Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 216 As long as you hand in your guns and surrender, you will be guaranteed a lifetime of glo

Tom, who received the compliment, put his hands on his hips with a proud expression on his face.

However, shouts and curses immediately came from the opposite ship:



"Sneak attack while our captain is shouting!"


Zhang Da also held his forehead, but was actually called a scumbag by the scumbag. As expected, he still had to use the cannon to reason with these people: "After loading, keep firing!"

Another salvo followed, and two shells exploded on the side of the pirate ship, leaving scars on the ship.

The pirates were shaken to this side by the shock, and Foxy woke up suddenly, and took a loudspeaker again: "Listen up, people on the other side, stop shelling immediately! I greet you as the captain of the Silver Fox Pirates. Initiate a three-coin Davy-Back-Fight challenge!”

Brooke's voice came from the loudspeaker in the observation room of the Amber: "Mr. Tatsuya, do you want to cease fire and accept the challenge?"

Zhang Da also sneered: "He said a ceasefire means a ceasefire? That's a good idea. Let's continue fighting."

Brook worried that Zhang Da also didn't understand them, so he specially explained: "Davy-Back-Fight is a game that was circulated in a certain Pirate Paradise a long time ago. The winner can get the best crew from the loser, and break the rules. He will be despised by all pirates and become a disgrace among pirates."

"Oh." Zhang Da is also not interested in this kind of game that people with brains will play, "But we are not pirates, what kind of pirate games are we playing? I am the one who catches him for rewards and then gives everyone extra meals." The thing I most want to do.”

"Ah..." Brook was at a loss for words, and what he said was true. He forgot that he was on a bounty hunter's ship now. He was just a dead pirate. Dead pirates don't have to care about the rules of pirates. ?

It was the swearing part of the game that made Brook feel terrified, although he had no heart: "But this game is to swear to the legendary deep sea pirate Davy Jones, that is the legendary..."

"Then don't be afraid. The Flying Dutchman has been dismantled by us a while ago. There is no Davy Jones on it, only Vander Daken and Hody Jones." Zhang Da also remembers the movie Caribbean Davy Jones is the captain of the Flying Dutchman.

"I also have the limited edition commemorative coin I got during the demolition of the Flying Dutchman. I can give you one if you want."

Brook looked up at the ceiling of the arsenal. What kind of group is this? Not only did they defeat the big pirate with the zombie army, but they also dismantled the legendary ghost ship...

He suddenly wondered if all the legends he had heard before were not worth mentioning in front of them.

"Yohohoho~ Then follow Captain Tatsuya-san's order and keep firing!"

Arturia skillfully maneuvered the ship to occupy a favorable angle, and Brooke and Ye Yan found the right moment to aim and fire.

Tom rolled around with a cannonball in his arms, and finally hit the cabin door frame head and foot, and the cannonball fell into Perona's arms.

"It's so heavy!" Perona was thrown into a squatting position by the cannonball. She wanted to hold Tom more than the cannonball, but she couldn't throw the cannonball around. She didn't know what to do for a while.

Foxy once again used his ability to survive a round of bombardment and shouted: "Don't you dare to accept the challenge? Do you want to be a coward?"

After yelling, Foxy showed a smug expression on his face. His trick is very effective. Those brainless pirates will immediately agree as long as they are provoked casually. He has tried it many times.

The crew members followed the captain sensibly and cheered:

"It's really despicable to attack again while the captain is shouting!"

"You are not worthy of being pirates!"


Are you just flattering or making fun of you? Zhang Da was also amused, and opened the window and shouted: "Listen up, idiots on the other side, we are bounty hunters, and we are not in the mood to play games with you. As long as you hand in your guns and surrender, you will be honored for the rest of your life... Bah, I promise you!" You will be handed over completely to the Navy!"

The sound on the pirate ship suddenly stopped, and the entire pirate group was quiet for three seconds: "Oh no, Captain, they are not pirates!"

Foxy was also a little confused. You are neither a navy nor a pirate. Why did you open fire without saying anything? Shouldn't the bounty hunter rush over recklessly to engage in a fight, then be attacked by my abilities and then hacked to death by the others?

Only then did the pirates take a closer look at the flag hanging on the mast of the Amber. It was the head of a cat with an 'hateful face', and the smile on its face seemed to be mocking their captain's split head.

Seeing that they didn't move, Zhang Daye shouted again: "That boss on the other side! Can you please give me a sweet word and say, surrender or not?"

"Oh hahahahaha~" Tom curiously took out the binoculars and glanced at Foxy's head when he heard the word "slot head", and then couldn't straighten up laughing.

What's interesting is that although the laughter is not loud, it reaches Foxy's ears clearly.

Foxy seemed to be possessed by a negative ghost, his whole person was shrouded in shadow, and he knelt on the ground and muttered: "Splitting head, splitting head..."

Perona put the cannonball back on the shelf and looked at her little hand in confusion. Didn't I use my ability on it?

Since they didn't want to surrender, they had no choice but to continue the bombardment, and there was another salvo. Two of the five shells hit the hull, and one flew towards the mast.

At this time, a tall man held an iron rod and knocked the cannonball out like a baseball, causing the cannonball to explode in the air.

“Well done burger!”

"Captain, it's almost time to fight back!"

"Just a bounty hunter!"

Foxy finally recovered from his disappointment: "Prepare for bombardment! Also, Kabodi and Bikupanda, let them know how powerful you are!"

"Leave it to us, Captain! Naval battles are the home of murlocs!" Kabodi is a swordfish murloc, and he is very confident in his water combat ability and murloc karate.

"Sink them right away, puff~puff~" The tall bhikupanda jumped into the sea with Kabodi. He is a loach giant, a hybrid of giants and murlocs. very confident.

"Huh? Murlocs?" Shark Pepper was taken aback after seeing the characteristics of the two people. He didn't expect to meet Murlocs and Pirates here, and then said confidently, "I'll deal with them, one with an ordinary body and one with a giant. Just right to be my opponent!"

Shark pepper jumped into the water and swam towards the two murlocs.

At this time, the opponent's ships also began to approach and shelled.

However, because the skill of navigating a boat is too different from Artoria's, it is difficult to form an effective shooting, but Artoria can always seize a favorable position, allowing Ye Yan and Brook to fire very smoothly.

In particular, Brooke has a deep understanding. If they had an excellent helmsman like Artoria back then, but the shelling could make the enemy suffer, the final result would definitely be very different.

The author actually doesn’t pay much attention to football. I paid a little attention to it because I saw a bunch of complaint videos about who lost to the county team in Xiaopozhan in the past two days. , I choose to watch men’s table tennis.

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