Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 181 The task of keeping vigil belongs to you

In order to prove Tom's irrationality, Jin Erpeng, the flag demon in another Huang Yao banner, was brutally murdered and stood with Sui Feng'er retching.

Ye Yan checked Tom's whole body, which made Tom even shy and couldn't figure out what was going on. He could only cast doubtful eyes on Zhang Daye.

"Well... Anyway, don't be surprised if one day Tom suddenly sacrifices your Huang Fei Banner when he is fighting with others. Just ask your flag demon to cooperate with him in fighting." Zhang Daye certainly couldn't explain Tom's reasoning. It can only be said that anything is possible.

"That's it..." Ye Yan was thoughtful, and after a while he suddenly changed into a treacherous face, "Tom, are you interested in becoming my flag demon? You can live forever~"

"What the hell are you thinking!" Zhang Da also slapped Ye Yan on the back, "You actually abducted a kitten from a good family, and Tom is not a monster, so why do you think he is a flag monster?"

"Not all monsters are cultivated." Ye Yan pointed to the outside of the cabin, "Even those idiots can turn into monster kings. I think Tom has amazing bones and can become a peerless monster in minutes."

Zhang Da also attacked: "Not to mention whether Tom wants to become a monster, since he can become a peerless monster, why should he become a banner monster and hang around?"

Ye Yan said without hesitation: "Of course it's because of his charisma!"


"What's the use of telling you this." Ye Yan turned to Tom, "Do you want to think about it? The treatment is generous~"

Tom shook his head and turned back to the room, yawning as he walked. He was going to take a nap. Being a monster was not the best thing to wash the deck. What's better, being a cat was the happiest thing.

Shark Chili also left the restaurant. He wanted to give some technical guidance to the monsters who were washing the deck.

Ye Yan also left with Shark Pepper. He knew the virtues of his banner demon. If he didn't see it, he would be lazy. He had to supervise the work.

By the way, I also want to observe more about Shark Chili. The next performance art goal is tentatively set on a robot theme and needs to be sourced.

Rui Mengmeng and Artoria moved the tableware on the table to the kitchen to prepare for cleaning.

Zhang Daye went to the laundry room. The clothes that were wet by the rain in the morning needed to be washed and hung out to dry while the weather was good, otherwise they would become moldy.

Normal people need to wash clothes in their lives and cannot always wear a red mantle.

Since there is no washing machine, everyone usually takes turns washing clothes - only outerwear, of course. Today it happened to be Zhang Daye's turn.

It's Tom's turn next time. Although Tom doesn't understand why he has to join the laundry queue when he doesn't usually wear clothes, he has no complaints.

Because every time it is his turn, everyone will feel that it is too much to bully the cat, and then it becomes a group activity for everyone.

To be honest, Arturia rolled up her sleeves and imitated Rui Mengmeng washing clothes on a washboard...it was quite silly.

There is also Shark Chili, because the normal form is inconvenient, so every time he has to take advantage of the fifteen minutes of super transformation to work hurriedly, it's so funny.

If Zhang Da was also a Shark Pepper, he would definitely keep the super transformation form that can only be used once a day to deal with emergencies. However, Shark Pepper seems to have no awareness of this at all and uses it very casually.

Now Zhang Da has also decided to change Shark Chili's shift. There is always the possibility of encountering unexpected situations after going to sea.

In fact, what Tom is best at is not washing clothes, but ironing clothes. He uses an iron to perfection. It only takes a few seconds to iron a piece of clothes smoothly. The iron does not know how powerful it is.

Zhang Da also carried the washed clothes outside the cabin, and then saw the sweating flag demons and Ye Yan. He was surprised: "Ye Yan, you actually did the work yourself? I thought everyone would let the flag demons do it for them?" "

Before Ye Yan could speak, a flag demon stopped and rushed to explain: "Boss, you may have some misunderstanding about the master. The master is able to achieve today's achievements not only because of his talent, but also because he is the hardest working member of the family. One, if this kind of necessary work in daily life is not available, the master usually does it himself."

It is the foundation for people to sacrifice a Huang Yao Banner in the morning, but every additional Huang Yao Banner requires unimaginable sweat and effort. Good talent means that the upper limit is higher, but it does not mean that it is easier to practice.

Another flag demon gave him a punch: "Don't think I don't know that you want to flatter the boss while talking to him and be lazy!"

The third flag demon punched the flag demon who just spoke again: "Don't think I don't know that you want to take advantage of the time to teach him a lesson!"

The fourth banner demon: "Don't think..."

In this way, the six flag demons started fighting inexplicably, and the tools used to clean the deck became weapons for fighting each other.

Unable to bear it, Ye Yan roared: "You bastards, just work for me!"

The flag demons stopped and continued to work according to Shark Pepper's instructions.

Ye Yan then went to talk to Zhang Daye: "Art comes from life. It is rare to have the opportunity to experience being a sailor. It would be a pity not to give it a try."

"Then come on." Zhang Da is also a layman and doesn't understand art. He silently walked aside to dry the clothes. "By the way, did you bring clothes when you came over? You won't just have this mushroom suit, right?"

"There is also a school uniform... By the way, where should I buy clothes on the sea?" Ye Yan brought a bag to hold his soul-suppressing gong, soul-suppressing hammer, Huangyao Banner and a set of clothes.

"You can only buy it when you are on the next island. I will support you with some new clothes that I just bought the day before yesterday." Zhang Daye and the others prepared well before going to sea. They bought many sets of clothes. Ye Yan's figure looks like it should be. Pretty much the same as him.

"Thank you!" After Ye Yan said this, he continued to experience the joy of sailors washing the deck.

After the deck was cleaned, the Banner Demons slipped back into the Yellow Demon Banner one by one. Years of demon life experience told them not to hang around in front of the boss when they have nothing to do, otherwise there will be endless work.

Turns out they were right, the new job was coming.

Shark Chili looked at the time and said, "It's almost time to set sail."

After all, sailing cannot be like when you open a tavern, taking a half-day break before driving for two or three hours.

So Zhang Da also called out Artoria and Rui Mengmeng, and everyone put away the cat's claw-shaped anchor and set sail again.

Because Tom was still sleeping, I didn't call him specifically. Anyway, there was not much shortage of manpower now.

After sailing smoothly for half a day, in fact, as long as one person observes the surrounding situation on the observation deck, and another person checks the record pointer to make sure the course is correct, there is not much need for the whole crew to act.

Others can read if they want and exercise if they want. Of course, the person responsible for confirming the heading cannot be a three-sword swordsman.

After dinner, Zhang Da also patted Ye Yan on the shoulder: "According to the organization's research, I will entrust you with the honorable task of keeping watch at night, dear Comrade Watchman."

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