Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 334 Zhumeida Island - Cocoyasi (4200 words)

The pirate group with two ships is quite famous in this area. Although the strength is not very good, there are still several million bounties, which are free in front of the amber tour group.

As soon as this group of unlucky people found the Amber, they were scared out of their wits by a group of little ghosts. As soon as the captain comforted him by saying that ghosts were just scary things and couldn't hurt anyone at all, a little ghost exploded on his face.

"Hehehehehehehe~" Perona laughed viciously, and controlled the little ghosts to run around chasing the pirates. She likes this kind of teasing, especially after teasing pirates, she doesn't have to worry about being scolded.

The Amber turned to lean towards the pirate ship, Zhang Da also rubbed Tom's head, these people are so miserable, we will not take the lead in using Tom.

After tossing around for a while, Perona lost interest. Ye Yan and Wendy chose a ship to practice with these pirates. The process can be described as devastating.

While waiting for the navy, Zhang Da also briefly interrogated whether the pirates happened to pass by here, or found it on purpose.

"We heard that the treasure of the great pirate Wu Nan was found by you, so..."

"No wonder the frequency of encountering pirates is so high recently. The news has finally started to spread." Zhang Da also asked, "You have only heard about the treasure, have you not heard about our record? Dare to trouble us?"

"Of course I heard, it is said that several pirate groups have been wiped out, even Crick has been defeated by you." The pirate paused, his eyes lit up, "But that is Wu Nan's treasure! Golden Mountain Ah! What if I can succeed?"

"It's really costing money and life." Zhang Da also understood what it means to die for money and die for food. "And how can we fit the Golden Mountain in such a small boat?"

The pirate had an expression of "You think I'm stupid", and said to himself: "You must have only taken a small part, and hid most of the gold, as long as you kill you, get the treasure map..."

"Oh, that's right." Zhang Da also felt that what he said was very reasonable. The temptation of Wu Nan's treasure was even greater than he imagined. , There are many people who hold the idea of ​​'if you can succeed, you will make a lot of money'.

It seems that there is basically no need to worry about travel expenses during the East China Sea.

This time, the naval patrol ship of the 77th branch came to hand over again. According to them, this is the intersection of the sea area under the jurisdiction of the 77th branch and the 16th branch. There are many things that are unclear.

"Colonel Brin Brin asked me to say hello to everyone on his behalf, and thank you for your contribution to maintaining the stability of the East China Sea." The major in charge of this patrol ship spoke with a bit of awe. He heard that these are the most beautiful places in the East China Sea The team of hard-working bounty hunters wiped out a pirate group every now and then, and I heard that they are only part-timers, which is really amazing.

"You're welcome, this is what law-abiding citizens like us should do." Zhang Da also accepted the money with a smile, "Is Colonel Brin Brin okay? Last time he entertained you, and you must pay a visit if you have the chance."

The Lieutenant Commander's face changed, and his speech became stammering: "It's...it's getting late, we need to escort these pirates back to the voyage as soon as possible, so you can continue sailing without delay."

The lieutenant commander hurriedly led the team away, fearing that Zhang Da would also invite them to eat together.

Zhang Da also looked up at the sun, wondering, "It's not even noon yet, why is it getting late?"

"It's dangerous..." After leaving the Amber, the major wiped the sweat from his forehead.

A lieutenant asked: "Major, would it be impolite to leave in such a hurry? Didn't you say that the Amber tour group is friends of the Navy, and each branch should try to establish a good relationship with them? At least they should have lunch... ..."

"Stop!" The major almost jumped up when he heard that he wanted to invite the Amber tour group to dinner, "Listen, this is the only thing that is absolutely forbidden on the warships sent by our base. ..."

Recalling the experience of that mission, the major showed a heartbroken expression: "The person who invited them to dinner will apologize to the entire ship's sailors!"

The lieutenant looked confused.

Three days later, Zhang Daye and the others wiped out several unknown small pirate groups while sailing.

"These scumbags are so annoying. Caicheng dares to come here to make trouble like this. The boat is small and the reward is low. Who gave them the courage?" Ye Yan complained. His mood is not beautiful.

"Indeed, the more people who get more vegetables, the more confused they are. Is it because our flag is too kind, making people think that the previous record is fake?" Zhang Da was also thinking about whether to put Shark Pepper's head on it. , make it a little more aggressive.

Tom protested, baring his teeth to show that he was super fierce, and somehow sank a small broken pirate ship the day before yesterday.

Shark Pepper also protested. He felt that he was quite kind. He controlled his strength when he hit people yesterday, and only used the level of 500 watts of murloc karate.

Zhang Da also had no choice but to give up this unreliable idea, let's be more annoying, and treat it as the days before leaving the East China Sea to clean up more garbage for the people of the East China Sea.

Shark Pepper said: "According to the plan, we will go to Zhumeida Island today. It is a big island with a naval base on it. Pirates should not dare to be too presumptuous. They will be clean for a few days then."

Zhang Da also nodded, where did he hear about Zhumei Da Island?


Meanwhile, a small village in the corner of Zhumeida Island.

"Pirates! Pirates are coming!" Someone shouted in panic.

"What a terrible ship, it is actually being pulled by a monster!"

"Ajian! What shall we do?"

Everyone near the coast realized that what they met this time was a completely different pirate group from the past, and they looked at the sheriff Ajian in disbelief.

Ah Jian has never seen such a scene before, so he forced himself to be calm and said: "I will contact the navy immediately, everyone quickly find a place to hide, if you want money, give them first, saving your life is the most important thing, quickly hide!"

This is the normal operation of ordinary people when they encounter pirates. It is best to hide and not be found. If they are found, they will lose their money and avoid disasters.

When encountering pirates who not only want to make money but also kill, people really have no choice but to go all out - the probability that ordinary people can defeat those vicious pirates is too low.

The villagers took action one after another, but this time the pirates moved much faster than they thought.

Although the boat was still far away from the coast, the monster pulling the boat rushed towards the shore like an arrow off the string: "Moo———"

With a ferocious roar, the manatee, which looked pitiful, weak and helpless in front of Aaron, mooed and opened its mouth wide, revealing its fangs and sharp teeth. Under the horrified eyes of the villagers, it jumped out of the sea and rushed towards the houses on the shore.


The villagers felt the ground tremble under their feet, and a row of houses was razed to the ground by Moo Moo. When the smoke cleared, Moo Moo stared viciously at the humans next to him.

"I—my house!" A dozen or so knelt down on the ground, thankful that they were not inside, but also distressed about their loss.

Immediately afterwards, several people shouted with red eyes: "Bi Qi, Bi Qi is still at home!"



The villagers shouted the names of their loved ones, whether they were wives, or children, or brothers. The villagers who had relatives at home felt that the sky was falling, and the house was destroyed in an instant by such a big monster. The people inside ...

"Bastard monster!" Several villagers rushed forward recklessly, ignoring the difference in size, and punched and kicked Momoo.

"Don't do stupid things! That kind of monster, that kind of monster..." Ah Jian wanted to say that we are not as big as one of its eyes, and it is impossible to fight against it, but if we were them instead, we would go up and fight desperately right? Ah Jian clenched his fists, able to command such a monster, what kind of terrifying person is this time?

As Ah Jian thought, the fists and feet of ordinary people are like flies bumping into people's bodies to Momoo. It doesn't hurt if it doesn't hurt, but it's really annoying. He swiped his tail lightly, and several people were beaten It flew out and crashed into someone else's house.



The villagers subconsciously shouted their names, but they didn't dare to move their bodies. Ah Jian touched the pistol at his waist with a livid face. This old-fashioned pistol might not be able to penetrate the skin of this monster at all, right?

Now, what shall we do?

Without giving him much time to think, the ship of the Aaron Pirates finally landed, with Aaron as the leader, followed by several cadres such as Croobi, Jiu, and Xiaoba, and a large group of strange-looking murlocs One after another got off the boat, everyone had a smug smile on their faces.

"What is this..." The development of the matter has completely exceeded the imagination of the villagers.

"This is a murloc! The same murloc as the Shichibu Kaijinbe appointed last year!" The old village doctor with the most experience recognized the identities of these people, "Why did the murloc from the great route come to us!"

"What?" Everyone, including Ah Jian, showed shocked expressions.

Aaron strode up to the villagers, opened his arms, and announced loudly:

"Ignorant and insignificant human beings! From now on, this village, no, this island is under our rule!"

"Oh!" the murlocs shouted in unison.

The faces of the villagers are not good, but they have not completely given up hope. Ah Jian has already asked the navy for help, and he will be fine soon, right?

Aaron didn't care what these people thought, he ordered: "Bring everyone in the village here!"

"Yes, Brother Aaron!" The murlocs took action one after another, and it took a while to 'invite' everyone from door to door.

The few people who were beaten by Moo Moo were also carried out, and thrown in front of the old doctor for him to treat, but judging by the old doctor's face, these people may be in danger.

"Listen up! An adult with 100,000 Berries, a child with 50,000 Berries, those who can't pay..." Aaron smiled cruelly, "Kill!"

Some of the murlocs stood around to prevent people from escaping. Some of them carried money in their pockets and recorded them one by one. A few people even registered their marital status and whether they have children. The population management is very scientific.

It's just that it's convenient for Aaron to find someone at this time. After learning about the charging situation, he looked at the house destroyed by Moo Moo, and then looked in the direction of the old doctor: "Who are those guys who confiscated them? They were killed by Moo Moo together with his family." Is it... Really troublesome, I originally planned to kill only those who couldn't pay the money, so let them be unlucky."

"If we have to pay so much money every month, how can we survive!" The villagers whispered angrily or sadly.

"Be patient for a while, at least we survived for the time being, and the navy will catch them soon." A Jian was sad and at the same time a little thankful, but fortunately, Berumel's house is relatively remote, otherwise it would be bad, an adult two She will definitely not be able to get the 200,000 for a child.

However, he was afraid of what would happen, and a murloc suddenly said: "Brother Aaron! There is another house far away from the village! There is cooking smoke coming out of it."

'Oops! ’ Ah Jian was shocked, he quickly calculated his family savings, even if he took it all out, it would not be enough.

"Huh?" Aaron glanced at the cooking smoke in the distance, and said with a smile, "I almost missed it. Who lives there?"

Jiu flipped through the registration book: "It's a woman named Berumel. She's single. There should be only one person. Shall I go?"

"Let's go together, just take a look at what our future site will look like." Aaron planned to look around and find a suitable place to build a paradise for murlocs.

"By the way, leave some people to watch the boat." He said he was watching the boat, but he glanced at the villagers. With Momoo around, there will be a dozen more brothers left, so there is no need to worry about what will happen to these people.

Aaron took most of the murlocs away, and the murlocs who stayed behind didn't want to stay with these humans, so they simply returned to the boat, and Momo turned around and jumped back into the sea.

Ajian has already panicked. Although the registration book says that Bellumel is single, Nuo Qigao and Nami must be eating at home at this time. If they are seen by Aaron, they will have to pay. Then they will die .

And with Berumel's personality, I'm afraid he will do it without waiting for Aaron to ask for money, right? That's even worse!

"What about Berumel? Can she afford that much money?" Some villagers raised the same concerns as A Jian.

"Why don't we try our best to make it together, at least get through the current hurdle first, and think of a way later."

"But how can everyone have so much money..."

"Okay, if you have spare money, try to pool together and go to a few people to clean up the ruins. The people inside may still be alive, remember to hide them quietly. Also, take Dr. Gao, Mali and the others will entrust you. "Ajian tried his best to calm himself down and assigned tasks one by one.

"Ajian, what are you going to do?" asked the old doctor Nagao.

"Go and save them. Aaron said he wanted to visit the village by the way, and he wouldn't go too fast. As long as I bypass them and hide Nuo Qigao and Nami in advance, then I only need to pay 100,000 Baileys, Beiru Mel should have some savings."

"Please don't mention the two children, Nuo Qigao and Nami." Ajian finished his explanation, pretended to go home, and after confirming that he was out of sight of the murlocs, he started to run wildly, praying in his heart, 'Bei Rumel must not be impulsive! '


Within a few minutes, another ship appeared on the sea, and the cat's head flag on the top of the mast fluttered in the wind.

In the observation room, a little blue-haired loli poked her head out and shouted loudly, "I saw the island!"

After a pause, Wendy continued to shout: "There is a big ship parked on the shore, it's a pirate ship!"

As soon as the words fell, Artoria squeezed away Zhang Daye, who was temporarily steering the wheel, and held the steering wheel with both hands, and the speed of the Humber suddenly increased.

Coco Yaxi is Coconut, literally translated as coconut, and I don't know why the village rich in oranges is called Coconut Village. In addition, the translation team of Tencent Comics One Piece is really hard to describe, and Nuo Qigao's translation into "Yeluzi" is also very good.

I originally thought that people in the East China Sea didn’t know murlocs, but after re-reading the manga, I realized that not only did the villagers in Cocoyasi Village know murlocs, but they had also heard about the split of the Sun Pirates...it’s a bit serious.

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