Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 371 The Spear of Elbaf (4000 words)

The episode caused by Wendy's question passed quickly, and Amber, Dongli, and Broki officially introduced themselves.

Dongli and Broki also started to deal with the two Diplodocus, which they did by brutally bleeding, skinning, and grilling. No matter which part of the meat it is, it's done roasting.

"Tut tsk tsk..." Tom couldn't help but shook his head when he saw such reckless behavior, and stepped forward to make a stop gesture.

"Cat?" Dongli and Broki stopped their movements very cooperatively, and asked curiously, "What's the matter? Don't you like eating dinosaurs? Then we can also catch fish for you."

Tom's eyes lit up, what did fish taste like in the ancient times?

No, no, that's not the point, Tom waved away the imagination in his mind, and gestured to let him do it.

Dong Li scratched his beard and said, "Yes, yes, but are you sure you can handle such a big dinosaur?"

Broki also had the same question. Although humans also have swordsmen who can cut large dinosaurs at will, this cat doesn't look like it.

"I have asked the banner demon who stayed behind to bring kitchen utensils and seasonings here." Ye Yan said, "Tom will deal with the ingredients first."

Tom nodded, took out a chef's hat and put it on, and took out a kitchen knife, turning the knife around.

Swish, swish, the light of the knife flashed, the necks of the two Diplodocus were cut into more than a dozen 'segments', Dong Li and Broki were dumbfounded.

Other parts of Tom are also processed in the same way, and those who are good at swordsmanship can tell at a glance that Tom's sword technique for cutting dinosaurs at this time is exactly the same as Altria's sword technique for cutting dinosaurs before.

"This...is really a powerful cat." Dongli and Broki put down the things in their hands, focused on watching Tom operate, and occasionally followed Tom's instructions to beat his hands.

After the banner demon delivered the items, Tom tried his hand at making a famous Jiangcheng dish with Lianglong's neck... spicy dragon neck.

The spicy and delicious taste made the saliva of the two giants almost merge into a small river. And Zhang Da, who went to school in Jiangcheng, also said that he had never heard of this dish, and Jiangcheng did not raise dinosaurs.

"This taste is great. Except for Elbaf's Samra, this is the first time I have eaten such a great food!" Dong Li gnawed on the spicy dragon neck while drinking a barrel of wine.

"Me too!" Broki also ate greasy.

Arturia silently gave a thumbs up. She found that the giant's mouth was too big, and even if she got serious, she might lose the speed of eating.

Tom was very satisfied with the performance of the diners. He tasted a few mouthfuls before continuing to make other dishes. Too spicy food was not very suitable for Tom's taste. He felt that he might breathe fire if he ate too much.

The fruit trees Brocky brought back were not wasted either. Some of the fruits were picked and made into fruit dishes, and some were squeezed into juice. The sweet and sour juice was very popular with Wendy, Xia Lulu and Perona.

The main reason is that they were full just now, and now they are politely attending the banquet and listening to the giant's storytelling.

During the period, Zhang Da also asked about the rumors about the Giant Soldiers Pirates, whether it was true or not that they wreaked havoc on all oceans.

"How is that possible?" Dong Li was very surprised. "Is that what the outside world says about us now? We are not interested in robbing towns. We prefer to fight pirates and hunt."

Broki said with a smile: "KaBaBaBa~ If we are that powerful, One Piece will not be Roger, but us!"

The two of them live in a small garden. Although the news is relatively closed, they can occasionally get a little money to buy a newspaper, so they don't know nothing about the outside world.

Dongli tried his best to recall what happened back then: "Actually, at the earliest time, the navy had a laissez-faire attitude towards our Giant Pirates. They once wanted to invite us to join the navy, but no one was interested."

Zhang Da also said: "I heard that there are already many giants serving in the navy, and many of them have become lieutenant generals."

"Really?" Dongli and Broki didn't care, "That's their own choice, and it's not bad to continue fighting from the standpoint of the navy."

However, only part of it is my own choice, and the other part is being deceived by acting...

Zhang Da didn't say this either, since we've only just met, it's not good to talk lightly, and it happened decades ago, and he has no proof.

Everyone ate and drank happily together, and the amber group also talked about their adventures. When it came to the identity of the part-time bounty hunter, Dongli and Broki didn't care, and even talked about their bounty hunters while drinking. There is 100 million gold, you can come and get it if you are short of money, but you have to beat us.

Zhang Da also suspects that the two of them drink too much.

Seven or eight barrels of wine per person, quite a lot... right?

Satisfied with wine and food, today is also a day of eating happily, Tom fell to the ground in a chubby posture again, and fell asleep happily.

Shark Chili, however, wants to move around after dinner.

"Challenge us?" Dong Li stroked his beard. "I'm fine. The fighters of Elbaf are never afraid of challenges! When do you plan to start?"

"For now, I feel in good shape." Shark Pepper said, "I don't know if your previous injury has recovered."

"A little injury, no problem at all." Dongli stretched out his hand, intending to take Shark Pepper to the duel between him and Broki.

"I can do it myself." Shark Pepper put his hand to his mouth, "Super Giant Shark!"

Rumble! Originally, the appearance of the giant shark should be a bit earth-shattering, but it seems almost meaningless to have two giants on the side.

"Wow~ah~ah~" Jackie Chan was the least calm, it was the first time he saw the giant shark, and he had a frightened expression on his face, "Is this a robot? It's so big!"

Jackie Chan glanced at Dongli and Broki: "Uh, it's not particularly big."

Shark Chili said generously: "If you are curious, you can go in and have a seat later. It's okay to try driving."

"Oh~ this... this..." Dongli and Broki were as excited as two children who don't know how many tons, they looked left and right around the giant shark, and reached out to touch it curiously, "Isn't this a robot? It's too powerful Already!"

Zhang Da is also used to it. Most people in this world see robots with this kind of virtue, but they didn't expect that even giants are like this.

Shark Pepper said, "Hey, I'm a robot too."

"GiaGiaGia~ I'm sorry, because you were too young to pay attention." Dong Li smiled, "So you're going to drive this guy to fight me?"

Shark Pepper nodded: "That's right, I want to try how the strength of a shark giant compares with a real giant."

Dong Li laughed: "I can't wait!"

Broki dissatisfied: "Too cunning Dongli, I want to fight this guy too!"

"Then, it's better to come and compete with you next time." Shark Chili reassured, and then shouted, "The cockpit door is open!"

Under the envious eyes of Dongli and Broki, Shark Pepper jumped into the hatch, and controlled the giant shark to walk towards the duel venue.


"Get ready, let's start!" Dong Li said hello before making a move, and he rushed up with his fists without using a long sword.

"Come on!" Shark Chili manipulated the giant shark to meet him, and his two huge fists collided.

Although the giant shark was half shorter than Dong Li, he was not inferior to him in strength. His shiny metal fist collided with Dong Li's fist, making a loud knocking sound.

The two fists briefly touched each other, and they each took two steps back.

Dong Li looked at his fist and said excitedly: "So much strength, such a hard fist!"

He is the kind of person who gets more excited when the opponent is stronger.

Shark Pepper sat comfortably in the cockpit, and he installed a safety seat and even a seat belt on the driver's position. So although the giant shark was repelled, he himself was not affected.

"You are also very powerful, as expected of a giant family, come again!" The loudspeaker on the shark giant's body came out with the voice of shark chili, and then rushed up again.



The two behemoths punched back and forth, and Dong Li's fist hit the giant shark's head, making a thumping sound. The surface was slightly dented, and the shark chili in the cockpit was also shaken violently.

The fist of the giant shark hit Dong Li's chest and abdomen, and a bruise appeared on Dong Li's body, and a painful cough sounded from his mouth.

But both of them are getting more and more excited as they fight, and the more they fight, the happier they are.

Broki, who was watching from the sidelines, waved his fists excitedly, wishing he could play for Dongli.

"Be careful, I want to try a new move!" Shark Pepper reminded, "Shark Giant Karate Fifty Thousand Wazheng Punches!"

"This move..." Dong Li saw that this move was unusual, and carefully put on a defensive posture. He didn't intend to avoid it, but wanted to follow it head-on.

The shark giant imitated Shark Pepper's posture almost perfectly, with his left fist on his waist and his right fist striking out hard. In fact, Shark Pepper didn't know how many watts of power this move should have, so he just doubled up and shouted at random. one time.


The giant shark's fist hit Dong Li's arm hard. Dong Li clenched his teeth and his arms bulged, struggling to resist the huge force, but he was finally thrown out, and he fell backwards into the forest.

The tall trees were knocked down and flattened by his body like weeds, and countless 'small' animals nearby fled in panic.

Zhang Da was also stunned: "Amazing, can you really use the giant shark to perform murloc karate?"

"No, it's not perfect yet. Compared with his own skills, the shark giant's movements are still a bit stiff, and he hasn't fully displayed the power and characteristics of murloc karate." Arturia commented, "But the effect is very good, how much If you practice it, you should be pleasantly surprised.”

"GiaGiaGia~" Dong Li laughed and stood up, patted the soil behind him, and brought a small blowing sand weather to the area behind him, "You are really strong, I will use weapons next!"

Shark Pepper said: "Come on, I still have a trick to use!"

"A unique move?" Dong Li pulled out his long sword, with a hint of anticipation on his face, "Could it be that one?"

Shark Pepper didn't make him wait any longer: "Double super transformation form!"


Dongli and Broki shouted in surprise at the same time, and the expressions on their faces were also extremely surprised.

Zhang Da also picked out his ears, and wanted to cover his eyes at the same time, the shouts of the two giants were too loud, and the appearance of the giants was terrifying, okay?

The shark giant has completed its transformation, holding a shark fin ship knife and a shark cannon in its hands, looking ferocious and domineering.

Because Shark Pepper called "double super transformation form", so in the imagination of Dongli and Broki, Shark Pepper in the cockpit must have also completed a very handsome transformation.

But the actual situation is... Shark Chili sat on the safety seat, bent slightly to adjust the height of the chair, his legs were too long after the transformation, and it was uncomfortable to step on the joystick under his feet.

Such a cute little action somewhat affected his cool and handsome temperament.

"My transformation time is limited, let's decide the winner!" Shark Pepper has long been used to the fuss when others see him transforming, and wants to quickly bring the topic back on track.

"Then how about trying this move?" Dong Li held the sword in his right hand and slashed obliquely.

The shark giant uses the back of the shark cannon as a shield to meet the giant sword.

Clang! ! With a crisp sound, an imprint appeared on the shark cannon, and the giant shark's feet stepped on the ground to make a two-foot-deep hole.

However, the strength of the transformed giant shark increased greatly, and he was completely unafraid of Dongli's slashing. After parrying the long sword away, he slashed back with the shark fin ship knife in his right hand.

Dongli Yigao was bold, and hit the edge of the shield in his left hand against the blade of Zhanjiandao, deflected it, and stabbed the giant shark's chest with his sword.

The two of them exchanged swords for more than a dozen rounds, and there were a dozen more sword marks on the giant shark's body—compared with the experienced Dong Li, Shark Pepper's knife skills can be said to be a mess, and his combat experience is completely incomparable .

"It can't go on like this." Shark Pepper felt that the situation was not good for him. Even a giant shark would not be able to withstand such a slash. It's hard to say how.

"Try this trick, shark fin tornado!" The shark giant's right hand held the shark fin ship cutter and spun rapidly like a propeller, and a huge tornado appeared out of thin air and flew towards Dongli.

"Is this? It's similar to breathing!" Wendy saw this move for the first time, and it felt very similar to her move 'Tianlong's Roar'.

Arturia said: "The scale of this tornado seems not small, but its lethality is not comparable to your moves."

A giant tornado enveloped Dongli. Dongli put his shield in front of his face, lowered his center of gravity, and stood firmly. The huge cloak behind him was blown loudly.

"There's such a strong wind, it feels like I'm about to be blown away at any moment. But it's only interesting if it's like this. Let's see what I do next." Dong Li picked up the long sword and tried to maintain his figure in the tornado, posing power pose.

Of course Broki knew what this gesture represented, and shouted, "Hey, Donley! Are you sure you want to use that move?"

"This is an opponent worthy of my all-out efforts. I want to give him the highest respect as a fighter! Pay attention, Shark Chili, the next is my strongest blow!" Dong Li swung the long sword in his hand,

"Elbaf's Spear Overlord!"

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