Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 282 Zhang Daye: Sooner or later I will become the main C (4000 words)

"how is he?"

"No injuries, I just fainted and will wake up soon."

Ye Yan heard someone talking in a daze: Was it the same voice as Wendy? What was I doing just now? Oh, swimming...tray...

"Mr. Ye, you are plotting to kill me!" Ye Yan sat up suddenly.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Da also subconsciously denied Sanlian and pointed to the side, "The person who planned to kill you is here."

With a flattering smile on his face, Tom fanned Ye Yan with a small fan.

Ye Yan touched his forehead: "It hurts...but forget it, since Tom apologized so sincerely..."

Tom looked at him expectantly.

But Ye Yan sensed something was wrong, jumped up and stayed away from Tom, wrapped the towel tightly around him: "Why does Mao want to fan me in such a cold weather!"

Tom looked at the fan in his hand, threw it away and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, I am unlucky."

Zhang Da also asked: "I remember that your watchers are resistant to attacks such as stun, right? Why did you fall down all of a sudden?"

"I only have resistance to dizziness, not Tom." Ye Yan sat down wrapped in a bath towel and drank juice, with a bleak look on his face.

He still hasn't been able to understand the principle of Tom. All the common sense about monsters and people seems to apply to him, but it doesn't seem to apply to him.

Schrodinger's cat? ×

Jang Daye’s cat. √

After a while, Perona, Wendy and Xia Lulu came out after taking a shower and changing clothes, and each found a seat to drink.

Zhang Da also asked: "How do you feel? Can you still hold on?"

"Yes!" Wendy nodded and replied, "I feel much better after taking a rest. Do you want to continue?"

"Hey? Do you want to continue? I feel so tired~" Perona lay on the table and didn't want to get up.

Perona's reaction was still expected, but Wendy surprised Zhang Da: "Wendy's physique is better than I thought. Did her physical strength recover so quickly?"

Xia Lulu said proudly: "Because the source of Wendy's magic power is 'air'. The clearer and purer the air, the stronger Wendy's magic power will be and the faster it will recover. The air here is very good."

The Dragon Slayer Mage has the setting to be able to swallow things of the same attribute to temporarily increase the magic power. For example, the Fire Dragon Slayer Mage can eat fire, and the Iron Dragon Slayer Mage can eat iron.

Wendy is amazing, she can eat air, which is the legendary northwest wind.

Zhang Da also looked at Wendy with admiration and said: "Let's stop the physical training today. The muscle soreness may be bearable for us tomorrow. Next, Wendy and Xia Lulu will practice magic."

"Yes!" Wendy responded, she always felt that brother Tatsuya might have misunderstood her.

Perona asked: "What about me, what should I do? I have no magic!"

"You can practice your Devil Fruit abilities." Zhang Daye said, "How about I compile a junior high school mathematics textbook for you to learn from?"

"No!" Perona didn't know what junior high school math was, but it sounded scarier than elementary school math. She would rather eat a devil fruit again than learn that kind of thing.

"I don't love studying at all." Zhang Daye said regretfully, thinking that back then he was... well, back then it was mainly because the teacher was strict.

In this world, instead of letting Perona learn those things, it is better to let her have more self-protection ability. In terms of education, the more important thing is to ensure that her three views are normal.

So next, Perona showed Zhang Daye what it meant to be an aboveboard fisherman - the body was left on the sofa, and the soul was floating around on the boat.

One moment I watched Wendy practice magic, and the other moment I watched Zhang Daye get hit by a tennis ball (to practice seeing and hearing), and if I asked her, she would confidently say, 'Isn't it that I'm always practicing my abilities when I'm always using them?'

Until she popped out of the wall to scare Tom, and then got a slap on the head.

Perona, who was in the spirit state, covered the big red envelope on her head with tears in her eyes: "Knock on the gong... No, it doesn't matter if Ye Yan can hit me, why can you hit me in this state too!"

Tom threw away the mallet in his hand and spread his hands. Meow didn't mean to hit you, but who told you to scare me?

"That's not the problem!" Perona felt that she might have eaten a fake Lingling fruit.

Tom didn't know what she was struggling with, and enthusiastically invited Perona to go fishing together.

However, Perona refused. Since so many people can touch her spirit body, but her spirit body has no attack power, it is better to go back and study how to make the body float.

The next morning, everyone gathered around the dining table to have breakfast.

Perona sat listlessly: "It hurts so much, both my arms and legs, it's so uncomfortable!"

"Shall I help you treat it?" Wendy's hand lit up with a blue-green light.

"Can this also be treated?" Perona asked, this is not an injury or anything.

"Okay, at least it can alleviate a lot." Wendy carefully helped Perona treat her.

"Huh? It's really much easier!" After two or three minutes, Perona jumped off the stool and moved her hands and feet, "Thank you Wendy!"

Wendy smiled shyly: "You're welcome, this is my job."

Ye Yan said happily: "If there is this kind of magic, wouldn't we be able to practice at will? As long as we can't practice to death, we will practice to death?"

Xia Lulu poured cold water and said, "Healing magic consumes a lot of money. If you use it too often, Wendy won't be able to hold on."

Zhang Da also chose to prick Ye Yan's heart: "Actually, I have always practiced to death as long as I can't die. Maybe you and Perona are the only ones who need magic assistance to recover."

Ye Yan counted on his fingers. Artoria was too strong and there was no need to consider it, and Tom didn't even need it.

Shark Pepper is a robot, and it's not an ordinary robot. It doesn't even need lubricating oil or magic assistance.

Brooke's old bones are not very dedicated to exercise and have no use.

Rui Mengmeng and Zhang Daye were as physically strong as monsters. It was rare to see them exhausted. Even if they were as tired as dead dogs one day, they were still alive and kicking the next day.

After all the calculations, Ye Yan, a genius who has been rare in the family of watchmen for hundreds of years, is actually going to be classified into the ranks of ordinary physiques together with the little girl Perona?

And if you want to train desperately to get out of this ranks, you have to rely on another little girl, Wendy...

Ye Yan knelt down: "Sister Wendy! Please take care of me in the future!"

"Huh? No... you don't have to be like this! There are still sisters and so on..." Wendy went to help Ye Yan in a panic. She had not yet been able to adapt to Ye Yan's worthless morals.

Xia Lulu looked like she had seen through everything: "This guy is really not a normal person."

"If he wants to kneel, let him kneel and ignore him." Zhang Daye said, "Wendy, are you feeling unwell?"

"Is this okay?" Wendy looked at Ye Yan and then at Zhang Daye, and finally decided to answer Zhang Daye's question first: "I feel a little muscle soreness, but it won't affect my activities. It's okay."

Perona asked curiously: "Why doesn't Wendy treat herself?"

Xia Lulu said: "Because it can't be done, Wendy's magic can only help others heal."

Perona looked worried: "What if Wendy is injured?"

Xia Lulu held her arms in her arms, thankfully she could make such an action: "This is the reason why I want to become stronger, I want to protect Wendy."

"Xia Lulu..." Wendy hugged Xia Lulu emotionally and rubbed her face against Xia Lulu's.

"Don't be like this, you're not a child anymore." Xia Lulu said with a happy expression on her face.

"Everyone will protect Wendy." Zhang Da also said something that ruined the atmosphere. "Just in case, why don't you try to teach me healing magic and let me be responsible for treating Wendy."

After Arturia's identification, it was found that the magic power used by Wendy was different from her own. So even if Zhang Da learned it, he probably wouldn't have too much magic power at first. He would just concentrate on being the ship's doctor.

In addition, Zhang Da also now knows that he has the magic power from Artoria, the dark energy from Rui Mengmeng, the strange power from Shark Pepper that allows him to transform, and possibly the infuriating energy from Ye Yan. Next And the magic from Wendy...

If it weren't for Tom's physical bonus, Zhang Da would have doubted whether the power in his body would conflict, and he would explode and die like in the novel.

Wendy asked as if to confirm: "Brother Tatsuya wants to learn healing magic?"

"Yes, uh, is there any rule that cannot be spread to others?" Zhang Da also found that he had ignored this point. He should have had a good talk with Grandigne at that time, but he didn't think of it at that time.

"No, Grandigne never said that you can't teach others. It's just that healing magic is very difficult. If Brother Tatsuya wants to learn it, I will try my best to teach you." Wendy said.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Zhang Da also smiled.

"Yeah!" Wendy also likes the feeling of being relied on, but she has never been confident enough and is occasionally afraid of being relied on.

So Zhang Da also felt that he was very busy in the following days. He had to help Wendy and Perona adjust their exercise plans, study shaving and sex domineering, learn magic from Wendy, and occasionally worry about whether he would get seasick in the future. Every day They all had a very fulfilling life.

When he is free in the future, he also wants to learn from Ye Yan to learn the timing hammer. If he can draw a soul-suppressing gong from the lottery in the future, he also plans to learn it. There are still many magic weapons such as soul-suppressing gongs and soul-suppressing hammers in the clockmaker family. of.

Zhang Da has also decided that the direction he wants to take is to be an all-round support. His teammates are too strong and it is difficult to surpass them in a single aspect, so he might as well learn more skills.

In the process of learning skills, physical fitness and other aspects are definitely improving, and another advantage is that the various bonuses on oneself will become more and more. Sooner or later, Zhang will change his profession from an all-round support to a professional. The all-round big brother.

In the early stage, everyone took me to lie down, and in the later stage, I took you to fly!

From the weakest in the tavern to the strongest in the whole group, only then can I truly have the confidence to say that I am the owner of 'Tatsuya's Tavern', the leader of the 'Amber Tour Group', the captain of the Amber Diamande, and Tom's Lord...probably the master.

Bang, a tennis ball hit Zhang Daye on the back of the head, interrupting his daydream.

"Who threw it in such a painful way?" Zhang Daye, who was blindfolded, said angrily.

"Hehehehehe~ You said you wanted us to help you practice seeing, hearing and sex, so you can't be angry!"

The laughter sounded like it was Perona. This little girl was seeking revenge: "It seems that you have become stronger these days. The original amount of training is definitely not enough for you. How about doubling it tomorrow?"

Perona yelled: "I promised not to be angry, but you are taking revenge!"

"I..." Poof! Another tennis ball came over and interrupted Zhang Daye's words.

Reaching out to pull off the tennis ball embedded in his face, Zhang Da knew who did it without even thinking: "Tom! I told you not to participate!"

Yes, Zhang Da also never allowed Tom to participate in this kind of training. He suspected that the ball thrown by Tom had no training effect at all, and whether he could avoid it had nothing to do with his domineering attitude.

"Oh hahaha~"



Seeing Zhang Daye squeeze out his facial features again, all kinds of laughter mixed together.

Today's Amber is equally joyful.

While everyone was exercising and having fun, Arturia's voice came from the loudspeaker:

"Attention everyone, a pirate ship was spotted at three o'clock! An unknown flag, and the number of people... is 20, which feels quite weak."

The first half of the warning sounds quite tense, but the second half directly destroys the atmosphere.

In the past, when Zhang Da also asked Artoria to evaluate other people's strength, she would usually say things like 'better than Tatsuya' or 'not as good as Tatsuya'. It was rare to hear Artoria seriously say that others were weak.

Probably these people are too weak to compete with Zhang Daye.

Zhang Daye himself is in a dilemma. Should he be happy that his strength has become stronger, or should he be sad that his combat power is just a unit of measurement in front of Artoria?

Now is not the time to be in a daze, Zhang Daye asked; "Shark Pepper, do you have any information about the pirate group?"

"Not at all." Shark Pepper said, "I may need to update the database on pirates in the East China Sea."

Zhang Da also nodded and said: "That's right. I have collected wanted posters for the Grand Line before. Then I'll go find a navy branch and ask for the reward warrants."

"Brother Tatsuya, do you want to fight?" Wendy was a little nervous but also looking forward to it.

"Yeah, how about I leave it to you to handle this time?" Zhang Da also thought that it would be appropriate for 20 weaklings to give Wendy some practice to adapt to the fighting style here.

In fact, Perona can kill all these people with one move of Negative Ghost, and can also scare these people who have probably never heard of Devil Fruit.

"Okay!" Wendy agreed. This was her first battle here, so she must perform well.

Xia Lulu didn't have any problem with it. It was okay to let Wendy go through some battles.

So the Amber turned around, and Zhang Da also told Wendy to be careful about those people firing cold guns, and he didn't know how the magic bullets and muskets in the Fairy Tail world compare. Wendy should have experience in dealing with these things, right?

Zhang Daye was nagging like an old father. He wanted his daughter to go out to practice but was worried that her daughter would get hurt.

In the end, it was Xia Lulu who advised: "Don't worry, Wendy is also very strong and has experienced many difficult battles."

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