“Hurry up and stop! Gaka, behind the back, you are no match for this man. Kobula yelled.

The attack of the two passed, beating Klockdar’s body to a sandy size, Klockdar smiled disdainfully, the wind and sand in his palm passed, and two bright red blood flowers sprayed out.

Vivi yelled, “Bell, Gaka. ”

Klockdar said with disdain: “The so-called strongest warrior of Alabastan seems to be just that!” What a vulnerability! ”

“Klockdar.” Vivi looked angrily at Klockdal.

Klockdar said flatly: “Don’t worry! I have no intention of keeping your father and daughter alive, but until then, I still have something else I want to know. Saying that, Klockdar immediately sanded in front of Kobula.

“Kobula, let me ask you, where is Hades.”

As soon as Kobula heard the word Hades, his pupils dilated sharply, and at this time Vivi was surprised, wondering why Klockdar asked this, Kobula was surprised: “Where the hell did you know about this, Klockdar.” ”

“This ancient weapon, which is said to be able to sink an island with one shot, is known as the strongest weapon of the gods, Hades.” Klockdar said lightly.

Wei Wei yelled, “This is what you Luffy said, is your purpose after seizing the country?”

Klockdar sneered and said, “My purpose was this in the first place, or you think!” If it is just to capture the kingdom, I can easily take those pirates under my umbrella, and it is completely easy to take this country, I just want to get Hades, and then create a militarized country, which is my ideal country of home. ”

Kobula immediately said, “I don’t know what you are talking about, and I don’t even know if it exists in the kingdom of Alabastan or not, Klockdar. And that thing should have been banned by the world government! ”

“Indeed! I have also thought about such a problem before, maybe it does not exist at all in the first place. Klockdar spat out a smoke ring and sneered: “Okay! So I’ll change the question, where are the historical documents. ”

“How come you even know this.” Kobula felt as if he had nothing to hide in front of Klockdar, and everything was completely seen through by Klockdal.

“You don’t need to know this, tell me quickly!” Where the hell is it. Klockdar chuckled.

Kou Bu clenched his teeth and said, “If I take you, will you let everyone go?” ”

“Hmph, what do you say! I don’t want the destruction of Alabastan either, it’s very good, I want it as a foundation, if not hurry, when the dust storm comes, I can’t stop it. Klockdar spat out a flue at Kobula.

“Alright! I know, I’ll take you there. Kobula said helplessly, now he has no choice at all, if he refuses, everyone will definitely die, but he knows Klockdar’s strength, no one in the desert can beat him.

At this time, the leader of the rebel army suddenly ran up, looked at the surrounding scene, and was surprised: “What the hell is the situation!” Gacca, Bell, and the king are going to die at the hands of the heroes of the kingdom of Alabastan. ”

At this time, everyone also noticed the person coming, and Wei Wei was surprised: “Kousha? ”

“Although I have long guessed that you will come by the path, I didn’t expect to come so quickly!” Kobula said helplessly, but as a king, he was completely powerless.

Klockdar said a little playfully: “What’s the matter, as the leader of the rebel army, he didn’t go to fight the kingdom army and ran here, you are really idle!” Kosha. ”

“What the hell is going on!” Kosha didn’t believe the situation at all and was surprised.

“But this is fine, the leaders of both sides have met here, Kosha, you should understand this situation now!” Klockdar chuckled.

Kosha’s eyes became colder, remembering what his father had said to him, remembering the words of the king, remembering all the previous deeds, and asked Vivi: “Vivi, tell me, who is the person who took away the rainwater of this country.” ”

“It’s me.” Before Vivi could speak, Klockdar directly admitted, “I did all the things you think the king did, and the subordinates I arranged did it, and the continuous deaths over the past few years, the battle between the king’s army and the rebel army was all operated by me, understand?” ”

“Damn it!” Saying that Kousha immediately wanted to draw her sword, Vivi grabbed Kousha and yelled, “No!” Kosha, now you have to stop the war, now you are the only one who can stop the war, not long after that, when the rebel army and the kingdom army are gathered together, there will be a five-kilometer bomb launched and exploded, Kosha, if you die here, the war cannot be stopped. ”

Kosha reacted to this, and immediately turned around to tell everyone about it, and Vivi immediately grabbed Kousha again, and Kousha yelled: “What are you doing!” Vivi, if you don’t tell everyone soon…”

Vivi pushed Kosha to the ground and yelled, “No, if you tell this matter now, not only will you not be able to stop the war, but it will also make the war more intense.” ”

Klockdar praised slightly, “Very accurate judgment, but will I give you this opportunity?” Saying that, Klockdar’s body immediately sanded and appeared behind the two.

Kosha saw Klockdar’s appearance and immediately pulled out the sword behind his back, but at this time, the injured Bell and Gaca immediately blocked in front of Klockdar and said, “Hurry up!” You must stop the war! Kosha, Princess Vivi. ”

“Since you’re still alive! However, I will not give you that opportunity. Saying that, Klockdar’s whole person turned into a sand, and attacked Kosha and Vivi.

Bell and Gaca were shocked and immediately chased after them, and the corners of Klockdar’s mouth grinned, “What an idiot!” Mummify me! Three-day moon-shaped dunes. ”

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