Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 177 The Amber sails happily, probably

"By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet. Where are you from?"

"Esmeralda, my name is Esmeralda." The dancer said carefully, "I was originally from the Kingdom of Corkia in the East China Sea."

"Kokia?" Xia Qi thought for a while and said, "I remember that the Kingdom of Kokia was captured a few months ago. Was it Germa's doing?"

"I don't know who attacked the kingdom, but there were many people like me who were kidnapped in the chaos. I don't know what happened to them now." Speaking of the kingdom being invaded and those who had a similar fate to himself, Ai Smeralda was a little sad.

"I'm afraid the situation there isn't going to be too good now. Do you still want to go back?" Xia Qi reminded. Kokia is a non-franchised country, and even if it is attacked by Germa brazenly carrying a special large snail across the red continent, it will not People manage.

A captured kingdom is now very likely to face internal chaos, invasion from neighboring countries, and harassment by pirates. The situation of ordinary people there may not be very good.

"Well! My family is all there. If I never go back..." Esmeralda bowed to Reilly and Xia Qi respectively. "Anyway, thank you two benefactors for saving me. Next I will I will find a way to go back by myself. If my benefactor needs help before that, I will try my best to help."

Esmeralda didn't want to cause any more trouble to her benefactor, but it would be nice if she could repay a little of her kindness before leaving.

"It doesn't require you to do anything..." Lei Li and Xia Qi looked at each other. They were not bad people, but it was hard to ignore such a kind-hearted girl.

Originally, there was so much slave trade in the illegal zone every day, and they pretended not to know about it, but this incident hit him in the face, and he couldn't help but feel bad about it.

"That little guy can really cause trouble for people." Rayleigh cursed in a low voice first, and then said with a smile, "Actually, I want to go to the East China Sea to visit my old friends recently. If you don't mind, how about coming with me?"

"Huh? But..." Esmeralda wanted to say thank you for your kindness, but he didn't say clearly that it was to send her off.

"It's nothing to worry about, I will trouble you to take care of my old bones."

"Yes!" Esmeralda covered her mouth, nearly fell into the abyss twice in a row, and was rescued twice in a row, "Thank you...thank you..."

Although I didn't want to lose my composure, the tears couldn't stop streaming down my face.

"It won't look good when you cry." Rayleigh smiled. He was thinking about whether he should see the child Shanks mentioned after going to the East China Sea, and... whether he should interfere with the other child.

"Let's have some food and rest first." Xia Qi took Esmeralda to sit down and prepared some food for her.

On the other side, the Amber just left the Chambord Islands.

A flag with a pure white background flutters in the wind on the mast, on which is a cat's head with a smile on it, which contrasts with the statue of Tom on the bow.

The full name of the ship, HOPE DIAMOND, is written in an arch on the front sail. Below the words are portraits of all the members. If you ask who painted it, it must be Tom.

With such a ship and flag, anyone who looks at it will think that this is a joyous ship.

However, at this moment, Mr. Zhang Daye, the nominal captain of the ship, was full of entanglements on his face: "I always feel that there is something wrong with us sailing like this."

Now we are not far from Shampoo, the wind direction is stable, and the rudder and sails do not need to be watched all the time. Everyone is gathered together, and only Rui Mengmeng is guarding the observation deck of the main mast.

It is said to be an observation deck, but it is actually a small room strung on the mast. It should probably be called an observation room. It is surrounded by special glass windows, which is windproof, rainproof and hailproof without affecting the view.

In addition to the necessary tables and chairs, binoculars and loudspeakers, there are also some books and exercise equipment in the room, so as not to keep the watchers from being bored.

It's just that reading books didn't seem to be good when I was in charge of this position. Now Rui Mengmeng is curiously looking around with a telescope.

Shark Chili was leaning on the railing and observing the sea current carefully, verifying the knowledge he had learned, and checking the heading from time to time. At this time, he heard Zhang Daye's words and asked: "All preparations have been made, what else is missing?" ?”

"It's almost an atmosphere." Zhang Daye said, "For example, if I shout, 'Target the Seven Islands of Water, set sail, set sail!', and then you all respond enthusiastically with 'Oh!!!' or something like that."

He thought that when the Hatters entered the Grand Line and announced their dream to split barrels together to encourage them, it would be better to learn how to do it.

Shark Chili tried to follow Zhang Daye's thinking and asked, "Then why didn't you shout in the dock just now?"

Zhang Da also said awkwardly: "There were too many people just now. If you didn't cooperate, I would feel very ashamed."

Arturia took a sip of the juice through a straw and asked, "Then let me put the sails away and let you shout once?"

Although it's a bit troublesome, we are all on a trip, so Artoria doesn't mind playing along with Zhang Da.

"Forget it, next time." Zhang Da was also a little discouraged. The people most likely to cooperate with him here were actually Rui Mengmeng and Tom. But now Rui Mengmeng sticks to his post, and Tom is lying on the beach chair lazily basking in the sun. Don't bother them anymore.

Taking advantage of the calm weather, Zhang Da also stood on the bow of the ship and watched the vast sea, and then ran to the stern of the ship to take a look at the gradually smaller shampoo field. If a poet could recite poetic verses here, Zhang Da I can only think about whether I should exercise or fish next.

Probably due to completely leaving the climate zone of the Chambord Islands, the undulations of the sea surface have gradually become less gentle, and the wind direction and strength have also changed from time to time.

Zhang Daye and the others also had to get busy, turning the rudder or adjusting the schooner under the command of Shark Pepper.

Rui Mengmeng's voice came from the loudspeaker: "At 11 o'clock, there is a big dark cloud in the sky!"

Zhang Da also tried his best to look at the blackness of the sky: "It can't be a storm, can it? It just happened when I went out, so unlucky?"

"It's not surprising to encounter it. The probability of encountering storms on the great route is very high, even if it happens once a day, it's not surprising."

Yes, it is not normal for Zhang Daye and Tom to drift for five days with calm weather, either because of good luck, or because they are too close to the climate zone of the Chambord Islands.

Shark Pepper looked at the pointer, then at the sky, and continued: "I guess there is no way to get around it, so prepare to go for it. I hope it's just a storm."

According to the boatmen, in a place like the Great Route, even if there are knives in the sky, it is not surprising, but it should be considered lucky if it encounters a storm.

"It's coming, get ready!" Shark Pepper yelled.

Artoria had already stood at the bow, holding the steering wheel, Rui Mengmeng also came down from the observation deck and stood by Zhang Da, and even Tom stood up straight with his chest out.

I actually mentioned the fact that Germa killed a certain kingdom in the East China Sea a long time ago, and I don’t know if anyone remembers...

If no one remembers, it is really my fault that the update is too slow, huh huh...

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