“It’s the boss! I’m already in Albana now, where are you! Nicole Robin said lightly.

Klockdar said with some displeasure: “Forget it, hurry up and come to the palace!” I am now preparing to leave for the palace, taking our King Majesty with me by the way, and I want to see the last appearance of this country. ”

“Understood.” Nicole Robin said lightly, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Luffy said a little playfully: “It seems to be in the palace!” In this way, there is no need to look for it, let’s go to the palace together! I suddenly wanted to see how ugly Klockdar’s face would be if you had joined me! Hehe. ”

“When did I join you?” Nicole Robin asked rhetorically.

“Che, I just want to lie to him, it must be fun! Having said that, you and he are just joining forces, and they are not his partners, so it is not surprising that you joined me! Anyway, I will defeat him when the time comes, and he will definitely not be able to kill you. Luffy said playfully.

Nicole Robin said a little playfully: “Why, are you still planning to invite me to join the group!” ”

“I don’t have this plan, but if you want to join, I welcome it, after all, you don’t seem to be particularly bad, and you have been hunted and killed since childhood, if you join, I will try to protect you.” Luffy felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

Nicole Robin was shocked when she heard this, she could feel that Luffy’s words were very true, and Klockdahl’s complete use was completely different, how many years no one said such things to her, Nicole Robin was very moved, but soon hidden, Luffy also felt a little embarrassed because of the words, did not look at Nicole Robin’s eyes at all, Nicole Robin laughed and said: “Hehe, hehe, you a little man also knows how to protect girls!” ”

Luffy was suddenly a little blushed by Nicole Robin’s words, and said unpleasantly: “Cut, forget it, when I didn’t say it.” ”

“Alright! Since you’ve invited me, I’ll join you if you do beat Klockdar. Nicole Robin chuckled.

“Cut, it seems to be very reluctant, I am the future One Piece, you will not suffer a loss when you join my pirate group!” It’s really unpleasant to say that you are suffering a loss. Luffy turned his head and pouted, “Don’t worry! I’m going to beat Klockdar anyway, and this time I’m not going to be as careless as I was last time. ”

At the same time, on the other side, Bell, who was flying in the air, looked at the war below, and had been looking for this Vivi’s figure, at least to ensure Vivi’s safety first, looking at the figure running below, and said: “Found it, where is it.” Saying that, the whole body fell, and he hugged him slightly.

Wei Wei was surprised, looked at Bell, and was surprised: “Bell, it’s you!” Guys! They’re all right! ”

“Don’t worry! Princess Vivi, Mr. Akin and I have solved the enemy, and now Mr. Akin has gone to support them, I think it should be fine, I will take you to the palace now, princess. Bell said lightly.

“Well, please, Bell.”

Outside the city, Carmen used her ability to slide the fruit to completely restrain the kilogram fruit of the Miss plot person, and defeated her in a short while, and Qioba also defeated Mr3 with the seven-stage transformation of his blue wave ball, at this time Akin also rushed over, looking at the two who had already won and lost, and said with some joy: “It seems that you are all right!” Dr. Chopa, Miss Carmen. ”

“Well, my opponent’s strength is not very strong, and I have also restrained her, it seems that your side has already done it!” Carmen chuckled.

“Bastard, you guy, even if you call me a doctor, I won’t be happy!” You bastard. Choiba danced with joy.

Akin looked at Qioba’s happy look and praised: “It seems that the captain’s vision is really good, Qioba, you are not only good at medicine, but also a man.” ”

This moment made Qiao Ba even more happy, and said, “Mess! Even if you praise me as a man, I won’t be happy! ”

Akin looked at Qioba’s appearance, smiled flatly, he also knew Qioba’s character, and he was also a very cute crew on the ship, everyone had always liked it, suddenly Qioba said: “Oops, Usopp is in danger, he went to deal with the booger man, and I don’t know how it is now.” ”

Carmen also asked at this time: “By the way, Akin, how are they doing over there!” ”

“I don’t know about this, but I think with Mr. Shangis, their strength should be no problem, their strength is very strong, I think there should be no need to worry too much.” Ah Jin said lightly: “Let’s go!” Let’s go find Usopp and then go to the palace! ”

Inside the palace, Gaka and Bell listened to Vivi’s order in surprise, and said, “Princess Vivi, is what you said true?” ”

“Princess Vivi, this palace is a symbol of Alabastan, with a history of 4,000 years, how can it be blown up!” Gacca was surprised.

Wei Wei said indifferently: “What if the palace is gone, as long as there are people, everything can be started from scratch, the people have a country, if not faster, when the rebel army and the kingdom army are really at war together, then according to Klockdar, a huge bomb will appear, wipe out everyone, if the people are sacrificed by then, then Alabastan is the real destruction.” ”

“But Princess Vivi…” Gaka still wanted to dissuade him, but Bell on the side pulled Gar and said lightly: “We understand, princess.” ”

“Bell?” Gaca said with some surprise.

“Don’t you still understand? Now there is only one way, and Princess Vivi does not want to do it, but this is the only way to really stop Klockdar’s conspiracy. Bell said in a deep voice.

“I see, everyone, ignite.” At this time Gaka ordered loudly.

Just as everyone was about to light gunpowder, a wind and sand struck.

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