Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 286 Who else came out of the Grand Line (4000 words)

"Artoria Pendragon." Out of courtesy, Artoria announced her name.

"Artoria?" Ansetli Faou couldn't remember which noble family's surname this was - in this world, the last name was basically listed first.

After a brief hesitation, Fuao smiled and said, "I wonder if I can invite you to have a cup of coffee?"

Zhang Da also looked at his eyes and thought about the consequences of beating the nobles if there was a conflict. He looked at Tom and asked him not to do it himself and let Tom pretend to be a wild cat to scratch people.

The man who looked like the butler behind Foao hesitated to speak. The Ansetli family is a small and medium-sized noble family. If they want to go further, they need to marry into a larger noble family or a royal family.

The housekeepers of all the nobles in Gao Town knew their surnames by heart, or at least had them in full memory, which obviously did not include Artoria.

The housekeeper did not want Foao to have a relationship with a woman of unknown origin, even though the young lady in front of him was impeccable in appearance and temperament.

But since Fuao has already made an invitation, it would be inappropriate for him to stop her at this time. Let's find a chance to remind him later. I hope the young master will not be dazzled by the beauty of the other party.

"Coffee?" Artoria has no special preference for coffee, and she doesn't feel like this person is here to make friends, so she declines, "Thanks for the kindness, but we still have things to do."

Foor still didn't give way, with a bit of arrogance on his face: "It doesn't matter if you don't like coffee, why don't you tell me what it is, maybe I can help? Our Ansetli family can say it even in front of the king. talk."

The steward complained that all the nobles had a say in front of the king, but the question was whether the king would listen.

Arturia looked at Zhang Tatsuya, wondering why he had been silent until now. Normally he should have come out to help.

If it's just a normal strike-up, it's okay to reject it, but if it gets too entangled, it's not too much to give him a little teasing, right? Zhang Da also whispered something in Artoria's ear.

Arturia nodded doubtfully.

Zhang Da also cleared his throat and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the eldest lady has a bad appetite today and hasn't found a restaurant that suits her taste, so she hasn't had a good lunch yet, and naturally she's not in the mood to drink coffee. "

Tom looked confused, didn't you have lunch today? I felt my stomach and it didn’t feel bulging. That means I haven’t eaten, right? But something feels wrong.

Shark Pepper glanced at Foao with pity. Is Boss Tatsuya trying to trick people? I hope his family is well off.

Brooke thought of his experience on the warship that day. In comparison, Miss Artoria did not have a good lunch today, and she had not had a good lunch for many days. He smiled and turned his cane without saying anything.

Foao said enthusiastically: "So that's it, I happen to know a good restaurant nearby, how about I treat you to it?"

Zhang Da also suppressed his laughter and said with embarrassment: "Isn't this good? The eldest lady spends a lot of money on each meal."

"As I said, I am the eldest son of the Ansetli family, just a lunch." Foao glared at Zhang Tatsuya unhappily, daring to question his family's wealth.

Zhang Da didn't care about Fuao's eyes either. He could glare as much as he wanted, but just don't cry when paying the bill.

Artoria nodded slightly: "Thank you for the invitation."

So everyone, led by Foao, came to a restaurant that looked quite luxurious.

On the way, Fuo kept asking about Artoria's family background.

Zhang Da also helped and said perfunctorily that he was just doing a small business and could not compare with the Ansetli family, which slightly satisfied Foao's vanity.

When ordering food, Foor was not stingy. He picked the most expensive dish and ordered a full table. It was not because he had guessed Artoria's appetite, but simply because he was extravagant. He just threw it away if he couldn't finish it anyway. Although he spent a lot of money It's a lot of money, but considering Artoria's beauty, it's all worth it.

The housekeeper reminded Foao in a low voice about his identity, but was interrupted impatiently. He was not there to get married.

"You're welcome to taste it. You can come to my house to sit in the evening. My chef is better than the one here..."

Fuo kept bragging about how great his family was, and Artoria started eating without ceremony. Wasting food is a great crime!

These dishes are different from the one on Center Street. They are beautiful, exquisite and delicious, but the portions are quite small. Artoria can finish a dish in three bites, while Tom can finish it in one bite. Sometimes he doesn't even need to spit out the plate. .

The waiter who served the dish was frightened: "Your cat swallowed the plate!"

Zhang Daye said calmly: "It doesn't matter, we will compensate for the plate."

"That's not the point! Are you sure this cat is okay?" This is a cat brought by the nobles. If something happens to them, it will be very troublesome. The waiter feared he might lose his job or worse.

Zhang Daye comforted him: "It's okay. You don't need to be responsible. Compared to that, your serving speed is too slow. Please hurry up."

"What a magical cat." Although he was surprised, Foao was still in the mood to praise Tom.

But soon he stopped laughing.

Twenty minutes later, Foao watched in stunned silence as the waiter put the same dish back on the table.

Tom was already full and leaned on the chair to eat. Zhang Daye and the others acted seriously as followers and did not sit down at all. Anyway, they were not hungry at all after just finishing lunch.

Arturia is the only one fighting now.

Twenty minutes later, Fuao looked at Zhang Daye with a pale face and asked the waiter to bring all the dishes that were not on the menu.

Another half hour later...

Fuao felt that simply watching a beautiful woman eating for two hours was a kind of enjoyment - if the beautiful woman ate a little less, or if she didn't pay for it in the end.

In the end, Artoria stopped not because she was full, but because the waiter said with an apologetic expression that the reserved ingredients could not last, and neither could the chef.

If the owner of the restaurant told Foao like this, he might get angry, but today, Foao felt as if he had been granted amnesty and signed a check tremblingly. He would not take too much cash with him when he went out.

As for the old butler's suggestion of leaving without acknowledging the debt, Feo decisively rejected it. The eldest son of the Ansetli family couldn't afford a meal? The family's face will be lost by him.

"Well...well...it's getting late..." Foao, who was talking eloquently at first, now stuttered when he spoke.

The butler was wiping sweat behind him. This was his biggest mistake in the ten years he had been working for the Ansettley family. He would definitely be blamed when he went back, right? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have gone out with the young master today.

Zhang Da also looked at the clock on the wall with a polite smile on his face: "It's really getting late. I wonder if Mr. Foao has any recommendations for the dinner we're waiting for. You said before that your chef is excellent? "

"This...this..." Sweat broke out on Feo's forehead. He did not dare to mention inviting Arturia to his house for dinner.

If he didn't have enough to eat after he went there, his family wouldn't be able to bear it. If he was full, he was afraid that his family's heart wouldn't be able to bear it.

Fortunately, the butler even gave me a step forward: "Master, you forgot, you are going to attend a dance tonight, it's almost time to go back and prepare."

"Ah, yes, that's right. I still have to prepare for the dance. I'm sorry!" Fuao hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Zhang Daye finally couldn't hold back his expression and laughed out loud.

Shark Chili said: "Boss Tatsuya, is this too much?"

Zhang Da also disagreed and said: "Think about it, if someone invites Tiandelina to drink coffee, and Tiandelina politely refuses, then the person keeps pestering him, is it too much to punish him like this?"

Shark Chili's eyes immediately became fierce: "I think it can be a little more extreme."

Brooke asked: "Since the final price was unbearable, why didn't he just refuse the treat?"

Zhang Da also said: "The face of a nobleman is still very important. Maybe many people in the store know him, so he is afraid of losing face."

Brooke touched his face: "It's hard for me to understand face, because I no longer have any face to lose, yohohoho~"

Zhang Da also asked: "How is it? Are you enjoying the meal?"

Tom touched his belly and made an OK gesture.

Artoria nodded: "Yes, it tastes great. But won't this cause trouble?"

"We didn't force him to treat us, nor did we steal his money. When he realizes something is wrong, he will probably hire some gangsters to take revenge. It's not a big problem." Zhang Da didn't take this person seriously either.

The Kingdom of Goa is such a lousy place, and the king has to hire pirates if he wants to do any dirty work. A noble like this is probably at the level of hiring a gangster.

After leaving the restaurant, everyone went straight to the bookstore and bought the necessary nautical charts and books about the currents and climate of the East China Sea. Some of the information could not be found in the previous small bookstore. This trip was not in vain.

Foao, who also left the restaurant, felt more and more something was wrong the more he thought about it. Can anyone really eat so much food without even a slight rise in the abdomen?

Fuao ordered: "Check the origins of those people. Is it possible that they were sent by someone to deliberately trouble me?"


In the evening, everyone gathered together and instead of going back to the ship, they found a hotel to stay.

Zhang Daye and the others brought back several large bags of books, while Rui Mengmeng and the others brought back a lot of clothes and decorations.

"Are you buying too much?" Wendy was a little uneasy.

"They are all necessary expenses, it doesn't matter." Zhang Daye comforted her. Wendy is not growing up anyway, so there is no need to worry about waste no matter how much clothes you buy.

Ye Yan picked up two big bags and said, "We have prepared lanterns, candies, gift boxes and the like. All we need now is a tree."

Xia Lulu asked curiously: "I wanted to ask before, why do I need to buy these things? Are there any festivals recently? Why do I need a tree?"

Ye Yan explained: "I always say it's to spend Christmas with Tom. Don't you have Christmas there?"

"A festival I've never heard of." Wendy and Xia Lulu looked confused.

Brooke and Perona didn't know why. Although the cover of the book in Bartholomew Bear's hand said the Bible, Big Mom's adoptive mother was a nun, and Baroque Works had a senior agent codenamed Miss. Merry Christmas, but the world Few people care about this kind of festival.

Artoria knows some common sense because of the Holy Grail War, and Shark Pepper and Ye Yan naturally know about Christmas.

Rui Mengmeng's world culture is similar to modern society, there is even a League of Haters, and there is also Christmas.

When Tom heard about Christmas, he happily ran to look at the calendar. Although there was no mark on the hotel calendar, the date was indeed coming soon.

"The origin of Christmas has something to do with religion, but it's not important. We don't believe in it anyway. We just want to find a reason to have fun." Zhang Daye said, "Anyway, on the day before Christmas, we will decorate the Amber Ship to be more beautiful. , get more delicious food, and by the way, hang the socks on the bedside that night, and Santa Claus will crawl into the room along the chimney to give you gifts."

"Awesome!" Perona and Wendy put their hands together, their eyes bright.

"Is it a gift from Santa Claus? I'm really looking forward to it. Hohohoho~" Brooke was also very interested.

Zhang Da also sighed and wanted to say that the old man should not act cute like a little lolita.

Xia Lulu poured cold water and said, "But our room doesn't have a chimney."

"... Then don't lock the door when you go to bed that night." Zhang Da was also stunned for a moment, thinking that Xia Lulu had mentioned it.

Everyone discussed for a while and decided to take a walk around the town tomorrow and then go to chop down trees outside the city.

After that, Ye Yan was the first to suggest going back to the room to sleep. The night watcher actually wanted to sleep normally, but unfortunately he felt inexplicably energetic at midnight, so he might as well go to bed early when he had nothing to do.

Everyone went back to their rooms. Zhang Da also stayed in the same room as Tom. Before going to bed, he took out the equipment from the inventory and exercised for a while. Then he said good night to Tom and fell asleep.

Dimly, he seemed to hear someone running outside the window, but Zhang Da thought it was a dream and didn't pay attention.

Early the next morning, everyone left the hotel carrying large and small bags.

Rui Mengmeng asked: "Did anyone notice the movement last night? It felt a bit noisy."

Artoria said: "It seems like soldiers are catching fugitives, but I feel like something is wrong."

Ye Yan yawned: "I asked Sui Feng'er to inquire. Let's go back to the boat and talk."

"Then let's send the things back first." Zhang Da also roughly guessed what happened and saw that it was not a hallucination last night.

Others didn't know why, probably because they hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time, or they weren't vigilant enough.

"Everyone passing by, take a look! Products from the Grand Line are rare to see in ten years. If you miss it today, you have to wait another ten years!" A small stall shouted energetically, and a circle of curious people had already gathered in front of the stall.

Zhang Da was also excited: "Isn't that right? Someone stole your home?"

Ye Yan immediately used telepathy to contact the flag demon who stayed behind on the Amber, and received the news that everything was fine. They took turns keeping watch last night to ensure that not a single mosquito flew aboard.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Has anyone else come to the East China Sea from the Grand Line?

I just finished writing, sorry...

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