scared. If he didn't sleep well, it was the joy that gave birth to sorrow, and it was his own fault. When the two of them are fine, they always help each other.

The four walked into the bathroom together and stood in a row in front of the sink. Tom and Xia Lulu needed to step on a stool. Zhang Da also squeezed toothpaste for Tom and Wendy squeezed toothpaste for Xia Lulu.

The two cats looked at the mirror neatly and began to brush their teeth. In the mirror, their mouths were filled with white foam, which made them very happy.

"Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... 噗~" Even the movement of throwing up the mouthwash and spitting out the mouthwash at the end was the same.

After washing up, Tom went straight to the kitchen. At this time, Rui Mengmeng had almost prepared the ingredients, and it was enough for the two of them to cook breakfast together.

One of Wendy and Xia Lulu was responsible for waking Perona up, and the other was responsible for helping Weiwei drag Kalu out of the kennel.

The two big households on board who had trouble getting up had to make a fuss almost every day when they got up, and occasionally they would make a fuss about going back to sleep.

Of course, Artoria doesn't need to worry about everyone, she has already finished washing, and she should be carefully braiding her somewhat complicated hairstyle in front of the mirror in her room.

Although sometimes she comes out with her hair loose, or simply tied a ponytail, but more often Arturia still spends some time braiding her hair. For her, being able to do such things leisurely means that her current life is very important. calm.

Uncle Long had already woken up a long time ago, and was wearing loose training clothes. Facing the rising sun, he was slowly punching and breathing on the deck. According to him, this time was the most suitable for practicing 'Qi'.

Shark Pepper also practiced with Uncle Long for a while, but he felt that this kind of kung fu was not suitable for him, so he still spent more energy on studying murloc karate.

Zhang Da also greeted the two of them, and climbed into the observation room to replace Ye Yan. After all, this island is called the Island of Pirates, so there should be some precautions. It's just that you don't have to be as nervous as when you are at sea.

When the newspaper delivery gull flew over, Zhang Da also took out the prepared coins and exchanged it for a newspaper. It is very necessary to understand what is happening in the world.

"There doesn't seem to be any major events happening recently." Zhang Da also quickly flipped through the newspaper, and there was no major news just by looking at the headlines.

The absence of big news does not mean that the sea is calm, and there are still many chaotic little things.

For example, a certain pirate group swears allegiance and becomes a pirate group under the red-haired Shanks.

For example, the Wufeng Pirates suffered pressure from all sides after their "disastrous defeat" against the Red Hair Pirates, and their sphere of influence has shrunk.

For example, the BIG MOM pirates wiped out a small country. The reason is unknown, but according to people familiar with the matter, it may be because they did not hand in enough snacks on time.

For example, the most beautiful woman in the world, the Pirate Empress, appeared somewhere, and those who saw her and were obsessed with her beauty all turned into stone.

What interested Zhang Da the most was an inconspicuous article in the newspaper, which said that more and more people went to sea in the name of tour groups, expeditions, hunting pirates, etc. in the four seas. Some will hang the pirate's flag.

The author speculates that this may have something to do with the increasingly famous amber tour group. They provide a new way of thinking for young people who have dreams, like adventures, and long for fame—it turns out that you can go around without being a pirate. Traveling can also be successful.

Many of them hoped to have the opportunity to join the Amber Tour Group, and many even became fans of the Amber Tour Group, insisting on reading newspapers every day just to find stories about them.

Among them, Artoria has the largest fan base. With her strong strength and temperament of killing both men and women, many people think that the world's number one beauty should be replaced.

Zhang Da also folded the newspaper with a smile: "This is interesting."

What he was talking about was not about the fans, but about the fact that the original pirate reserve team became a tour group. It seemed that he accidentally added a bit of trouble to the "Great Pirate Era".


The navy's warship arrived at Gaya Island in the afternoon, and a total of five ships, one large, four small, arrived.

Tina and Smoker are leading the team on the large warship, and the students on the small warship are all students from the same period of Tina and Smoker, who are all familiar faces to Zhang Daye—they practiced in Whiskey Hill Time to beat.

Fortunately, everyone was friendly and did not form any enmity, and they became very acquainted after meeting.

It's just that the time for them to land on the island is not awkward or embarrassing, and Zhang Da can't invite them to dinner, and it's not easy to go to the warship for dinner, so he is a little disappointed.

Tina didn't notice Zhang Daye's little emotions, and after a few pleasantries, she directed her men to go down to receive the pirates:

"It's worthy of you to kill two pirate groups of this size at once, and Tina admires it very much."

Zhang Da also said modestly: "Fortunately, these people chose to add fuel to the tactics and wanted to consume our physical strength. It might be a bit troublesome if everyone went together."

"These people don't look weak, have you become stronger again?" Smoker drank two cigars with a complicated expression.

Zhang Da also said with a smile: "Would you like to have a long-lost competition?"

"I wish for it." Although Smoker has no confidence in winning, he is not a person who will shrink from this kind of thing. He often competes with the strong to become stronger.

"Then wait until you finish your business." Zhang Da also asked, "Where is that Brigadier General Virgo you mentioned?"

"Although the transfer order has been sent out, Brigadier General Virgo still has work to hand over in the G-5 branch, and he will arrive in a few days." Tina said, "Before that, Smoker and I will be fully responsible for the affairs here."

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