Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 359 When Uncle Long Enters the Kitchen (Second 2000 words)

"Even Mr.9 was killed!"


"Don't place orders this time!"

A group of agents swarmed up, and Jackie Chan ran while fighting.

The two agents swung their swords and chopped down. Jackie Chan turned over a table with one hand, turned around and kicked with his feet, and the edge of the table hit the stomachs of the two agents.

An agent swept across with a knife and aimed at Jackie Chan's neck. Jackie Chan sat on a chair with his legs bent, and the big knife just passed over his head. He raised his leg and kicked the man's stomach. The attack of the chain hammer and even two bullets missed and hit the ground.

The agent stepped forward again, and Jackie Chan, who fell to the ground, put his hands on the ground, clamped the chair with his legs and kicked up, and the jaws of the two chair legs hit the two people and knocked them down.

The two went around and attacked Jackie Chan's upper body. Without stopping for a moment, Jackie took the chair and did a difficult carp kick. The chair was firmly on the ground, and Jackie Chan sat gently on the back of the chair.

But a mace in the front fell on the head, Jackie Chan flipped backwards, and the chair was smashed to pieces. After Jackie Chan landed, he caught the two chair legs, knocked down the two people on the side with two bangs, and threw the chair legs out. It was hitting the faces of two gunmen who were changing ammunition.

Facing the ever-decreasing number of agents, Jackie Chan's choice is still to turn around and run: "I've already said that I'm not the strongest one, why are you all chasing me!"

"This person is too despicable, he has defeated so many people, and still calls himself weak!"

"We must not let him go!"

A group of people swarmed up, Jackie Chan fled wildly, leaped over tables and chairs in a fancy way, and kept throwing debris backwards, knocking down one to earn another, and creating obstacles even if he couldn't hit it.

However, the size of the banquet hall is limited after all, and soon Jackie Chan ran to the end, and a group of agents were overjoyed: "See where you go!"

However, there is no such thing as an absolute path, and Jackie Chan leaped forward and successfully got into a small window on the wall—it was used to deliver dishes, and inside was the kitchen, a large kitchen that could accommodate more than a dozen chefs working at the same time.

"It's the kitchen!"

"The back door is locked, he can't escape!"


An agent grabbed the window of the passerby and wanted to drill in. Jackie Chan inside smiled slightly and put down the splint hard.

"Ah..." The agent let out a scream, Jackie Chan lifted the splint understandingly, and punched the agent in the face when he was blowing his red and swollen hands.

The agent who was pinched fell down in response, and the others came to their senses: "Go to the front door! You two are guarding at the window!"

The first agent who broke into the kitchen enjoyed Jackie Chan's closing service, and the heavy solid wooden door slapped on the agent's face and bounced back.

Jackie Chan caught the door with one hand, kicked the agent in the stomach with one kick, and punched the agent behind him in the face when he bent over...

The same trick was tried and tested again and again, Jackie Chan knocked down six people with just one door, but he didn't continue because the people in this world are too strong, and the wooden door was smashed just by slapping their faces.

It took a lot of effort for the agents to successfully break into the kitchen, but their nightmare began after entering the kitchen. The cups, plates and bowls were all Jackie Chan's hidden weapons, and the pots and pans were his weapons and armor.

A small dining car allows him to play the tricks of the King of Qin around the column. The various drawer doors in the kitchen can always be opened in unexpected ways, constantly hitting the enemy or allowing the enemy to slam into it.

There was a chaotic sound of ping-pong-pong in the kitchen, and a lot of people fell on the ground in disorder. Some people stuck their heads in the sink, and some people were folded forward and stuffed into the cabinet. It’s hard to imagine all this without seeing it with your own eyes. How do people get knocked down.

And the last ones standing were only four people including Jackie Chan.

Panting heavily, Jackie Chan held a spatula in one hand and a rolling pin in the other. Surrounded by the three of them, Jackie retreated slowly. Finally, his back leaned against the refrigerator, and there was no way out.

"It's lucky that you can do this step."

"But it's over here, your physical strength has reached its limit, right?"

"We are different from those trash fish, all three of us have code names!"

Jackie Chan smiled bitterly: "If I surrender now, can I stop?"

"Beautiful thinking!" The three of them held a samurai sword, a dagger, and a glove, and attacked Jackie Chan's throat, abdomen, and chest respectively.

Jackie Chan was quick to wit, he opened the refrigerator door with a flick of his elbow, and blocked the fist attack with the side of his body against the refrigerator door, raised the rolling pin with his left hand to block the dagger piercing his throat, and blocked the samurai sword with a spatula with his right hand.

Mr.11, who is using a samurai sword, smiled: "Go to hell, I have the good sword 'Huazhou' in my hand!"

Ordinary spatulas couldn't resist the sharpness of Liang Kuai's knife, and the long handle was cut off in the middle.

"Wow!" Jackie Chan was startled, dropped the spatula and squatted down violently, avoiding the fate of being decapitated, and at the same time swept Mr. The elbow knocked the man with the dagger into the freezer.

At this time, the agent with gloves pushed the door of the refrigerator angrily and locked his companion in the refrigerator. When he was shocked, Jackie Chan's rolling pin fell on his head, making him dizzy.

The man holding the dagger in the refrigerator pushed open the refrigerator door, and the refrigerator door slammed on Agent Fist's face, knocking him down completely.

Jackie Chan knocked Mr. 11 on the head with a rolling pin, and closed the refrigerator door again with his other hand, which just caught Agent Dagger's hand, and the dagger fell to the ground with a clatter.

After finishing all the enemies, Jackie Chan slowly slid to the ground with his back against the refrigerator: "I'm so exhausted, I seem to thank Artoria for emptying their refrigerator..."


Compared with Jackie Chan's, the battle in the banquet hall was much smoother and easier. Facing this kind of small agent with a low level of fish, the fighting power of the Amber Tour Group is simply bullying.

The only ones that can cause everyone a little bit of trouble are Mr. 4 and Miss. Merry Christmas, the ground-burrowing combination, and Mr. 8 and Miss Father’s Day, the sniper combination hiding in the distance .

For the safety of her companions, Arturia decided to go out to look for the sniper. Judging from the fact that no bullet came in for such a long time, Artoria was probably on her way back.

There were not many agents left in the banquet hall, and the "Mayor Seven" had already drawn out his knife and went into battle in person. He wisely chose Zhang Daye, who seemed to be the most bully.

As soon as they fought, Zhang Da also found that Mr. 7 was a good swordsman, and he felt stronger than Sauron—the Sauron a few months ago. But for Zhang Daye, one move to knock him down is a normal play, and two moves can be regarded as teasing him.

He still doesn't know that this Mr.7 is not the Mr.7 who took care of the bomb in Alabasta, but the one who went to the East China Sea to invite Sauron to join Baroque. After Sauron refused, he wanted to silence him, and then the code name Mr.7 was given to the current Mr.8.

After one move, when Zhang Daye swung the folding stool to end the battle, a hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed Zhang Daye's ankle.

Zhang Da was also stunned, and imitated Wendy and fell on the ground.

I really like Jackie Chan's fight scene, it's funny and exciting, but it's too difficult to reproduce it in words, and it seems a bit procrastinated to write it out, let's see everyone's reaction, if you don't like it, I will simplify it in the future

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