When the matter reached this point, Lieutenant General Gion suggested that Zhang Tatsuya and the others escape as soon as possible and leave the rest of the matter to the navy.

But it was rejected by Zhang Daye. It was okay to leave secretly before being discovered. Now it is easy to be intercepted by the Golden Lion on the way down. That would be more dangerous. After all, the air is the Golden Lion's home field.

Everyone discussed for a while and decided to leave the ship and try their best to deal with it for a while. If the reinforcements arrived after dark, it would be considered a victory. Anyway, there were only a few hours left.

When you can't hold on any longer, fight him with real swords and guns. It shouldn't be that easy to determine the outcome for an opponent of this level.

It is estimated that we will be there soon after hitting the kizaru and the green pheasant.

"That's it, Lieutenant General Gion. Remember to remind Lieutenant General Kuzan to pedal faster when he comes here on his bicycle. Don't be so lazy!"

"I will contact them, please be more careful." Lieutenant General Gion was helpless, why were she still joking at this moment, and she always felt that this person seemed to understand the personalities of these naval generals better than she did.

When preparing to set off, Ye Yan said: "Ma Laowu sent a message that several phone bugs have changed their direction and are about to reach our location. Dozens of people from the exploration team put down the captured animals and are heading towards us. Come here. In addition, Sui Feng Er sent news that hundreds of people came out of the Golden Lion's palace, and they may also be coming for us."

"The reaction is fast enough. I can't cause such a big battle by myself, right?" Zhang Da was also glad that the Golden Lion didn't take action personally, but it was considered that he had encountered a boss who played according to the routine. He had encountered it before. Those criminals who beat around the bush are poisonous.

It's natural to react quickly and have a large array. You can catch animals at any time. If you catch people late, the news may be leaked.

From Indygo's point of view, the people on Precious Beast Island are just unlucky guys who were accidentally taken to the sky. They may not necessarily know that this is Master Shiji's ability, nor may they have the means to contact the outside world.

But everything should be done just in case. As Lord Shiji's right-hand man, he must kill this possibility as soon as possible, so Indygo paid enough attention to this matter.

If there is any shortcoming, it is probably that he did not disturb the Golden Lion for such a trivial matter. Based on Indigo's understanding of Shiji, he would not bother to take action personally for such a seemingly ordinary and unknown little person.

Just like what the Golden Lion said when he faced off against the Straw Hats for the first time, 'little people like you are not even worthy of being killed by me'.

Zhang Da also said to Zeole: "We won't be able to take care of you when we go out for parkour this time. You can take a chance and hide in the cave of the Kirin Lion. It's better than running around alone."

"I understand, thank you for everything you have done for the animals!" Zeole bowed seriously. He knew that he was just an ordinary person, and following them would only cause trouble, so he didn't say anything more.

Rui Mengmeng raised her hand and asked: "I have a question. I remember that the big island of Golden Lion is very far away from our island, right? How did those reinforcements get here?"

Zhang Da also said: "Good question, Ye Yan remember to ask Sui Feng'er to pay attention to it, we might need it later."

"No problem." Ye Yan made an OK gesture, and then, as if he remembered something, he struck the fainted phone bug more than a dozen times on its head.

"Get ready, let's go."

"Okay." Rui Mengmeng, Shark Chili, Ye Yan and Brook agreed readily.

It's just that Perona is still a little scared. Brooke is different from her in this regard. After all, she is the master who is so cowardly when it comes to talking about the four emperors and who is so fierce when confronting the four emperors that he really has no shortage of courage when things come to a head.

As for Tom and Artoria who did not respond...

"Stop being greedy, let's eat some serious edible snails later. Our phone bug is almost scared to tears by you two."

Zhang Da also picked up Tom with one hand and dragged Artoria away with the other. The two foodies looked reluctant to leave when they left. It was obvious that Tom had even prepared the ingredients.

Opening a small gap, Zhang Da also poked his head out of the camouflage cloth, and happened to meet the eyes of a large snail.

"..." After a second of silence, Zhang Da also reached out and pushed the head of the image phone bug aside.

The phone bug just happened to meet the eyes of Tom, who also poked his head out next to him. Then Tom silently took out the knife and fork and raised his eyebrows at the phone bug.

The phone bug stepped back and slowly turned his head back to Zhang Daye.

"You forced me to do this." Zhang Da also took out a small pocket with the word "salt" written in big letters on it.

I tore open the bag and sprinkled the salt around the phone bug. The phone bug immediately shrank back, even its shell was trembling.

Others got out from under the camouflage cloth one after another, and Perona said: "So the phone bug is still afraid of salt?"

Ye Yan said: "Don't learn his wrong way of coping. It doesn't matter because it has been exposed. If we encounter a phone bug, it's best to kick it away before it can react."

Tom put his hands next to his ears and nodded while eavesdropping on Ye Yan's words. It was just kicking people. Tom was very good at it when he opened a tavern in the Chambord Islands.

Looking around, he found another phone bug that was about to crawl over. After walking around behind the phone bug, Tom raised his foot, turned his ankle several times to gather strength, and then kicked the phone bug's shell.

"Ouch...Ouch~~" Tom jumped around holding his feet, his right foot deformed and became red and swollen.

On the other side, the phone bug that was kicked away by Tom was so frightened that it retracted into its shell in mid-air, flew far away, and just landed on the head of an exploration team member, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack!"

"It's a teleportation phone bug, over there, let's go!"

The exploration team members ran in the direction from which the phone bug flew, leaving only one innocent phone bug who stuck his head out again and faithfully transmitted the scene of the fallen exploration team member with red envelopes on his head and stars in his eyes back to the monitoring room. .

When the exploration team arrived, Zhang Da was also applying medicine and a bandage to Tom: "I call you Pi, do you know it hurts now?"

Tom covered his eyes the whole time and didn't dare to look. He screamed when Zhang Da moved. After Zhang Da wrapped a bandage and tied a knot for him, Tom was still immersed in pain and couldn't extricate himself: "Ouch~~"

"Stop barking, I've finished bandaging it." Zhang Da also rubbed Tom's cat face and put him on his shoulders to sit.

Tom opened his eyes suspiciously and glanced at his bandaged foot, and immediately felt that it no longer hurt.

"Hello." Zhang Da also greeted the exploration team, "We are tourists who entered here by mistake. Can you put down your weapons and have a good chat? Or we can stay with you for a casual meal."

"Sure enough, there's more than one person! Seven, we still have the upper hand in terms of numbers, come on!" The captain of the exploration team either didn't regard Tom as a human being, or he didn't regard Brooke as a human being.

Of course, it is also possible to be illiterate like the Jade Emperor's son.

With an order, the exploration team members raised their weapons originally used to deal with the beasts and aimed them at Zhang Tatsuya and the others.


“Negative Ghost!”

Dozens of exploration team members all knelt down:

"If there is an afterlife, I hope to be a flea..."

"A scum like me has no right to breathe the air here..."

"I'm really sorry to walk on the same land as everyone else..."

"Let's go, let's go." Zhang Daye greeted his companions, bypassed these frustrated people, and ran in the direction of Melvio.

Perona said dissatisfied: "These guys are not your opponents at all, right? Why must I deal with them?"

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