Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 323 Hey~ha! (4000 words)

"It's such a pity." Haku tried to persuade him a few more words, and Zhang Da was unmoved whether it was talking about ideals or feelings.

And the others didn't know the reason, and they were completely based on Zhang Daye's opinion, which also made Haku unable to do anything. In the end, he finally confirmed that although Zhang Daye was a good person and didn't have much affection for the World Government, he was also not on the same side as the Revolutionary Army.

Although it is a pity, Haku can only give up, and it will be annoying to talk about it, but at least he has made a friend now.

"I'm sorry to make you come here for nothing." Zhang Da also asked, "Is the revolutionary army short of people now?"

Haku nodded and said: "Ah, of course, our team is still immature compared to the huge navy."

The revolutionary army is short of people, from high-end combat power to ordinary soldiers, to all kinds of special talents, everyone is short, especially the kind of trustworthy people.

For this reason, they adopted a lot of orphans and raised them from an early age. Haku was in charge of teaching martial arts, Inazuma was in charge of teaching culture, and Sabo, who was taken away by the dragon half a year ago, was also among them.

However, it will take many years for these children to become qualified fighters, and they still have to find other ways to expand the ranks of the revolutionary army. This is also the reason why Haku made this trip all the way after learning about Zhang Daye's general strength and character.

Zhang Da also said: "In this case, let me recommend two high-quality sources of troops for you."

Haku looked at him suspiciously: "The source of soldiers?"

"The first one is Shuangyue Village in the East China Sea. According to my observation, the final destination of the escaped workers is likely to be there." Zhang Da also thought that the thousand people must hate the World Government deeply, and said. There may be many who agree with the concept of the revolutionary army.

And more than half a year ago, Dorag rescued the refugees from the rubbish mountain of Goya Kingdom in the fire, and resupplied in Frost Moon Village once before returning to the great route. That place is so remote, maybe it is inextricably linked with the Revolutionary Army.

"Shuangyue Village? I will report to the leader." Haku felt that the name was a bit familiar, "Then what about the second one?"

Zhang Da also said: "The second is the illegal area of ​​the Chambord Islands."

"Shampoo Land?" Haku's mood was a bit complicated. This place had special meaning for every murloc. Some people yearned for it, some people feared it, and some people hated it.

"That's right, there is an 'occupational security office' there, and there are many human trafficking shops, large and small, with many slaves in them. Although when we left, those shops had been destroyed by unknown people, but after so long In the past, maybe it has revived again?"

If there is demand from above, there will naturally be people to do things below. As long as the Tianlong people still need slaves, there will be many small nobles competing to imitate, and then there will be people at the bottom to do some things. Although the old shop was smashed, the new shop It's almost open, right?

Haku smiled bitterly: "Saving people from those slave traders in the Chambord Islands is indeed a good proposal, but I'm afraid it won't work recently."

"Huh? How do you say it?" Zhang Da also wondered. Could it be that the supervision has become stricter? Does the Navy have the power to take care of this kind of thing now?

"That started three months ago." Haku recalled the information he had received, "The unknown person that Mr. Tatsuya said destroyed the slave trade shop was an organization called 'Tianhui', of course Those traffickers like to call them 'night-gaunts'."

Zhang Da also raised his head, feeling a little embarrassed, who came up with the code name of Secondary School.

Haku didn't pay attention to Zhang Daye's expression, and continued: "Three months ago, the destruction of the 'job security office' and those slave trading shops made the human traffickers on the island calm down for a while, but later those shops They have been changed into casinos, bars and other places. Especially the original "job security office" has become the largest casino on the island."

"Casino? And there are a lot of them all at once?" Zhang Da was also a little puzzled.

"No, things are not that simple." Haku said, "Although they are casinos on the surface, they are still secretly trading slaves, probably thinking that 'Tianhui' can't find out, and these casinos are becoming more and more popular. Until half a month ago...these places where slaves were secretly traded were all razed to the ground overnight, and the slaves were nowhere to be found."

"Who did it?" Zhang Da couldn't think of anyone with such a violent temper for a while, it was more ruthless and decisive than they were at the beginning.

"I don't know." Haku shook his head and looked at Zhang Daye apologetically, "To tell you the truth, before this happened, we once thought Mr. Daye and you were 'Tianhui'. After all, 'Tianhui' is you What appeared when we were on the island, also disappeared after you left..."

Zhang Da also laughed dryly, this is embarrassing, we really are...

I don't know which big boss took the initiative to take over this pot, or from another perspective, it can be regarded as taking their credit...

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Zhang Da didn't intend to use it to become famous or anything, so it's good if someone helps cover it, but I'm a little curious about who did it.

"How were those shops destroyed? Was it blown up or smashed, or was it chopped down with a sword?"

"Neither. It is said that the site seemed to have subsided suddenly, leaving only a deep hole in each store."

"The Chambord Islands are trees, how could there be subsidence..." Zhang Da also suddenly thought of a person, and the ability of Uncle Yixiao seems to be just like this effect, right? And it is very convenient for him to take people away.

Calculating the time, it was late November when he separated from Uncle Yixiao, which was enough time for him to return to Crown Island and then go to Chambord, and those people were desperately pretending to be casinos...

Zhang Da also imagined the scene where the croupier and the gamblers in the casino teamed up to bully Uncle Smile who couldn't see it. This script seems to be fine.

Glancing at Arturia, Arturia nodded, obviously she also thought of the smiling uncle who would lose every bet.

Wendy and Xia Lulu looked puzzled. Didn't Sister Mengmeng say that everyone is Tianhui, so who is impersonating this time?

Shark Pepper was hesitant to say anything, everyone had decided to keep this matter a secret, so it was better not to say anything, and in the end he only choked out a sentence: "What an amazing person."

Haku sighed: "Yes, it would be great if we could find 'Tianhui', such a person would definitely be willing to communicate with us."

Hmmm, we'd love to communicate with you, we just don't want to join in.

Zhang Da also said: "In this case, it is impossible to increase the source of soldiers by rescuing slaves in a short time, but this is indeed a good idea. You can follow the example of Fisher Tiger and climb up Mary Joa, and directly liberate the slaves of the Tianlong people." .”

Haku gasped, this man really dared to say it! He found that Zhang Da also seemed to have no reverence for the Tianlongren, and when he said the words Tianlongren, his tone did not fluctuate in the slightest, just like mentioning the name of an ordinary person.

You must know that even the revolutionary army whose goal is to overthrow the Tianlong people's rule, when they mention these words, their tone will involuntarily become heavy! This man is simply a born revolutionary soldier! Haku was moved again, and really wanted to invite him again.

After pondering for a while, Haku finally failed to open his mouth, and instead explained: "That kind of thing can't be easily imitated. Since the incident with Big Brother Tiger, Marie Gioia has already made stricter precautions. I think Emancipating the slaves again is almost as difficult as going to war directly, even if the lives of all members of the current revolutionary army are put on it, I don’t know if there is a 10% chance of winning.”

"That's right, that's a pity." Zhang Da felt sorry for the Revolutionary Army a little bit, and then he thought about it. Hearing Haku's firm tone, the Revolutionary Army must have made this idea a long time ago, right? Maybe they even sent someone to investigate, or else how can I say it with such certainty.

"I've already said what needs to be said, so I won't bother you any more." Haku got up and said goodbye. Although he didn't achieve his goal, it wasn't completely useless.

Shark Chili stayed and said: "Are you in such a hurry? But we haven't entertained you well, and I want to talk to Mr. Haku about the murloc karate skills."

Haku laughed and said, "Hahaha, let's talk again next time, you are the most talented murloc I have ever seen... Uh, robot, I always feel that you can surpass me at any time, please keep working hard!"

Haku jumped into the sea in a very cool way, revealing half of his body: "I'm sorry that I can't tell you the location of the headquarters due to special reasons. If you have a chance, please have a good drink in the future!"

Zhang Da also waved to him: "Today is our lack of hospitality, welcome to visit again anytime."

After saying goodbye, Haku dived into the water and disappeared.

Wendy stood by the side of the boat, resting her chin on the railing, staring at the water splash on the sea with her big eyes: "It's so convenient for murlocs to go out, they don't need to take a boat."

"But this convenience also makes them have to accept strange eyes, and even be caught." Shark Pepper said, "So robots are the best, especially robots like me that are based on sharks!"

Many murlocs feel inferior because of their race, but Shark Pepper is different. He has always been proud of his identity as a B-series robot.

Xia Lulu folded her hands and said in a tone like a little adult: "Are mermaids and them the same race? I don't feel so much looking forward to it."

"Beautiful mermaids are still very beautiful, and I'll see when I take you to Fishman Island next time." Zhang Da also said that the murlocs really look a little sorry to the audience, "Speaking of which, you should have seen mermaids, Aquarius The protoss, is it called Akuya? The young mermaids are actually similar to her."

Wendy and Xia Lulu showed suddenly realized expressions, and then they turned bitter: "That big sister is very fierce..."

"Is that uncle murloc gone? What the hell is he here for? Is it just to fight Shark Pepper?" Perona's spirit body floated down from the observation room. She was still in the observation room.

Zhang Da also tried his best to put on a ferocious expression: "He asked me if there were any disobedient children on board. He wanted to buy them and cook them. I said that there was one. It was delicious and lazy to make tender meat, which was just right for cooking. It's a pity Wen Dee couldn't bear to part with you, so that's why he persuaded him to leave."

"I don't believe you! But it must be true that Wendy is reluctant to part with me!" Perona put her arms around Wendy's neck and hung behind Wendy, poking her head out and sticking her tongue out at Zhang Da.

"Brother Tatsuya said too much, Perona is not that bad." Wendy defended Perona in a soft voice, and subconsciously reached out to hold Perona's body, but she is in a spirit state,' Hugging' is just a visual, it doesn't have any weight.

Perona realized later, and shouted to Zhang Da: "Whoever you say is disobedient, whoever is too lazy!"

"If you are lazy, tell me what work you have done these days?"

"I... I became a lookout today..." Perona's eyes drifted, and she fell asleep when she was a lookout for the first time.

"Oh, I forgot to remind you, you drooled before sleeping, it seems that you haven't wiped it all the time."

"Ah!" Perona screamed, and the spirit body rushed back into the observation room.


"Boss, this is Haku." Sitting on a rock, Haku reported today's events to Drago with two phone bugs in his hands.

A phone bug with a white body and a listless expression is used to prevent eavesdropping.

The back shell of the other phone bug has a red square pattern, which is exactly the same as the tattoo on Drago's face. The phone bug's mouth opens and closes, and Drago's voice comes out:

"That's right, then don't bother them for the time being. After they travel for a long time and see more things, maybe they can understand us. At that time, we will invite them again."

Haku asked: "So what about Frost Moon Village?"

Drago replied: "Let's look for it, thank you for your hard work. If it is confirmed that they have really gone to Frost Moon Village, I will send someone to try to contact them. It would be good to have a little more power."

"I see." Haku hung up the phone, put the two phone bugs into a special small box, and swam towards Shuangyue Village.

On the other side, Drago hung up the phone and looked towards the direction of the East China Sea from the beach. This was his habit when thinking about problems alone.

"A young man who has no awe of the Tianlong people, a surname similar to that of the Great Piece King Zhi, a group of people of unknown origin... People like you will sooner or later set off a storm in this world, right?"

Drago raised his hand and moved like a ghost, dodging a teenager who sneaked up on him with an abandoned water pipe, and then punched him to the ground.

A man of unknown gender with a very large face appeared. This man has purple curly hair, exaggerated eye shadow and lip gloss painted on his face, and the clothes on his body are also unbearable to look at. The legendary king of shemale Ivankov.

"It's so scary~ I thought the leader was going to be knocked down!" At this moment, he (she?) had a frightened expression on his face, and then his face changed, "I'm not scared! Hey~ha!"

"So I wasn't frightened, I was tricked!" The people next to me were holding hands very cooperatively, and laughed together inexplicably.

Ivankov lifted the collar of the boy who fell to the ground: "Boy, it's too early to face the leader now."

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