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Anilu was immediately upset, came out and said: “Shut up, this kind of broken and small ship Benshen has been enough, and I don’t want to continue to stay in this kind of ship, Benshen doesn’t know what adventure stories you have, but Benshen only knows that a ship is a ship, just a tool for navigation, things have already been decided, don’t waste time on this kind of sesame trifle.” ”

“What do you know! You just want to change to a more comfortable ship, you don’t know how many adventures Merry and we have had, Solon, Nami, Shangis, are you going to change ships too? Usopp cried, casting his gaze on the trio.

I saw that the three of them lowered their heads one after another, Solon said lightly: “We are pirates, for pirates, pirate ships are a must, there will be more and more partners in the future, and the navigation behind will become more and more dangerous, Merry is afraid…”

“Sure enough! You are the same, I have long been true, and you have long wanted to replace the Merry and abandon the Merry, right! Usopp yelled with tears.

Nami said loudly, “There is no way around this!” The Merry was originally a very old sailing ship, and there was no way to continue the voyage, and if it continued to sail, it would only wreck the ship and die. ”

“Although for a pirate group, the pirate ship is crucial, the pirate ship and the pirate flag are the symbols of our pirate group and dignity, if the enemy sinks the pirate ship and burns the pirate flag, it is an extremely humiliating thing. But I said before when Koya gave it to me, this ship is only temporary, I will build a pirate ship that truly belongs to us, to complete a week’s trip to the world, there is no way to achieve it by relying on the Merry. Luffy explained for Usopp.

Usopp yelled unconvinced: “After talking for so long, I still decided to change ships and abandon the Merry, right?” Why can’t we reinforce the Merry or remake the Merry! You have to change ships, do you hate the Merry so much? Luffy. ”

Luffy listened to this, and his heart was angry, and he grabbed Usopp and said loudly: “You don’t give me an inch, this matter has been decided a long time ago, I won’t change my mind, no matter what, I have to change ships, Merry has no way to sail behind, understand?” With that, Luffy pushed Usopp away.

As if all his anger burst out, Usopp ran over and grabbed Luffy by the collar and yelled, “What are you kidding!” I will never agree to this kind of thing, Merry, Merry is our partner who has been from the East China Sea to the present! Are you going to give up your partner like this? I’ve always thought you’re a guy who will guard your partner and protect your partner, and I’m mistaken about you, Luffy.

Luffy listened to this, the anger in his heart became even stronger, and his voice said coldly: “Shut up for me, Usopp, I have already decided, I will change ships if I say anything, I will not want this ship anymore, I will build me a pirate ship that can support the navigation behind, and this is also intentional, no matter what, it will not change because of your opposition alone, and this is also my decision as a captain, you give me less verbosity.” With that, Luffy grabbed Usopp by the wrist and threw him aside.

Qioba immediately stepped forward to help Usopp and said, “Don’t say anything about Usopp, didn’t Luffy already decide?” I’m going to change a ship, and now it’s the Seven Capitals of Water, you don’t want Luffy to change ships, you should have brought it up earlier! ”

“Hahaha, indeed! Blame me! Merry, I’m sorry, blame me for being too weak, in fact, I wanted to mention it for a long time, and I also said it to Luffy last time, but it was quickly dismissed, I was too weak, I was afraid, as the pirate group had more and more partners, Luffy’s side was full of monster-like guys, and I never dared to say it. Usopp yelled with tears.

Looking at Usopp’s current appearance, Solon and the others are a little unbearable, they have been with Usopp for the longest time, although Usopp is indeed very weak, but he is not bad, and the relationship with them is also very good.

As for the rest, Bagis is slightly ridiculed, looking like a good show, Anilu is completely dismissive, Zixue Ziyun these two also do not have a very good face for Usopp, and they don’t like men in the first place, and Usopp is still a guy who likes to brag and talk big when he has nothing to do, and he only has disgust for it.

Luffy is the most entangled in his heart now! With a slight sigh, he said: “No matter what, now that things have been decided, don’t think about it, we are pirates, everything still has to look forward, and Meili is here to say goodbye!” We won’t be on this ship anymore. ”

“Sure enough! Are you going to dump the Merry anyway? Are you so cold-blooded and ruthless? Merry is a companion who has sailed with us for so long! Do you really bear to abandon it here? Usopp questioned loudly.

Luffy immediately wanted to go over and pinch Usopp to death when he heard this, and Anilu suddenly exclaimed, “Okay, isn’t that this ship?” If not, then don’t argue! Saying that a thunderbolt passed by Anilu’s hand, the splint of the Merry was immediately pierced through a hole, and the sea water continued to flow in.

Usopp looked at the situation and yelled, “What are you doing!” Darn. Saying that, Usopp immediately jumped down in a hurry, took the plank and began to mend the hole.

“Cut.” Anilu snorted disdainfully, thunder and lightning appeared in his hand again, and Qioba immediately hugged Anilu’s leg anxiously and said, “Hurry up and stop!” Anilu, you’re going to kill Usopp like this. ”

Luffy immediately grabbed Anilu’s arm and said, “Forget it, there’s no need for this.” ”

Listening to Luffy’s words, the thunder and lightning in Anilu’s hand gradually disappeared, and he looked at Usopp with a sarcastic expression: “Now that this ship has become like this, even if it is repaired, it is useless.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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