Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 157 The Tao is higher than the devil

Now that you have decided to open a store, you must first order drinks. After all, most of the previous reserves were given to Neptune.

Zhang Daye called Gragas early the next morning. Thinking about it, he hadn't seen the bearded uncle in a while.

Gragas was very efficient and delivered the drinks before opening at noon.

"Long time no see, little brother, where have you been playing these days?" Gragas greeted warmly.

"Ha, you may not believe it, but we went to Fish-Man Island." This is not something worth hiding, just say it.

"Mishman Island!?" The workers who were unloading the truck exclaimed. To ordinary people, Fishman Island is a legendary island.

Even those who live on the Chambord Islands, not everyone has the opportunity to go to that dreamy island.

Yes, dreamy. Although they hate fish-men, this does not prevent them from admiring mermaids. Imagine this scene:

The mermaid jumps out of the water, bringing out a string of water drops. The sunlight shines down, and the water droplets reflect the dazzling light. What is more dazzling than the water droplets is the mermaid's delicate face and graceful figure...

The workers fantasized about the scenes they expected, and their cheeks turned red involuntarily.

Just when they were about to reach out and touch the beautiful scenery in their imagination, Gragas punched each of them on the back of the head: "What are you guys thinking about! Go to work!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Why does it hurt so much every time the boss hits someone!"

"That's a mermaid, every man's dream!"

Several young men shouted dissatisfied.

Gragas struck: "What's the use of thinking? You don't have the guts to go to the deep sea, and even the mermaids are old, ugly and in bad shape."

Several people suddenly surrounded Zhang Tatsuya, grabbing his clothes from all directions, and almost pleadingly said: "Mr. Tatsuya! Please tell us there is no such kind of mermaid!"

"Oh, yes." Zhang Da is also an honest person.

Several people suddenly fell to their knees and beat the ground in frustration: "Pfft... Damn it, our dream..."

Shark Chili was amused by these people: "What interesting people."

"The boss is really evil." Rui Mengmeng also watched with interest.

Gragas kicked a few young men on the buttocks and drove them to work: "I'm sorry, the new recruits haven't seen much of the world."

"It's okay, it's quite interesting." Zhang Daye said with a smile, "Has anything big happened on the island recently?"

"I haven't heard of any big events. If I have to say it, it's just that those guys in the illegal zone were fighting again. That Lieutenant Colonel T. Penn led his team to defeat several pirate groups, and then there were rumors that he was going to be promoted. Job transfer."

Zhang Da also nodded. It was a normal thing. He heard something was wrong: "What do you mean there are rumors that he is going to be promoted?"

"Don't you know? Lieutenant Colonel T. Penn is considered a star figure in the neighborhood. If you want to say who is the most responsible navy in Shampoo, it must be him. Every few months there are rumors that he is going to be promoted, but there is always no news. .”

Gragas said with an air of experience, "But this is also normal. Honest people like him get promoted very slowly."

Zhang Da was also speechless, feeling that what he said made sense.

In fact, the one who was promoted the slowest was General Zefa. It took a total of fourteen years to be promoted from a recruit to a corps commander, that is, a corporal.

It only took a few months for Kebi to be promoted from a navy handyman to a sergeant.

This must be because Kebi's talent and speed of improvement far exceed Zefa's! (convinced)

"Where is Major General Kadalu?" Since the conversation about the Navy was on the subject, Zhang Da asked casually.

"Major General Kadaru, I have just been to Fishman Island. Have you heard of Jinbe?" Gragas asked.

"Of course." Zhang Da also nodded. Not only had he heard of it, but he had also touched his belly and webbed hands.

Gragas said: "Some of his former crew members went to sea under the banner of pirates again, and they did not use the banner of Jinbe's Sun Pirates. So Major General Kadaru applied to leave Shampoo to lead the arrest team he."

Zhang Da also knew that he was probably talking about Aaron. Aaron's use of his own flag meant that he had broken away from Jinbei's command and did not belong to the forces of the Shichibukai. He was just an ordinary pirate, so it was reasonable for the navy to arrest him, but From the tone of Gragas, this matter should not go well.

Sure enough, Gragas continued: "But this request was rejected. The specific reason is unclear. I guess it was because of concerns about his relationship with the new Shichibukai Jinbei. As long as it doesn't cause too big a deal, the Navy doesn't want to take care of it. In short, I heard from some sailors who knew about it that he is very depressed now."

"That's it." Major General Kadalu was also having a hard time. Zhang Da didn't know what to say. He hadn't heard anything about Aaron in the past few days on Fish-Man Island. He didn't expect that he had already gone to sea. He just missed it. Or does Aaron have no face to go back to Fishman Island at all?

Moreover, this uncle's information is too well-informed. These information are more or less internal affairs of the Navy, and he actually knows it so clearly.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Daye and the others finished counting the goods before paying and watching Gragas leave.

Shark Chili specially activated the super transformation form to help move boxes. It is really inconvenient to work in the normal form: "I feel like a lot of things have happened these days after I left."

Rui Mengmeng was not idle either: "Yeah, I almost thought we had been away for a few months."

Zhang Da also asked: "Why didn't Tom come out? Is he setting a mouse trap for me again?"

"Tom is in the kitchen, and the desserts brought back from Fish-Man Island have been finished. I asked him to try to imitate the desserts from Fish-Man Island." Artoria explained the reason, and then added, "The condition is: When Tsuyaya wants to beat him, I will help stop you."

"..." Zhang Da almost laughed angrily, look at him for being so smart!

But I'm too naive. I'll let you know later what it means to be one foot taller than the devil.

After they had sorted out the goods and refilled the wine rack, Tom came out wearing a chef's hat and carrying a tray and placed it on the table.

Everyone tasted it. Although it was not the original flavor, it was already great.

But Zhang Daye suddenly stood up and rolled up his sleeves: "Don't stop me! I'm going to beat Tom today!"

Tom didn't even have time to think about what mistake he had made. He swooped over to Artoria's side and raised his chest, as if he had found someone to support him.

Arturia finished off the small cake in her hand and stopped her: "Why do you want to beat him? Tom didn't make any mistakes."

"I haven't thought of the reason yet, but since you have spoken, Artoria, let me give you some face." Zhang Da also sat down and straightened his cuffs, "Okay, Artoria, you have stopped me. Don’t worry about it next time.”

"Oh." Artoria reached out and picked up the next snack.

Tom spread his hands and blinked. Is there something wrong?

Poor Tom, he had him playing with him.

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