Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 398 Telling you to bid farewell to abducting me? (4000 words)

In fact, there is nothing to take care of, Weiwei is not a weak little girl. I just hope that when Cobra finds that his daughter's appetite has increased several times after returning home, she won't bother him.

After leaving Yuba, everyone boarded the Amber and went down the river. Weiwei told everyone about the past of Sasha Group. They even had a secret base, but Weiwei was only willing to tell Wendy and Perona the exact location. Please keep them secret.

In the following time, everyone visited several other cities in Alabasta one after another. When they encountered interesting places, they stayed for a few days, and ordinary places were eaten.

Of course, I didn't let go of the morning and evening exercises every day. This is a must-do homework.

Zhang Da is also not confident enough in his own strength. Recently, he often thinks that if he faces Crocodile alone, he can only pretend that he is weak, and then find an opportunity to give him a hard time.

Otherwise, judging from the ability shown by Crocodile, as long as Lao Sha plays more steadily, he has a high possibility of overturning.

Especially the dust field with a huge coverage, Zhang Da couldn't think of how to deal with it for a while, and the cultivation of perception ability should be accelerated.

Eating, drinking, having fun, exercising, and grabbing the remnants of Baroque along the way, a month passed quickly.

During this month's journey, Weiwei was very "obedient" and did not use herself as a bait, but occasionally went out to buy things secretly by herself, and then Wendy and Perona also ran out quietly, after they went out for a while , Xia Lulu will be bewildered to find that the children are missing, and then report to Uncle Long.

By the time Uncle Long finds them in a hurry, there are usually a few villains lying there. Occasionally, there will be situations where the battle has not yet started, so Uncle Long will decide whether to perform a one-on-one fight ten, or reward them with a few dragon blasts, depending on the degree of danger of the weapons in their hands.

At the very beginning, Bell would come over and circle around for a cup of tea from time to time, but later on he stopped coming, and he had to devote more time to training, because Bell found out sadly that the princess's combat effectiveness may have been reduced. He is above.

A good devil fruit is so unreasonable, it can give people a power that ordinary people can't match. Bell recalled that he was easily knocked down by Mr. 1, and silently increased the amount of training. He didn't want to encounter a strong enemy in the future, but as a guard, he needed the protection of the princess in turn.

Thanks to the amber tour group, Alabasta's port city of Nahana and the oasis city of Elmaru have been attacked by pirates many times in the past month.

Since Crocodile, who was originally stationed here, is gone, many pirates take it for granted that Alabasta is easy to bully. What kind of fighting power can a majestic big country have if it is harmed by a mere Shichibukai?

However, they never expected that this is a country with hundreds of thousands of standing troops. It may not make sense to face people of Crocodile's level, but it is no problem to clean up ordinary pirates.

Although there were some casualties in the battle, the soldiers did not mean to back down. It was their responsibility to protect the country with their lives. Since then, the heroes of Alabasta are no longer Crocodile, but brave soldiers.

In addition to the pirates who come to plunder wealth, there are also a group of pirates who come for fame.

There are always such a group of people in the world who can't recognize themselves. They always think that the strong people advertised in the newspapers are nothing more than that, they sneer at the achievements of those celebrities, and they always think that those celebrities have not failed because they have not met themselves.

So they came, in order to defeat the amber tour group and become famous in the sea!

Then they knelt down, and they didn't even pass the level of Falcon Bell and Jackal Jaka.

Thanks to the amber tour group, Bell and Jaca have experienced many dangerous battles recently, and their strength has abruptly improved.

When he went with Wendy to rescue the two of them, Zhang Da even wondered whether the two people were not very eye-catching in the original novel, because they were always being robbed by Crocodile, so they couldn't develop.

"Ahem..." Bell, who was out of danger, looked at Zhang Daye excitedly, "Mr. Daye, I seem to understand the power of domineering that you mentioned!"

"So fast?" Zhang Da was also a little surprised. He should have talked with Bell half a month ago about the experience of armed domineering - it is guaranteed to be his own experience, although there is a million points of overlap with the things given by the navy. But that can only be said to mean that the heroes see the same thing.

I didn't expect Bell to realize it so quickly.

"At that time, I thought I had stepped into the kingdom of heaven with one foot..." Bell raised a hand, recalling the feeling at that time, "But when the enemy was about to give me the final blow, I crushed him with my bare hands The long knife! Then, finally defeated him!"

It is understood between life and death, which seems quite reasonable, and the pirates in the new world seem to have mastered domineering in a series of death battles.

There is great terror between life and death. Some people only care about fear, but some people capture the fleeting vitality with fighting spirit. This kind of experience is something that people like Sauron who are not afraid of death play. Zhang Da is not envious at all, it is best to learn skills in peace.

"Congratulations, remember that feeling well, and you should be proficient soon after practicing more." Zhang Da also suggested, "You can practice in the way of playing Weiwei's brains, and when you can hit her as you like. In time, you will become stronger!"

"Please don't make this kind of joke..." Bell had a bitter face. He had been guilty for a long time when he slapped the princess in a fit of anger, and he still slapped his head. Bell was afraid that Icarem would blow his head first. , Armed color can't protect him!

When Bell and Jaca's injuries were almost healed, Zhang Da also went to see the king: "There have been so many disturbances during this period, it's time for us to leave."

"In such a hurry?" Cobra was a little reluctant. He originally thought that the amber tour group was just good at fighting, but after a long time, he found that these people were all talents.

Zhang Daye, Rui Mengmeng, Ye Yan, and Jackie Chan are all from modern society. Although they may not know specific government affairs, everyone can give some interesting suggestions when talking about how to govern a city. Even if one of the classmates named Ye Yan is a scumbag, his vision and intelligence cannot be faked, and his words often hit the nail on the head.

Cobra felt that each of these people had good knowledge, at least more than enough for him to be a minister.

And the one named Arturia was amazing. After chatting for a while, Cobra actually felt that this young female knight might have really been a king! But it's absurd to be a king at this age!

These days Weiwei has also learned a lot from them, which makes Cobra very pleased. Now he very much hopes that the Amber Tour Group will simply disband and stay in Alabasta.

"We still have our journey to go." Zhang Da also said with a smile, "Maybe I'll come here to rest when I'm tired from playing. Just don't hold it against me then."

In fact, Alabasta’s special delicacies have been tasted all over, and various characteristic animals have also suffered a lot. Sea cats are people’s "protected animals" and it is difficult to start.

In addition, a few days ago, a kung fu manatee beat Tom after being provoked by Tom on the coast, and then all the kung fu manatees were chased to the bottom of the sea by Tom and beat them up.

Since the manatees will learn from their masters after losing the kung fu competition, so now the manatees are all Tom's apprentices, and everyone can't talk anymore.

Speaking of which, Tom imitated Uncle Long and led a group of kung fu manatees to practice boxing at the beach, especially when all the manatees had big red envelopes on their heads.

"Well, Alabasta welcomes you at any time." Cobra looked towards a certain direction in the palace, "I'm afraid Weiwei will be sad for a while."

"They should already be saying goodbye, right?" Zhang Da had already asked Perona and Wendy to talk to Weiwei alone.

Cobra suddenly had an ominous premonition that he had to keep a close eye on Vivi when they set sail.

The preparations for the voyage were actually done yesterday. The food that is suitable for carrying has already been investigated these days, and it is enough to buy it back according to the plan list.

In fact, Weiwei already had a premonition when she saw them purchasing these things, but she was still very sad when she parted, and locked herself in the room angrily when she failed to retain them.

The crowd couldn't continue to wait when they called for the door in turn but failed, so they had to sail away from the port under the see-off of the king, Icarem and others.

Cobra watched the shadow of the boat going away and suddenly his eyelids twitched, and said: "Icarem, please contact Tiragoda and let her see if Weiwei is still in the room, the second window sill in my room There's a spare key pressed under the flower pot in front."

"You mean...cough, well~" Ikalem thought of something and said in shock, "No way?"

"Others might not dare, but Weiwei..." Cobra squeezed her temples, and said with some headaches, "Anyway, let her go and have a look first, Bell, you go after her immediately!"

"Yes!" Bell immediately spread his wings and flew out.

After Icarem made the phone call, he had a sad face: "Too bad, there was only one pillow stuffed in the quilt on the princess's bed, and a hole was punched in the ground under the bed. Judging from the little sand remaining at the hole, it was probably caused by the use of abilities. typed out..."

"Sure enough, is the ability of the rustling fruit used in this way?" Cobra smiled wryly. Mr. Tatsuya once said that this ability can help dig wells, and now he believes it. If Crocodile knew that his ability was used in such a place... I hope he can smile.


On the other side, the Amber sailed slowly out of the Santo River and into the sea. The long-lost sea breeze was blowing on her body, which seemed to blow away the summer heat in Alabasta.

Everyone has adjusted from the parting mood and resumed their exercise.

Perona actually did push-ups very hard, doing hundreds of them in a row, without crying out for bitterness or tiredness.

Zhang Da also looked at her, and said helplessly, "Have you played enough?"

Perona tilted her head and looked at Zhang Daye suspiciously, as if she didn't know what he was talking about.

Zhang Da also mobilized his true energy and punched her on the head. With a pop, 'Perona' dispersed into three negative ghosts and disappeared slowly.

"Why did you find out? It's exactly the same as me!" Perona's voice came out from the cabin, and the real Perona came out, with a bit of cream and cake crumbs sticking to the corner of her mouth, apparently hiding in the cabin and eating.

"The acting skills are terrible. How can you do more than a hundred push-ups in one go if you are so lazy, and you even came to perform in front of me." Zhang Da also flicked her forehead, "You developed this ghost avatar for Am I being lazy under my nose?"

"If it's not for laziness, why are you working so hard these days..." Perona muttered in a low voice.

Just when Zhang Da was about to say something more, Jackie Chan's exclamation came from the cabin again: "Vivi! Karu! Why are you here!"

"No way?" Everyone on the deck looked at each other, only Perona and Wendy looked guilty.

A moment later, Jackie Chan held Weiwei's back collar in one hand, and Karoo's nape in the other—I don't know why the nape of the running duck can have the same function as a cat.

"Hey..." Weiwei tried her best to raise her small face and smiled embarrassedly, "Brother Tatsuya, and everyone, I sneaked out!"

"Gah!" Kalu tried to raise his wings to respond.

Rui Mengmeng was shocked for a while, and asked: "Will you be wanted for kidnapping the princess?"

Shark Pepper said: "Probably yes, this is really a big surprise."

"Huh? No way!" Weiwei waved her hands anxiously, "I'll use the phone bug to contact my father when we go a little further away!"

Jackie Chan said seriously: "That's not okay, your father will be very worried."

"What does it matter if you just go on a trip for a while! Didn't you agree with me to act together with everyone?" Weiwei clasped her hands together and looked at Jackie Chan with big eyes without blinking, "I beg you, Uncle Long!"

It's a pity that Uncle Long's resistance to the little girl's cuteness is already full, and he refused without hesitation: "No, it was in Alabasta before, and now we are going far away, and we don't know when we will come back. Tatsuya, shall we turn around?"

Weiwei pleaded: "No! It's finally come out!"

"That's right." Perona glanced at Zhang Daye cautiously, and said what he often said. "It's all here..."

Wendy followed up in a low voice: "Yes, yes, brother Tatsuya, we are also reluctant to part with Weiwei."

Zhang Da also rewarded the two of them with a sword in hand, annoyed and funny: "So this was planned by the two of you, right? I told you to say goodbye and you actually kidnapped someone back?"

Wendy and Perona let out a cry of pain, knelt down covering their heads, and looked at him pitifully.

Zhang Daye's resistance was obviously not full, he chose to change the subject strategically: "Artoria, didn't you notice that the two of them secretly boarded the boat?"

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