Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 391 Desperate situation? Sand field! (4200 words)

The huge lightsaber cut through the dust that filled the sky and waved down, the dazzling golden light seemed to destroy everything in its reach.

"This range... is not good!" Crocodile frowned, "Although I haven't arrived at the place I'm looking for, but... there is no other way!"

Crocodile maintained his elemental state, tried his best to avoid the edge, and at the same time activated his ability: "Desert Sunflower!"

A huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a depth of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the sand. The sand in the pit continued to flow down the slope, but the bottom of the pit seemed to be connected to a funnel, and it did not seem to be filled at all. .

According to Crocodile's theory, the quicksand is caused by the underground water veins sucking the sand down, and he can easily detect the location of the underground water veins, and to a certain extent, he can manipulate this process through his ability.

Crocodile ran so far in order to find an underground water vein that would allow him to maximize his abilities, and then use this move of the desert sunflower to catch them off guard. Bury one or two here.

Although it is not in the best position yet, the situation is urgent, and Crocodile can't take care of that much anymore. If you don't take out the moves at the bottom of the box, you can really only press the bottom of the box.

At the juncture of life and death, Crocodile's decision-making was very decisive. When the golden light fell, the quicksand trap had already formed.

The running ducks that were running at full speed fell down, and the one that Artoria was riding tried to spread its wings to maintain balance because of its riding skills, but it couldn't fly after all, and its feet were still stuck in the quicksand among.

Although Arturia is trying her best to maintain stability, there is still a slight deviation, which is 100 meters away, at Crocodile on the edge of the bunker, which made him very lucky to save his life .


A loud sound sounded, and the edge of the bunker on the opposite side was pierced by golden light, and a long rift appeared in the desert. The original yellow sand in the rift had long since disappeared.

When the golden light dissipated, the round bunker was punched into the shape of a spoon, and the handle of the spoon seemed very uncoordinated.

After Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan saw the effect of this move, his cigar almost fell from his mouth. He had only heard that Artoria had a move that was very similar to General Yellow Ape's laser ability, but he had never seen such a rough move. laser light!

When these people met the Golden Lion, if they weren't worried about the residents of Melville, would they be able to solve those floating islands by themselves?

When Crocodile reappeared, he was already covered in bruises, several streams of blood flowed from his forehead, his well-groomed back hair became disheveled, several swears were hanging weakly on his forehead, and the fur coat behind him was already tattered.

These are still within the acceptable range, what makes Crocodile the most unacceptable is that his right leg has become empty from the knee: "That guy...what the hell is it!"

Artoria didn't pursue, but was busy saving people.

The running ducks are indeed the troops trained by the desert kingdom. They are also very experienced in dealing with quicksand. When they fell down and tried to stand up, they found that their feet were stuck in the quicksand. They didn't rush to struggle, but directly spread their wings and fell directly. On the ground, try to increase the contact area between the body and the quicksand, and slowly switch your feet outward.

Arturia was stepping on the moon steps and pulling Rui Mengmeng to fly out of the range of quicksand.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan also reacted in time and was flying with Zhang Da.

As for Tom, he didn't seem to realize that it was quicksand, and he was happily swimming in the bunker on his backstroke, butterfly stroke, freestyle stroke, and even plunged into it, trying to catch fish in this fun river.

Attracted by Tom's behavior, a running duck boldly straightened up and tried to swim, but its legs sank immediately, and it immediately fell down again in fright.

Ducky Duck stared at the 'splash' when Tom plunged headfirst, why only you can swim in the quicksand? Isn't this bullying the honest duck?

Crocodile was slightly distracted by the loss of the calf of his right leg, but quickly used sand to coagulate the calf while also plugging the wound.

When he raised his head again, Crocodile's face was a bit grim. The plan that had been planned for several years was interrupted halfway, and the impromptu strategies were also destroyed time and time again. The dream that was clearly within reach became almost impossible because of the appearance of this group of people. There is no hope, and now even the legs are broken!

Crocodile stood up straight, and the cigar was thrown aside by him. He looked at the few people who were about to reach the edge of the bunker using the moon step levitation, with a gloomy expression.

Circles of fine sand floated up around Crocodile, and the tattered coat fluttered behind him: "You... bury me here!"

Accompanied by an angry voice, Crocodile waved his hands again and again:

"Heavy Shalan!"


"King Kong Desert Sword!"

"Desert Great Sword!"

"The sea of ​​sand is raging!"


Crocodile waved his hands almost crazily, using all kinds of powerful moves with a wide range regardless of physical strength.

Within a radius of one kilometer, the entire world has almost turned into a world of sand, the desert ground surging like ocean waves, sand tornadoes converging from all directions, the desert sword piercing upwards from the ground, and the sword falling from the top of the head. The sand sword, and the sand particles flying from the direction just like raindrops and hail...

The four people in mid-air felt overwhelmed. Huoshaoshan and Artoria, who were in charge of performing the Moon Step, were accidentally hit by double-doubles, and Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng also fell on the sand.

And the sand on the ground relentlessly wrapped around the four people's legs, forcing them to not stop moving for a moment. The four people were not far away when they landed, but it didn't take long for the others to be seen.

"Bah bah... Boss is going berserk?" Zhang Da also spat out sand, swung his sword and split a desert sword, "Is this guy awakened from a fruit?"

When he opened his mouth and said such a sentence, sand poured into his mouth again, and the others couldn't hear what he was saying at all, so he could only continue to spit out while coping with various attacks. with sand.

"I can't see anything clearly! What should I do now?" Rui Mengmeng is a warrior. She didn't have goggles in the sandstorm and dared to open her eyes wide. After being fascinated by the wind and sand, she rubbed her hands casually, and continued to stare at others. figure.

Her voice was not loud enough for no one to hear her, so no one responded. Rui Mengmeng could only act according to her own ideas. In addition to dealing with sudden attacks, as long as she confirmed that there were no companions in her field of vision, she would jump up hard Inserting the sword into the ground, squandering power recklessly.

In this way, in addition to preventing the sand waves under your feet from being restrained, you can also test whether Crocodile is hiding nearby. Rui Mengmeng praised her wit.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan was relatively calm. Although the clothes on his body had been tattered by Crocodile's attack, he did not suffer much physical damage.

"This level of attack, based on his current state, shouldn't last long?" Huoshaoshan's knowledgeable color told him that Crocodile's breath had weakened a lot after Artoria's attack, but now it has strengthened strangely It is likely that the limit will be reached soon, and the best strategy should be to drag him to death.

But when he wanted to do this, Huo Shaoshan was a little uneasy, and finally decided to search for Crocodile's location. He also noticed it a few times during the period, and tentatively swung a few flying slashes, but none of them had any effect.

Artoria had the same idea, trying to capture Crocodile's position, and then approached while dealing with various sand attacks. But now Crocodile is more difficult to perceive breath than before, and seems to move more agilely.

"Arc-shaped sand dunes!" Crocodile appeared briefly, and immediately rushed to the next target without stopping after the move was defended by Artoria's sword.

"Desert Great Sword!"

Zhang Da also noticed the movement behind him and hurriedly dodged, but his shoulder was still scratched by Sha Jian. But Crocodile still didn't stop, and disappeared from Zhang Daye's sight and ran towards Huoshao Mountain.

Rui Mengmeng was temporarily ignored by Crocodile because she was wielding a big sword and bombarded wildly. That little girl's body was unbelievably hard, and her attack power was still terrifying. He didn't want to be hit by random attacks for no reason.

"Erosion of reincarnation!" Crocodile put his right hand on Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan's shoulder, trying to use this move to suck the water out of his body.

Huoshaoshan subconsciously covered his arms and left shoulder with armed colors, and slashed with a sword with his right hand.

"Tch, it really isn't that easy." Crocodile let go of his hand and threw out two desert swords, before disappearing again.

Huoshaoshan glanced at his shoulder, the part of the skin that touched Crocodile's palm had already dried up, if he hadn't resisted in time with armed domineering, he might have been sucked into a mummy: "This guy is really dangerous. "

"It's coming again, what a big sandstorm!" Xia Lulu had to take Wendy to slightly raise the flight altitude.

"Brother Tatsuya and the others should be here." Wendy said, "The golden light just now should be sister Artoria's attack."

"Do you want to break in? Flying in such a big sandstorm will be very unstable." Xia Lulu said, "And even if you go in, you can't see where they are at all."

At this time, the dusty area looks like a khaki-yellow billowing smoke in the sky, and it is impossible to determine what is under the smoke.

"Let me try to blow it away!" Wendy clenched her small fists.

"Ah? But such a large area..." Xia Lulu wouldn't be surprised if the real Tianlong Grandigne said that he wanted to blow away the sandstorm, but although Wendy has become much stronger, she still can't do that. Bar?

"I'm going to give it a try! If you use breath, reduce the power to just enough to blow away the dust, and then expand the range as much as possible, the magic power consumed should be at the same level." Wendy said firmly, " Brother Tatsuya and the others may need our help, let me try, Xia Lulu!"

"This kind of thing...well, I understand." Xia Lulu chose to believe Wendy, "Then I will find a suitable position."


During the flight, Xia Lulu asked, "Why did you think of using breath like this?"

Wendy said embarrassingly: "Because brother Tatsuya asked me to try to provide power for the Amber, so I secretly tried to practice controlling the power, thinking that it might come in handy in the future."

Just because of a word from that guy? Wendy has been exercising very hard every day, but she still squeezed out her energy to practice this, hateful black-hearted boss who exploits child labor! Xia Lulu slandered, and then sighed softly, as if she couldn't blame Zhang Daye, Wendy is such a character who likes to think about others.

"Here it is!" Xia Lulu found a suitable place outside the dust range.

"Okay." Wendy took a deep breath, her cheeks puffed up, "Tianlong's roar!"

Huh—a whirlwind spewed out from Wendy's mouth, gradually expanding into a whirlwind with a diameter of nearly 100 meters, and there is a tendency to expand further. The huge whirlwind column crashed into the range of sand and dust, and all the suspended dust and sand particles in the air were swept away by the whirlwind.

The sand and dust area with a diameter of about one kilometer was forcibly cleared into a large trumpet-shaped dust-free area. In this huge horn-shaped area, only a few meters of sand and dust were still floating in the area below the ground, but Has not affected the field of vision.

"Success!" Xia Lulu said happily.

"En! Xia Lulu, do it again!" After Xia Lulu adjusted her position, Wendy puffed up her cheeks again, "Tianlong's roar!"

Crocodile held up the golden poisonous hook to give Zhang Daye a backstab, but suddenly realized something was wrong. This area of ​​sand and dust was equivalent to Crocodile's field, and he could not hide any troubles in this field from him.

Now a large blind area suddenly appeared, and Crocodile felt uneasy. After hiding again, he looked up and found a little loli blowing wind with her cheeks puffed up in midair. And the little loli's next breath just blew out his hiding place.

"...Go to hell!" Crocodile's left arm turned into sand and extended, and flew out with the poisonous hook in his left hand.

"Wendy, where is the enemy!" Xia Lulu nimbly led Wendy to avoid the poisonous hook. With the speed added by Wendy on her body, the poisonous hook's agility couldn't keep up with her at all.

"Good job, Wendy!" Zhang Da also finally saw Crocodile's position, and without hesitation handed over his ultimate move, "Hegemony!"

Crocodile didn't dare to take it hard, and took the initiative to elementalize himself and split himself in half to let this move pass.

"Hegemony!" Rui Mengmeng, who had regained her vision, saw the boss zooming in, and simply followed suit.

"Hegemony!" After thinking about it, Arturia also used the same move to block Crocodile's escape route.

Is your trick wholesale? Huoshaoshan swung a slash with all his strength, appearing to be very out of group.

"Damn it!" Crocodile's left shoulder and arm got hit, and he burrowed into the remaining sand and dust in embarrassment. While setting off a huge sand wave, he raised his right hand to recreate the dust field.

"The speed, defense, and strength of all staff have been increased, Burner, Arms, Armor!" Wendy opened her arms, her long blue hair fluttering in the wind.

A green magic circle rose under everyone's feet, and everyone was coated with a faint brilliance.

Even the four running ducks escaped half-running and half-flying from the quicksand pit with a faint brilliance. One of the running ducks still had a cat's tail in its mouth and dragged Tom away with it.

Huoshaoshan squeezed his fist strangely, his body seemed to become much lighter and stronger, and the influence of the injury on his shoulder seemed to be temporarily eliminated! Such a feeling... No wonder Lieutenant General Karp and Teacher Zefa never forget this little girl!

I thought I could finish the fight today... I couldn't control it... Tomorrow, I will form a group to beat Lao Sha

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