Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 275 This sister must be an extremely strong person (4000 words)

In addition to promising Grandigne to keep things confidential, Zhang Da also told everyone about the current situation, including the members on the ship and the basic situation of the world.

Then Wendy's little head was a bit exhausted, and she struggled to extract this key information. First, her companions were safe, which was the most important, then there was news about Grandigne, and then the contract, Another world, pirate navy...

The poor little girl almost had mosquito coils in her eyes.

Fortunately, Xia Lulu was much more reliable than Wendy and asked calmly: "What about the price? What do we need to pay to transport us from that situation and provide us with opportunities to grow?"

Zhang Da also glanced at Xia Lulu in surprise. On the surface, she looked like Wendy's pet, but in fact, she worked hard to take care of and protect Wendy like a sister. It was... such a familiar feeling!

Isn't this relationship like the almighty Tom and his worthless master? At least Wendy is cuter than Zhang Tat Ye.

No, no, it’s a matter of character for Wendy, and it’s also a matter of ability for Zhang Da.

You can still find ways to develop your character slowly, but no matter how hard you work, you can't be as capable as Tom, right?

Putting aside the messy thoughts, Zhang Daye said: "The price is to provide me with some help within the scope of my ability. To be more specific, Wendy is good at healing magic, right? There happens to be no doctor on the ship yet."

In fact, Grandigne did not mention the specific contents of the contract, probably thinking that Zhang Da also knew about it.

Zhang Da could only complain in his heart that the plug-in was unreliable and he didn't understand why important contracts should be made in duplicate.

However, everyone else's contracts are like this, but their conditions are different, so Zhang Da also guesses that Wendy's should be similar.

"Well, there is no problem with healing magic. I will try my best!" Wendy clenched her little fist to encourage herself. She suddenly came to a strange environment and met a group of strange people. Moreover, this was where she would stay for a long time. I still feel a little uneasy about where I want to live.

Xia Lulu was still a little wary, and it sounded like there was no problem. If it was Grandigne's arrangement, it must be for Wendy's good, but after all, they had not seen it with their own eyes, so the credibility of these people in front of them still needed to be carefully observed. one time.

When Zhang Da also wanted to say something, Perona stood in front of him with her hands on her hips: "Hey, boss, it's almost time to finish, right?"

Perona probably learned from Rui Mengmeng when she called her boss, but when Rui Mengmeng called her boss, it sounded like she was asking for instructions to report work, while when Perona called her boss, it sounded like she was ordering food at a food stall.

"I've almost said all the necessary things, what's wrong?" Zhang Da also thought for a second, but in the end he didn't bother to correct him. As Pei Luoli got more and more familiar with everyone, she became less and less well-behaved. She often followed Tom gets into mischief together.

For example, a few days ago, Perona attracted Brooke's attention, and Tom secretly put salt in the black tea, and then the two of them hid in the corner to watch Brooke being embarrassed, and then rolled on the floor laughing.

As for how Zhang Da also knew, it was really fun to watch.

"Wendy and Xia Lulu just woke up. I want to take them to take a bath and change clothes. You go out first!" Perona said as she pushed Zhang Daye out of the room.

When he was pushed to the door, Zhang Da also poked his head in again and said to Wendy: "If Perona bullies you, remember to tell me and I will deal with her."

"Only you can bully others!" Perona slammed the door.

Zhang Da also hid in time and nothing happened, but Tom, who stretched his neck to observe secretly, had his head crushed. He finally pulled his head out from the crack of the door, sat on the ground and blinked innocently.

After a while, Perona came out of the room with some clothes and a bag of snacks, and found Tom: "Tom, can you change these clothes to this size?"

Tom looked at his clothes and snacks, crossed his arms and pouted, which was too little.

"But these are all I have today." Perona was a little distressed. "My clothes can be given directly to Wendy, but Xia Lulu's can't be done without changing them."

Yes, Xia Lulu usually wears clothes, sometimes she wears a student uniform, sometimes she wears a beautiful little skirt, and even her tail is tied with a beautiful bow.

Tom's ears twitched, and after confirming that he wanted to help Xia Lulu, he happily took out the clothes from Perona's arms and turned around and ran to his room.

After rounding the corner, one hand stretched back and took away the snack in Perona's hand.

Before Perona could figure out what was going on, Tom had already rushed back and showed Perona five sets of small clothes.

"So fast!" Perona took over the clothes in surprise, "The style is the same as before, and it can't be seen that it has been cut at all. It's amazing!"

Tom nodded proudly.

Zhang Da also noticed that there were still food residues hanging from the corners of Tom's mouth, which meant that Tom not only completed the cutting within a few minutes, but also took the time to eat the snacks.

Perona looked through them one by one and wondered: "But I obviously only gave you three sets. Why did it become five sets when I came back?"

Isn't it normal to make two sets of large clothes after changing them into small ones and the leftover scraps... Zhang Da also thought this way, but found that two of the sets looked familiar.

"Tom! You ruined my clothes again!" Zhang Daye grabbed Tom's shoulders and shook them hard. "Last time, I exchanged my clothes for fish with Ye Yan, and this time I used them to please the little female cat!"

Tom felt guilty and wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape, so he could only accept the lesson silently.

Zhang Da was not reluctant to part with a few pieces of clothing, but he was mainly worried that one day Tom would get sick and cut off the clothes he was wearing on the spot. Zhang Da had no doubt about the possibility of Tom doing such a thing.

Perona was worried about being offended, so she left the scene quietly. As for her clothes, she had changed them. She couldn't change them from a small one to a large one, right?

After fighting with Tom for a while, Zhang Da stopped chasing after Tom started to use the terrain to escape. The risk was too great and he was afraid that the boat would be lost if he was not careful.

The Amber set sail again and moved forward according to the established route. If everything went well, it would reach the island marked on the simplified chart this afternoon.

Not long after, two little girls with twin tails walked out of the cabin side by side, one with pink hair and one with blue hair, followed by a kitten.

At Zhang Daye's request, Perona had not tied her hair in twin ponytails for many days, and she tied it up today just to be consistent with Wendy.

Facing everyone's attention, Wendy, with the encouragement of Perona and Xia Lulu, prepared to formally get to know each other for the first time.

Wendy mustered up the courage to move forward, but Wendy fell.

There was obviously nothing on the deck that could trip someone up, but Wendy just fell straight to the ground with her hands stretched forward.

Everyone looked surprised, Xia Lulu covered her forehead and couldn't bear to look directly.

"It hurts!" Wendy climbed up skillfully and patted her clothes a few times, as if she was used to such things. "Hello everyone, I am Wendy. I will be the ship's doctor on this ship at the invitation of the boss's brother. Please take care of me!”

"What the hell is Brother Boss..." Zhang Da also complained about Wendy's strange name for him and glared at Perona. Such a well-behaved Wendy must have been instigated by Perona.

Perona didn't understand where she had offended him. She felt that she had behaved quite well in the past two days, right?

Everyone welcomed Wendy and Xia Lulu. Only Brooke said hello and was dragged away by Ye Yan, worried that this perverted skeleton would say something perverted in front of the little girl.

Wendy was a little embarrassed to face her new companions. Brooke's appearance shocked her and Xia Lulu. Zhang Da also took the opportunity to teach them about Devil Fruits.

"It's so magical!" Wendy was surprised, obviously the magic in their world was even more magical.

"By the way, how are your injuries? Is it okay to get out of bed and move around like this?" Zhang Da also remembered that they were injured when they came.

Wendy said: "I've almost recovered. It's no problem to move around."

"That's good." Zhang Da also wanted to say that he was indeed a melee mage from Fairy Tail, with incredibly strong vitality and recovery power.

"Excuse me, what's going on with this cat?" Xia Lulu helplessly pressed Tom's face with one hand to prevent him from getting close to her.

Although she was much smaller than Tom, Tom was held up by her small hands, and his four feet slid in vain on the ground, but did not move forward even a millimeter.

Perona picked up Tom and introduced: "This is Tom. He is a very powerful cat. He can cook and play the piano. The hot cocoa he makes is particularly delicious. Even the clothes you are wearing now, Xia Lulu, were changed by him." Of!"

Tom realized that Perona jumped out of her arms immediately after she praised him, stood upright, and accepted the compliment with a smile on her face.

Xia Lulu looked at her clothes, then at Tom, who was a little more serious, and said a little coyly: "Thank you... thank you."

Tom smiled and immediately wanted to stick to it again.

But Xia Lulu soared into the air, with a pair of white wings growing out of her back, and floated to the other side of Wendy, allowing Tom to fly away.

Tom looked at Xia Lulu flying in the air in a daze, obviously not understanding why the cat could suddenly grow wings and fly.

"Why do you always come over all of a sudden?" Xia Lulu was a little unhappy.

"Maybe I like you." Zhang Da also explained for Tom, then stretched out his hand to put his hand on the top of Tom's head, educating him, "Don't get so close to someone without their consent. It's very rude."

Tom bit his finger. He had always done this before. When he saw someone he liked, he would approach them directly. Occasionally, he would choose to be cool and give gifts, and then express his love directly.

Although he will always encounter some unexpected accidents, causing him to always fail.

"I...like..." Wendy's face suddenly turned red when she heard someone confessing to Xia Lulu.

"Don't say such things to people you just met!" Xia Lulu said angrily, then she floated in front of Wendy and gently pulled her little face, "And Wendy, I should be the one who should be shy, right? Why? Are you blushing?"

"I'm sorry, Xia Lulu, but..." Wendy covered her face and was at a loss.

After the small interlude, the atmosphere was finally not as awkward as it was at the beginning. Zhang Da was also ready to take Wendy and Xia Lulu on the boat to look around, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Perona took away his job.

Zhang Da also saw that Wendy had no resistance, so he had to let Perona go. As for himself, he took the time to educate Tom.

"Tom, it's okay to chase girls, but you can't go too far. You have to be careful. Let me tell you, at the beginning...then...finally..."

As he spoke, Zhang Da also fell silent. Is it appropriate for me, a single dog, to teach a single cat how to pursue the opposite sex?

Tom, who had been listening to his master's nagging, quietly slipped away and stuffed an umbrella into his master's hand. He felt that the low pressure on his master was too obvious and it might rain at any time.

Tom, who slipped away, did not bother Xia Lulu, but went to the storage room to carefully select ingredients and prepare to make a sumptuous lunch. This is not too much, right?

So Xia Lulu ate happily at noon, and Artoria was even happier than she was.

It was also during lunch that Wendy and Xia Lulu saw the unusual appetites of several big eaters on the ship.

Zhang Da also popularized science seriously: "In this sea, the appetite of the strong is often very exaggerated. Those who are full like Ye Yan after three or five bowls of rice are weak chickens. If Wendy wants to become strong, she must first work hard." Eat more!”

"Yes!" Wendy nodded vigorously. She believed it immediately, because Natsu, whom she admired the most, ate a lot, and she didn't know how to become an excellent dragon slayer. So with Natsu Aim for it!

Xia Lulu felt something was wrong, but there was no harm in eating more. Wendy was growing up and needed nutrition, right?

Ye Yan protested: "Hey, why do you want to belittle me?"

"Respect the facts. We just need a negative teaching material." Zhang Da also smiled, "Why don't you practice in the afternoon? It's been a while since I tested your physical skills."

"Come on, come on, who is afraid of whom!" Ye Yan felt that he had made great progress recently. With his physical skills alone, he could beat his former self. Even if he faced Zhang Da, he would not necessarily lose.

"Don't cry and beg to be let go if you are so arrogant."

"When did I cry when I begged to be let go? The best I can do is hug my thighs!"

Wendy and Xia Lulu watched Zhang Daye bickering with Ye Yan, feeling like they were seeing Naz and Gray. If the two of them were so noisy that everyone on the ship got into a ball, Wendy and Xia Lulu would probably Feel right at home.

Half an hour later, Wendy's belly was so round that she slumped on the chair cutely: "Eat... I can't eat anymore..."

"Wendy, is it okay?" Perona was nervously concerned about Wendy's situation, looking at Zhang Tatsuya like she was looking at a liar, "Why do you say that!"

Zhang Da was still eating, and took some time out of his busy schedule to reply: "This is how a dragon slayer practices. Eat more, practice more, and fight more. I'm not lying."

At least that's how Natsu practiced, and the Dragon Slayer was the protagonist of Destiny, and his physique was the same as cheating. The harder he tried, the faster he became stronger. As long as Wendy could endure the hardship, this was the right thing to do.

Wendy had just eaten a little bit, nothing serious. At this time, she was looking at Artoria with admiration. This kind-looking sister must be a very powerful person!

In the afternoon, Zhang Da also kept his promise and beat Ye Yan until he hugged his thighs and begged for mercy. When he was about to do some other exercises, Rui Mengmeng's voice came from the loudspeaker:

"Everyone, I see the island!"

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