"Ye Yan, did Sui Feng'er see how these people came from the Golden Lion Island?" Zhang Daye asked.

After fooling the fools, everyone ran for nearly half an hour. The main island of Golden Lion was already in front of them. It would be uncomfortable if they couldn't get there.

"They jumped here on those animals." Ye Yan said, "Though those mounts are not very experienced, their jumping ability is better than the last. They can jump over a distance of tens of meters without blinking."

"A few dozen meters." Zhang Da also thought for a while: "There should be hope if we work hard, but to be honest, the risk is slightly higher. How about we grab a few mounts and come over. Fortunately, we didn't kill them all."

"The enemy's mount is too uncertain. I can use the shark giant to throw everyone over one by one, and then you can get a rope or something to pull me over."

Shark Chili gave a more reliable suggestion. He can actually do it with his own strength, but it is not easy to exert force. Shark Giant is more convenient.

"Will you fall to death if you throw it that far?" Perona was very scared.

"Otherwise, let's let Jin Erpeng fly us over one by one." Ye Yan suggested. He felt that his small body could not withstand being thrown around like this.

Zhang Da also asked: "Isn't he paralyzed from exhaustion?"

Ye Yan said: "It's already evening since I rested in the morning. It should be no problem to take a few people on a flight."

Rui Mengmeng asked: "Why do we have to go to that island?"

Zhang Da also explained: "On other islands, I'm afraid that when the Golden Lion gets tired of looking for us or gets into a fight with us, he will throw the whole island down.

That island contains the results of his ten years of research, and he would probably be reluctant to leave it until the end of the road. Therefore, the most dangerous place is the safest place. "

As they were about to reach the edge of Melviu, the pirates who were chasing behind everyone also realized that something was wrong. Didn't it mean that the effect of the medicine would wear off soon? Why do you still look so energetic?

In confusion, they saw the boy with the flag behind him, the pink-haired little girl and a cat standing there, while the other five people charged towards them.

"What is going on? Is it because we are desperate?" The captain didn't know why, but he could only raise his knife and said, "Face the enemy!"

What follows is a story of fifty people being brutally beaten by five people.

It wasn't until he lost consciousness that the pirate captain suddenly realized: "It turns out that he was the only one who had lost the effect of the drug..."

"emmmm..." Zhang Da suddenly sympathized with him. After chasing him for so long, he didn't even know what was going on with his opponent. He really... deserved it. Who told them to be the aide of the tiger?

Ye Yan released Jin Erpeng and asked him to fly back and forth four times to transport everyone to the main island of Golden Lion.

In the center of the main island is a magnificent palace, which is surrounded by Daft-Green along with the front and rear squares to ensure that it will not be attacked by wild beasts.

The golden lion also left a large number of beasts on the island where he lived.

The island is surrounded by sea on three sides and suspended in the air on one side. At a rough look, the area of ​​the sea water is no smaller than the area of ​​the island. It should be used to park the large fleet that will be assembled in the future. By the way, it is also convenient for the Golden Lion to deal with other ability users.

Brooke sighed: "It's amazing, Mr. Shiji, he can float in the sky on such a big island, and he is obviously a Devil Fruit user who is hated by the sea, but he can also carry it with the surrounding sea water."

Zhang Da also said: "There is no need to use the honorific title for this guy."

"Yes, there is a gorilla coming towards our location." Ye Yan's exclusive message came from Sui Feng'er.

"Gorilla?" Zhang Da also looked around, but did not see the gorilla, but heard the sound of drums.

Everyone followed the sound and saw an unknown object on the hillside in the distance beating their chest while walking up the hill, and finally let out a powerful beast's roar.

This thing wears a small flower hat on its head, a pink top, a pair of green beach pants, and a pair of small round glasses on the bridge of its nose.

Zhang Da also wondered: "Is this the grandmother of the orangutan or the golden lion?"

Shark Chili said: "The orangutan beating his chest should be a provocation, right? Does he want to fight with us?"

Gorilla Scaredo continued to beat his chest rhythmically, and the ground shook slightly. Beast roars sounded from all directions, and all kinds of beasts gathered around the hillside.

As Scaredo roared, the beasts bared their teeth and claws, or showed their horns and rushed toward Zhang Tatsuya and the others.

"It seems it's not a provocation, but a summons. This guy is probably the boss of all the beasts on the island." Zhang Da also took out a sword.

Although his fighting style is messy and he has a variety of weapons that can be adapted to various scenarios, he is still thinking about it all by himself. His strongest attack method is still the swordsmanship taught by Artoria.

Artoria and Rui Mengmeng also showed their swords. With so many beasts, they shouldn't have to hide their strength like before.

"It's better to let him appear at this time." Shark Pepper put his hand to his mouth and shouted: "Super Shark Giant!"

A huge dorsal fin cut through the ground, snorkeling from a distance, knocking over countless beasts along the way, and finally broke out in front of Shark Pepper.

No wonder he likes to let the shark giant appear like this, it is indeed handsome and domineering.

"Open the cockpit door!" Shark Pepper looked at Perona, "Would you like to come together? It's safer inside."

Perona coyly said: "Since you invited me, let's come together."

Ye Yan swooped down and hugged Shark Pepper's thigh: "Boss! Take me with you! I'm not good at close combat either!"

"Aren't you going to be the ace among the censors? How can you escape from the battle casually?" Shark Chili dragged Ye Yan forward for two steps.

But Brooke hugged Shark Pepper's other leg again: "Please take me with you. I'm not good at dealing with large beasts! And...it's a huge robot. Wouldn't anyone want to try it out once?"

After finally getting rid of the two brown candies, Shark Chili jumped into the hatch with Perona: "I'll give you the words of Jingui Jiro, men should fight silently!"

The shark giant took a step forward and crashed into the group of beasts.

The one who was most afraid at this time was Tom. He had always been afraid of animals larger than himself. He would usually be forced to fight while running. Now facing so many beasts, Tom suddenly didn’t know what to do. At a loss.

Zhang Da also reminded: "Why don't you try it with a shotgun? If that doesn't work, you can try cannons, firecrackers, and bombs."

When Tom thought it made sense, he took out a shotgun and aimed it at... Gorilla Scaredo.

This guy was colorful and not mixed in with the beasts. He was too conspicuous. Tom aimed at him and hit him non-stop.

However, Hunter Tom's marksmanship was mediocre. When hunting wild ducks, he fired more than ten shots and barely scratched the shoulder of a little duck.

This time more than 20 shots were fired in a row, mostly with strokes. Only one bullet hit the brim of Scaredo's hat, lifting the hat on his head and giving the gorilla a center shave. .

A furrow was plowed out in the middle of Scaredo's thick hair, and when he reached out to touch it, he could feel his smooth scalp.

The funny look made Tom slap his thighs and bend over with laughter. Scaredo felt that his dignity had been violated, so he beat his chest several times and roared at Tom.

Tom had a natural talent for making his enemies angry.

Perona can leave her body and float as much as she wants, but her true body cannot. But two years later, it seems that her true body can float as well...

I guess WT forgot the setting and it wasn't because Perona's fruit was developed well.

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