Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 170 I don’t know, but I know who knows

"These are basically the requirements. Do you have anything to add?"

Artoria shook her head. She had nothing to add. The fact that the kitchen and food storage room should be larger already represented her request.

Rui Mengmeng didn't have any special requirements. Shark Chili was satisfied when she heard that there was a martial arts gym where she could practice boxing.

Tom doesn't even want his own room, he just wants to take his current den with him. He likes to sleep with his owner.

"Okay, I've written it all down, and I can finish the design drawing tomorrow." Goodman folded the paper on the table and put it in his arms, "But I didn't expect you guys to be able to collect enough money so quickly."

Zhang Da also said: "I happened to meet a pirate with a high bounty, which is good luck. When will the deposit be paid?"

"Is it good luck to meet a big pirate with a high bounty? Only you dare to say that..." Goodman said helplessly. He didn't even brag that he could kill three pirate ships when he was young. "Deposit The matter is not urgent. After I finish the drawing, I will go to the shipyard for an appraisal. I estimate that the 1.8 pirate ships you traded for will be enough."

Because all three ships were in tatters, Zhang Da also asked Goodman and the others to jokingly call them 1.8 pirate ships when they received the goods.

Somehow it made the boatmen laugh, and it was passed around as a joke, which was inexplicable.

"Then leave it to uncle. By the way, do you know where is the best place to buy things like life cards and record pointers?"

"Well, there is a store at 30GR. Businessmen like to go there to buy such things, but I heard that the prices are very expensive."

Once anything in this world has anything to do with sailing, it's rare to find it cheap. Zhang Da doesn't care, as long as the quality is reliable. If he doesn't have enough money, he can go jungle arrogantly.

So everyone bid farewell to Uncle Goodman and rushed to 30GR. This is actually the location of the famous shopping street of the Shampoo Islands. There are many places on Island 29 next to it that will be classified as illegal zones.

There is no exact definition as to where the limit is, because it depends on the activities of the criminals.

If it gets a little more rampant for a certain period of time, some stores on the edge of 30GR will inevitably be affected, but if it is suppressed as badly as Zhang Daye and others during this period, the entire 29GR will be calm for a long time.

Zhang Da was also worried before that if people like him made such a big noise, they would be targeted by the giants of the underground forces. Later, he thought about it and there was nothing to be afraid of. Being powerful does not necessarily mean having strong fighting power. Those people are likely to have Plenty of low to mid-range combat power, like Germa's clone troopers.

If it doesn't work, you can still run to the naval base. The navy will not ignore it if it wants to save some face.

The shopping street is as lively as ever. There are sisters coming out to buy, there are couples or couples shopping arm in arm, and there are also children holding balloons in one hand and tugging on adults' clothes with the other to buy ice cream.

Just like now when Tom and Artoria are dragging Zhang Daye, Zhang Daye has long been used to it: "Buy!"

It took more than an hour to get from 59GR to 30GR, and it also took more than an hour to find the store Goodman mentioned in 30GR.

It’s not because the shops are hard to find, but because there are so many delicious food on the streets.

"Bonacieux Grocery Store".

Bonacieux was probably the name of the boss, and the way the store was named made Zhang Daye feel full of intimacy.

The shop looks a bit old, and the owner is an old man with round-framed reading glasses and gray hair who looks very energetic.

The products in the store are mainly various types of navigation props, including recording pointers of various sizes, permanent pointers for some islands, some crude-looking nautical charts and books with a sense of age.

"The life cards will be ready soon. Please put your nails here." After hearing Zhang Daye's request, Bonacieux took out a tray and thoughtfully prepared nail clippers.

"You asked whether animals and robots can do it. Animals are fine, but robots are really helpless." Bonacieux looked at Shark Pepper strangely. I have never seen such a robot before. It couldn't be that he ate the fruit of the machine. Shark, right?

Shark Chili spread his hands: "Then there's nothing we can do. In fact, it doesn't matter if I'm the only one missing."

Arturia and Rui Mengmeng quietly finished cutting their nails and looked at various products in the store.

Zhang Da couldn't help but smile when he was cutting his nails, because he always played tricks before time travel, so since he came to this world, he would think of Kizaru every time he cut his nails.

Tom stretched out his hand, popped out the tip of his claw, and looked at the nail clippers with a tangled look on his face, choosing from one to the next but not starting.

It will obviously grow out soon, but I don't know what he is struggling with.

"Come on, let me help you choose." Zhang Da also grabbed Tom's hand, and while tapping the tips of Tom's claws, he said: "Pineapple leaves, clatter, it's either you or him!"

"That's it." Zhang Da also raised the knife and dropped the curved claw tip into the tray. Tom also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Bonacieux looked at the two of them as if they were mentally retarded: "If the cat wants to do this, these nails are not enough, so just cut off the claws just now."

Zhang Daye:......


"Tatsuya, look at this, what should we buy?" Arturia asked, pointing to the pointer on the shelf.

"Let me see, the ordinary recording pointer is not needed. We have already obtained several from the pirates. Buy two dials with three pointers. It will be useful when you want to go to the new world." Zhang Da He also picked up two record hands dedicated to the new world, both of which could be worn on the wrist.

"Then the permanent pointer, we already have Alabasta's, we got it from Mr.3 last time, let's take one for the others, there are not many anyway."

Nor can you expect a store to have pointers for all the islands. This kind of permanent pointer is generally only made in the local area. It seems that there are several rows on the shelves, but in fact many of them are repeated.

In particular, Water Seven Island has the largest number of pointers, and this island with a well-developed shipbuilding industry seems to be extremely popular.

What Zhang Da also cares about is that they also have a lovely enemy, Mr. Biznis, who might go here, and he has to look for it no matter what.

Other clues are that Biznis hired people from the Baroque Work Agency, and it is not known whether he hired people from Alabasta or Whiskey Hill.

In short, the first goal of going out to sea is to find the person who hired a killer to make trouble (give money) to him, otherwise he will feel unhappy.

Speaking of which, I had tricked him once before, and I don’t know if this guy was invited to tea by CP5.

After selecting the pointer, Zhang Da also took two abbreviated versions of the great route chart. Many islands are not marked on it, and the specific route is even more unnecessary.

A chart can only show some famous islands and the general location of the Navy Headquarters, but Upside Down Mountain is quite clearly drawn.

Although it is not very useful, Zhang Da also knows that this sea chart will be very valuable in the East China Sea, because it is something that even the master Bucky has to carefully lock in the safe.

"Isn't there a pointer to the Boing Islands?" Artoria was thinking about the islands full of delicious food that Zhang Daye had introduced.

Boss Bonacieux said he had never heard of this island.

Zhang Da also explained: "The Boeing Islands is actually a huge plant. It should be like Shampoo Island, which has no magnetism and cannot make a pointer, right?"

Arturia was a little disappointed.

Zhang Daye said quickly: "Although I don't know its location, I know someone who knows it. We can ask him in the future."

Someone mentioned the domineering kung fu manatee... It can only be said that it is an original plot of the animation team, and has nothing to do with the comics. Before fighting Doflamingo, Luffy and Luo didn't fight any pet fruit capable people.

There is also the war on top. Jinbe was killed by Hawkeye with one move. The animation team also added a scene, and the two of them did not fight at all.

It's possible that Hawkeye and Jinbe have a good personal relationship, because the little story on the title page shows the two of them sitting together eating meatballs.

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