Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 395 Nature Department: Rushing Fruit (4200 words)

Once raw and twice cooked, it's not the first time to eat in the palace, everyone should eat and drink.

Tiragota, who is in charge of the kitchen, is Icarem's very husband-wife wife, and she is full of confidence today-because today she has temporarily recruited 20 more chefs.

In addition to the banana crocodile, the special dishes on the table also include the cheating bird that Uncle Long shot down when he was bored. The rest are some common high-quality ingredients, and some vegetables and fruits unique to Alabasta.

For example - edible cactus. There are all kinds of cacti in the desert, among which there are some edible varieties, which taste very good whether they are made into vegetables or squeezed into juice.

At this time, Wendy and Perona were grasping the table with both hands, their gazes were at the same level as a glass of cactus juice, staring at the crystal clear 'juice' in the glass, not daring to try it.

"Is the cactus juice really drinkable?" Perona asked suspiciously, "Will it be as bitter as bitter melon?"

"Maybe it will be as sour as prunes." Wendy showed a terrified expression on her face. She was most afraid of sourness. When she saw someone eating prunes, she couldn't help but want to run away.

"Things that can be used to entertain guests won't taste so strange." Xia Lulu comforted, "Although the color is a bit suspicious."

"Is it really all right, Weiwei? What kind of smell is it?" Wendy and Perona asked Weiwei for confirmation.

"Don't worry, this cactus juice is delicious, I'll show you!" Weiwei picked up the cup and poured it down, without any ladylike demeanor.

And after she finished drinking, there was no more. Weiwei's smile froze suddenly, and the glass fell to the ground with a bang and broke. She covered her mouth in disbelief, and started to retch while leaning on the table a few seconds later. : "It's...so hard to drink!"

"Your Highness, please be careful!" The maid at the side gently pulled Wei Wei away, and hurriedly cleaned up the glass shards on the ground.

After confirming that Weiwei was not injured, Icarem tried hard to put on a straight face and preached: "Princess Weiwei, this is too rude, so... cough, well, even if the juice doesn't suit your taste, you can't throw the glass casually."

"But, this cup is really too bad to drink. It obviously didn't taste like this before!" Weiwei was a little aggrieved. She clearly wanted to prove to her friends that cactus juice is delicious, but now it has become like this. Will she be hated?

But their focus is obviously not here, Wendy asked in fear: "Is it really sour?"

"No, it must be bitter!" Perona reached out to help Wei Wei.

Then, Vivi's arm broke.



"Princess Vivi!"

Cobra, Icarem, and the maids opened their mouths in horror, and then fell into a mess.

Weiwei herself was already stunned. Although she didn't feel any pain, it was scary to watch her arm fall like this.

"Yeah~~~~!" Perona was even more startled, her eyes were almost protruding, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Wendy! Wendy! Hurry up, save Weiwei!"

Before Wendy could answer, Weiwei's arm in Perona's hand shattered into yellow sand and fell to the ground.

Perona burst into tears, knelt on the ground and tried to gather the sand into a pile; "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Zhang Da also looked at the pile of sand on the ground and the uninjured fracture on Weiwei's shoulder, and thought of a possibility in his heart.

Weiwei herself seemed to feel something, her whole body was scattered into a small pile of yellow sand, and then gathered into a human shape again, and the arm naturally returned to her body.

Facing everyone's shocked expressions, Weiwei raised a hand, first it was deserted and then recovered immediately, and said curiously: "Everyone, I seem to be fine, and I got a strange power."

"This is..." Cobra, Bell and the others fell into shock, this ability looked familiar to them.

This time Zhang Da also confirmed: "This is the ability of the nature-type Rusha Fruit!"

Perona stopped crying, and after learning that it was the ability of the devil fruit, she poked Weiwei curiously: "It's amazing, isn't this the ability of Crocodile?"

"Crocodile?" Wei Wei froze for a moment, then said a little unhappy, "Why did I get that kind of person's ability?"

"I heard that after the death of the capable person, the devil fruit will be reborn in a corner of the sea." Bell, who is a capable person, said, "Is the fruit of Crocodile just reborn here, and has it been squeezed into juice? ? That's why Princess Weiwei finds that glass of juice unpalatable..."

Everyone heard what Weiwei said just now, and Bell still remembers the indescribable taste of the devil fruit. He felt a little sympathetic to Weiwei, but it was a glass of juice that was directly poured down.

A devil fruit, only the person who takes the first bite will gain the ability, it doesn't matter whether it is peeled or sliced ​​before that. Now it seems that it can be squeezed into juice, except that no one eats the residue left after the juice is squeezed in advance.

However, Bell also had something he couldn't figure out: "Why did the devil fruit get mixed into the cactus? They were also squeezed into juice together?"

"Maybe it's because the rustling fruit itself looks similar to a cactus." Zhang Da also remembered the official picture of the rustling fruit, which looked like a khaki cactus with small thorns growing on it.

At that time, I was still complaining about how Crocodile was able to remove the mouth. Now it seems that it was probably peeled or juiced.

"Weiwei's luck is good, and so is Perona." Zhang Da was subconsciously envious after knowing the truth, but after thinking about it, it seemed unnecessary.

If a devil fruit was in front of him when he first crossed, he would definitely eat it, but now, he doesn't need it at all. There are still a lot of abilities waiting for him to learn and master in his companions, none of which are worse than Devil Fruits, and there is no need to worry about an extra weakness for no reason, so Devil Fruits just watch the excitement.

Perona asked curiously: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Because if Weiwei hadn't drank the juice first, then you and Wendy would have tasted it curiously." Zhang Da also said, "If Wendy took the first sip it would be okay, but you will ...Boom!"

"Hey~" Perona took a breath, she seemed to have heard that if a capable user eats a second Devil Fruit, it will explode.

"Thank you, Vivi!" Perona gave Vivi a bear hug, but Vivi didn't seem very interested.

"But..." Weiwei's small face was wrinkled into a ball, and her disgust was almost written on her face, "But he used this ability to create sandstorms, hurt everyone, and hurt my father. I don't want this ability!"

"The same ability can be used differently by different people. Crocodile uses it to harm the people, but you can use it to protect the people." Zhang Da also persuaded:

"In addition, Crocodile can use its ability to detect underground water veins, and then manipulate the underground water veins to create quicksand. With this ability, you can easily understand the water veins in Alabasta, from digging pits and wells to planning new cities. and opening up oases can all play a huge role.”

The rustling fruit is very suitable for the ability of Alabasta, a desert country, whether you want to destroy this country or want to build this country.

The dense fruits of the future navy admiral Lvniu Huangmu may also be good, you can raise your hand and create a large forest, but if you open up an oasis in that way, you will put all the responsibilities on one person, which will affect the cohesion On the contrary, it is not good.

As Zhang Da also talked about the advantages of the rustling fruit, Weiwei's eyes became brighter and brighter. She was not very interested in the improvement of combat power, but when she talked about being able to protect everyone, she would have a little motivation. Immediately become excited when making people's lives better.

Looking at her like this, she will be a good queen in the future.

Cobra was very relieved to watch from the sidelines. It doesn't matter whether she has the devil fruit ability or not. The important thing is that Wei Wei has always thought about the people since she was a child, which is the most precious thing.

So Weiwei didn't have any intention of continuing to participate in the next banquet, and hurriedly ran to the garden to study the ability.

Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Perona naturally followed, especially Perona, who acted like a senior to instruct Weiwei on how to develop fruit abilities.

After they left, Icarem, Bell and the others were a little restless, as if they wanted to follow but were worried about being rude.

Zhang Da also smiled and said: "If you are worried, just go and have a look. You are so familiar with it, so don't worry about it."

"Then be rude!" Icarem and Bell hurriedly followed. Crocodile's ability felt very dangerous, and the princess was inexperienced, so it was really worrying not to look at it.

Zhang Da also looked at the extremely calm Jackie Chan: "Won't Uncle Long go and have a look?"

"No need, that Icarem and Bell are very reliable people, it's rare for me to be quiet." Jackie Chan said that occasionally he would not want to take care of his children, he picked up a piece of banana crocodile meat and gnawed it hard Xiang, "Isn't it said that eating a lot can make you stronger? I think I need to exercise my appetite."

Jackie Chan felt that he was not strong enough, and he needed Perona's help to deal with a monster. Although the Dragon Charm gave him a strong ability to attack tough situations, Jackie Chan always felt that making himself stronger was the right way, and he couldn't rely on the spell all the time.

Set a small goal, first surpass Tom in terms of appetite.

I saw Tom put a fish into his mouth casually, chewed it a few times, and took it out by the tail. There was a complete fish bone on the table.

Jackie Chan thought about it, or change the target.

At the end of a banquet, except for the episode where Weiwei suddenly became a capable person, it can be regarded as a good time for both guests and hosts.

Only Tiragota in the kitchen was a little depressed. This time, she obviously found 20 more chefs, so why was she the only one standing in the end?


The next day, everyone got up for morning exercises as usual. The current morning exercise program is first a simple run around Albana, and then they will fight two sets of punches with Uncle Long.

Although kung fu may not be useful to everyone, it is considered a group activity. Even Tom, who doesn't like running, is interested in doing some gestures, probably as radio gymnastics.

Because of the relationship between Wendy and Perona, Weiwei has also been running along these days, but her physical fitness is obviously not good enough. Usually, her good partner Karu will be driving her when she runs less than halfway.

This little running duck is quite cute, sometimes when Weiwei lets it sprint, it will sound like it is sitting down, which makes Weiwei angry and laugh at the same time.

If it wasn't for Weiwei's comparison, Zhang Da wouldn't have known that Perona had improved so much. Although she usually likes to be lazy, she hadn't completely given up on training after all.

Perona's physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary little girls, at least she doesn't have too much pressure to run with everyone. Of course, you should complain or you will complain.

Unlike her, Wei Wei is a very strong and tenacious child. After realizing that she is much worse than Wendy Perona, she strives to break through her limit every day. But today seems to be extraordinarily desperate.

Perona said: "Vivi, if you can't hold on, let Kalu carry you?"

"Quack!" Karu raised his wings to express his agreement. Although he was still young, he had great talent, and long-distance running was no problem.

Weiwei panted with difficulty: "No... I can still... Huh... I can still hold on..."

"Why are you working so hard today?" Perona asked inexplicably. If it was her, she would roll around and beg for a rest when she was tired. Although she was inspired by Wendy's hard work for a while, it only lasted for a few days.

"Because... Bell said that if you want to use your abilities at will... Huh... you need a lot of physical support..."

Everyone understood, because she was eager to develop her abilities and help everyone, so she wanted to improve her physical fitness as soon as possible.

But if Icarem finds out about this, Bell's bird head may be blown off. Is it you who made Princess Vivi work so hard?

"Okay, stop talking, pay attention to breathing, pay attention to the range of arm swing..." Zhang Da also interrupted her, sharing his own experience. A strong child is always likable. If she wants to persist, she should persist. Anyway, Wendy is still there when she is exhausted. Before leaving, just tell her not to increase the amount indiscriminately in the future.

This time Weiwei gritted her teeth and forced herself to run the full distance, feeling that her legs were almost not her own, and almost fell to the ground when she stopped.

But Wendy immediately supported her, used magic to relieve her discomfort, and even helped her recover some strength.

"It's amazing!" Weiwei jumped in surprise, but after regaining her strength, she couldn't sit still, so she simply studied the ability of the rustling fruit in the desert outside Albana.

Everyone watched with great interest for a while, and you told Weiwei about Crocodile's abilities one by one. If you don't learn from existing moves, even if you may not use the same moves in the future, but It's best to practice when you first get the ability.

In addition, everyone also put forward some suggestions for exercising their abilities based on their own ideas and insights, and then went to their own practice. Even Perona was a little stimulated again, and decided to work hard again, this time it is expected to last for several days.

Only the idle and bored Tom found it amusing to see Vivi's ability, and made suggestions to Vivi with gestures. Weiwei felt it made sense and nodded in agreement.

"Quack!" Karoo Duck gave an order, and Tom and Weiwei acted at the same time.

Swish, Weiwei used her abilities to quickly create a simple small sandcastle.

And Tom rubbed out a sandcastle of about the same size with his bare hands, which almost perfectly reproduced the appearance of the main hall of the palace.

"That's good...that's amazing..." With Weiwei's familiarity with the palace, she couldn't fault it at all.

Obviously, the use time is about the same, but in comparison, Tom’s is like a work of art, while mine is just a child’s toy. As long as you can make sand sculptures as fine as Tom’s, it means that you have better control over your abilities. ?

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