Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 409 The pig hit the tree, did you hit the pig? (4000 words)

Jackie Chan was dumbfounded: "This prophecy...is completely accurate, but it is far from it. To a certain extent, it is really amazing."

A blush appeared on Xia Lulu's face, but the completely correct result was interpreted beyond recognition by her, it was so embarrassing.

"Great, Xia Lulu!" Wendy squatted down with a smile on her face, "This way, I don't have to worry as much as I did at the beginning."

"Stop talking, Wendy." Xia Lulu blushed even more. Fortunately, she was worried like that at first, but it turned out to be because of this, which made her even more embarrassing.

"What's going on? Will Xia Lulu prophesy?" Wei Wei and Karu didn't know what happened.

"Ha!" Perona showed a mischievous expression, put her hand next to her mouth, and put it close to Weiwei's ear, "I'm telling you, I'm telling you, Xia Lulu..."

"Stop talking, Perona!" Xia Lulu spread her wings and flew over, desperately trying to cover Perona's mouth.

Perona dodged and tried to imitate Xia Lulu's appearance at the time: "Hey, hey, that's how Xia Lulu acted at that time...ah, it's so cute..."

"That's not the case! Everyone said stop talking!" Xia Lulu blushed and ran around chasing Perona.

Tom didn't participate in the whole process. He dug a hole on the ground, and after digging for a while, he found Ye Yan's hammer, and threw it like Ye Yan.

Zhang Da also changed his face, and flew out: "Don't play around with this!"

When he landed, he maintained the posture of the goalkeeper throwing himself sideways to save the ball, and his fingers were only two centimeters away from the hammer.

However, the Soul Requiem hammer flew faster than him, and fell to the ground with a thud...nothing happened.

Although the scene was slightly embarrassing, Zhang Da heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Tom would blow up the island if he didn't pay attention.

Tom picked up the hammer and rubbed his fingers on his chin, as if he couldn't figure out how it worked.

Zhang Da also got up and patted the dust on his body: "Okay, don't study it for now. When Ye Yan wakes up, ask him how to use it. After you learn it, you can use it to fry fish."

Tom thought it made sense, raised his smiling face, threw the hammer behind him, and clapped his hands.

"So don't throw it around!" Zhang Da also watched helplessly as the hammer flew into the town in a beautiful arc. Fortunately, there were no explosions or screams in the distance.

"Soul hammer is a magic weapon. Throwing it around will pollute the environment. What if it hits a child? Even if it doesn't hit a child, it's not good if it hits a flower..." Zhang Da also rubbed Tom's cat face while educating him Don't throw things around.

Tom couldn't break free from Zhang Daye's clutches, so he could only wave his arms helplessly to everyone for help.

Arturia is the most loyal, she stood up decisively and tugged at the corner of Zhang Daye's clothes: "Tatsuya, I'm hungry."

Zhang Da also counted the time, it seems that it's getting late, and it's good to celebrate after a 'big battle', he let go of Tom: "Okay, then let's get ready for dinner, I'll wrap it up briefly."

Tom ran quickly into the Amber's galley.

"Are any of the banner demons alive?" Zhang Da also picked up the banner and shook it.

"Yes, yes, boss, please tell me!"

"Trouble to get back the soul hammer, and by the way, look for Ye Yan Zhenfei's unlucky guy."

"Do your job, make sure to complete the task!"

I don't know if it's the reason why I have seen the master, the banner demons are very active today, and after Zhang Da also spoke, he floated non-stop to do things.

Ye Yan is still in a coma, Jackie Chan has already sent him back to the room on the ship, Wendy checked out because of worry, and confirmed that there is nothing wrong, but the mental burden is a bit heavy, and she should be able to wake up soon after she helps relieve it come over.

Not long after, Shark Pepper and Rui Mengmeng also returned to the coast. Shark Pepper carried Mary and Buo Doug, and Rui Mengmeng carried Smooze. Smooze didn't look very good.

Zhang Da also asked: "Why was he beaten so badly, he was so difficult?"

"No, this was actually an accident." Rui Mengmeng said with some embarrassment, "Because he used the ability of slippery fruit, he skated very fast like ice skating, but it was suddenly dark just now, so he couldn't see the road clearly , hit the wall all of a sudden..."

Zhang Da also looked at Smooz with contempt: "The walls of this town are not very strong, are they? Tom hits a hole every time he bumps into the wall, how could he make himself so miserable?"

Rui Mengmeng scratched her hair and explained: "Well, when the sky suddenly turned dark, I accidentally didn't stop and bumped into it, that's why he became like this..."

"...Understood, the pig hit the tree, and you hit the pig." Zhang Da no longer despised this person, but sympathized with him, saying that he was unlucky enough.

"Although it's very vivid to say so, but are you scolding me, boss?"

"Illusion, I have to look for the sniper. I already found the feeling, but I was disturbed by Tom and the dog."

Zhang Da also walked towards the town, but before he could go far, he happened to meet Lu Dashan who had come back from the town. He was holding a soul hammer in his left hand, and a comatose person was on his right shoulder. Judging by the 'sound', It was the sniper Preses that Zhang Da was also looking for.

"What's happening here?"

Lu Dashan said: "When I went to pick up the soul hammer, this guy happened to faint beside me, so I just picked it up by the way."

Zhang Da also looked at Prises, and saw that there was a big red envelope on his forehead, and a few small stars revolved around the red envelope: "Okay, I understand."

At first glance, this style of painting is a good thing that Tom did. He co-authored someone Zhang who had been looking for someone for a long time, and Tom was knocked unconscious when he threw trash, right? Thank you very much Tom for sharing his worries and solving problems. It's a pity that such a good knowledgeable partner has been practiced.

Now everyone who should be arrested has been caught, and Zhang Da also started to contact the navy headquarters. After all, these are two large-scale pirate groups, with 20 pirate ships and nearly a thousand pirates. It is not too much to contact the headquarters directly.

Although these pirates are a bit good, the bounties add up to hundreds of millions. In addition, this operation can be regarded as inexplicably saving a small island ruled by pirates. Let the navy decide how to deal with it. They can't stay here as bodyguards forever.


The incident this time was not a small one. The operator of the Navy headquarters quickly reported Zhang Daye's matter to Zhang Daye. After receiving the report, Zhan Guo frowned.

His old comrade-in-arms happened to be present today. The good news is that this person is not Karp but Lieutenant General He. She asked, "What's the matter, is there anything embarrassing?"

"It's a little troublesome, but it's not too difficult." Warring States handed the report to Lieutenant General He, "It's about the amber tour group again, but it's much simpler than last time."

Lieutenant General He read the report at a glance, and said: "If this is troublesome, I hope those little guys will cause more trouble."

"It's not that I hate them. How should I put it..." Sengoku squeezed his brows, "The last Crocodile incident just passed, and this time it involved an island occupied by pirates. I feel that I have been dealing with and dealing with pirates every day recently. Regarding their matters, am I the admiral of the navy or their logistics minister?"

"Hehehe... How can the admiral of the navy complain that he catches pirates too often?" Lieutenant General He smiled gently, "So, what do you plan to do with that island?"

Warring States thought for a while and said: "Let's take this opportunity to establish a branch. It just so happens that there is no branch on that route. At that time, Mogu Town will be directly under the jurisdiction of the navy. Residents can avoid 'that' by paying a little tax. With a branch In the future, there will be more exchanges of merchant ships, and the life of residents will not be a problem by then."

Admiral He reminded: "The world government..."

"It was originally an island abandoned by the world government, and there is only one small town. They don't care about it." Warring States said, "Just think about what to do with this report, and tell them in a subtle way that there is no profit because the pirates have been entrenched for a long time, and then , it would be better to have a little more strategic significance..."

"If it's really strategic, it won't be abandoned until now." Lieutenant General He shook her head, but she saw Zhan Guo's seriousness, and said, "Forget it, I'll go back and analyze it carefully. After all, this route is just right. With one Shichibukai missing, today is different from the past, and some changes are natural."

"Thank you, Ahe."

"You are the one who has worked hard." Lieutenant General He knew that it was less than half a year since Zhan Guo took office, and troubles came one after another. Although most of them should be regarded as good things for the navy, the pressure on Zhan Guo is really not small .

Warring States looked at the back of Lieutenant General He leaving, and felt a little relieved in his heart. It would be a lot easier to have a reliable old comrade in arms. It would be great if that old bastard Garp could be as reliable as Ah He.

"I must be crazy." Warring States brow quietly, he actually expects Garp to help him do these things, it must be because of too many things and too much pressure recently, that old bastard, if he says he will take a vacation, he will take a vacation, and don't think about it when he comes back this time !

After thinking for a while, Zhan Guo dug out a file bag, which contained the materials and evaluations of the current training camp students submitted by Zefa.

The one on the top is of course Tina, the best student of this period. She is excellent in terms of ability, physical skills, culture, and tactics. Satisfied him.

Turning down a few pages is Smoker, who always takes two cigars in his mouth when taking pictures on this kind of information, with a hooligan look on his face. Although her grades in all aspects are no worse than Tina's, it's not pleasing no matter how people look at her.

According to the original results, Zefa's evaluation of Smoker might be a little lower, but since he was beaten by the amber regiment in turn, he has also restrained a little bit. Needless to say, he has worked hard to develop his abilities. Zefa is a little relieved that the practice of art is getting more and more attentive.

"They are the ones who will form the branch this time." Warring States took out the materials of Tina and Smoker, "Smog boy, let's put it here to train for a while before we talk about it."


Zhang Da is also not idle here. Apart from the most important meal (crossed out) and exercise, he is also busy finding people.

The three unlucky ones, Midnight, Alifu, and Aliphant, were blown away by Ye Yan's soul hammer in the master form for several kilometers. This is all money and cannot be wasted.

So the shark chili, the Chaochao shark, and Tom who was curious to join in the fun, the three fished for a long time before bringing him back.

Midnight, the main target of the attack, was already cold when it was caught, while the two brothers Arifu and Ariphant were still unconscious.

According to the Banner Demons, the Soul Requiem Hammer used by their beloved master in the form of the Lord of the Night is a real "soul repression". Although these two unlucky people were only affected, their souls were still injured.

Because Ye Yan may wake up at any time, the banner demons added a lot of meaningless nonsense such as 'Master Niu B' and 'Master is invincible', and they also competed for 'guarding in front of the master's bed so that the master wakes up. First Sight's right to fight, very much in line with their style.

"In short, these two guys can't be saved, right? They can only continue to be in a vegetable state?" Zhang Da managed to extract the key information from a bunch of nonsense.

"Ordinary medical technology can't help, but isn't there Miss Wendy on board..." Suifeng Er took the time to answer, and was then pulled back to the battle group to continue the fight.

"You can find Wendy, it's a rare textbook." Zhang Da didn't bother with this group of treasures anymore, he planned to ask Teacher Wendy to teach on the spot. It's a rare case of a soul injury, so it would be a pity not to take the opportunity to learn.

"Ah, by the way, there is one more important thing to do!" Zhang Da also found Rui Mengmeng, took out a few stacks of Baileys, "Mengmeng, go and buy all the fruits in Mogu Town!"

Rui Mengmeng took the money and confirmed, "All?"

"Well, I'm wondering if Midnight is dead, will the dark fruit regenerate nearby, just like Weiwei's rustling fruit." Zhang Da also didn't hide his thoughts, he didn't want to eat the devil fruit , but that thing is worth a lot even if it is sold.

Rui Mengmeng nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Jackie Chan said: "Let me help too, I'm afraid you can't do it alone."

Perona also joined in the fun: "I'm going too! I agreed to buy clothes!"

"Go wherever you want. Later, let's go to the forest on the island to see if we can pick some fruit or something. This will be an outing." Zhang Da also waved his hand, "Wendy and I went to see the two injured Bar?"

Wendy nodded obediently: "Yes!"

Zhang Da also took Wendy to the place where these captains and cadres were imprisoned. Out of ten of these guys, five were capable.

Even if one died and the other fell into a coma, Zhang Da only had two sets of Hailoushi handcuffs in total, which was still not enough. In desperation, Zhang Da had no choice but to use his unskilled 'momentary hammer' technique to hit the puppet Doug twenty times in a row.

As for why only knock him, because he chased Tom to bite.

"Huh? Is the soul injured?" Such an injury is rare for Wendy, "I can try it, it should be recoverable."

"Don't have a psychological burden, they are all scum anyway, and it doesn't matter if they can't be cured."

"I will work hard." Wendy is much kinder than Zhang Da. Since she decided to treat her, even her enemies will work hard.

Fa Zhi looked at the actions of Zhang Daye and Wendy, hesitated for a while before mustering up the courage to say: "Excuse me, what do you want to do with us?"

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