“Although I just injured your men, my purpose is not the country of Alabastan, as long as you join forces with me, how about we conquer this sea together!” Straw Hat Kid. Klockdar said playfully.

“What are you kidding! Injured my partners one by one, so that you still dare to say anything to join forces with me! Klockdar. Luffy said that this erupted in second gear, and his body immediately disappeared in place, and he took the ten hands in his hand and hit Klockdar with a stick and flew him out.

‘Cough’ Klockdar’s body turned into sand, a somersault fell to the ground, and his eyes looked at Luffy with some viciousness, although he had long expected that Straw Hat Luffy would definitely not agree, he didn’t expect that since this guy had burst out such a powerful force in an instant, since the speed naturally didn’t see how he attacked at all.

Klockdar covered his chest and stood up, “Damn it! Straw hat boy, even if it is you, don’t try to stop the war now, even if you really defeat me here, the war cannot be stopped, this rotten country is no longer saved. ”

Luffy didn’t speak, and Klockdar continued: “There is a very important secret behind this country, if you get that thing, any navy, any seven martial seas, four emperors or the world government can all be destroyed, how about it!” Come with me! Straw hat boy, why fight against me for the sake of a princess of a dead country! You should know my strength, right? In the desert, it is completely my world, join hands with me and conquer this sea together! ”

Luffy looked at Vivi and the others behind him all looking at Luffy, waiting for his answer, Luffy raised his head and said lightly: “Hmph, join forces, don’t say it as if we are equals, Klockdar, I must not be interested in what you say.” ”

Vivi in the back listened to this, at least much more relaxed than just now, looking at Luffy’s back gratefully, Klockdar gritted his teeth a little unpleasantly: “Is it?” So why are you now at my enemy! In order to avenge my partner, to defeat me for my declaration of war, or for the princess of this dead country. ”

Luffy said coldly, “At first, it was just to break you and improve my bounty, and at that time it didn’t matter if I could kill you, but now, I must defeat Klockdar.” ”

“Oh yes? Angry because of the reason why the partner was injured? Tell you what! In the world of pirates, only you can believe in yourself, the so-called partners, friendship, bonds, these are the least valuable things, because sooner or later they will betray you, there is no need to believe in any partner, this world, eternal and unchanged only interests, pirates who have just gone to sea are holding this boring concept. Klockdar said disdainfully: “And just now your partner, there is already an escape, this is the most obvious proof, the person who brought you into this kind of thing, but this guy, this princess of the dead country, really does not understand why you still want to be a partner with him, stupid.” ”

As soon as Wei Wei heard this, her head lowered lower, and she bit her lip to try to suppress her crying as much as possible.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates did not speak, one by one, they all looked at Klockdar angrily, and at the same time looked at Luffy with some expectation, here he as the captain, it depends on how he will publish.

“Princess of the Dead Country? She’s really a naïve guy! Once since you didn’t want anyone to sacrifice, anyone died, wanted to defeat you, it’s ridiculous, obviously there is no power, but so whimsical! Luffy said flatly.

Klockdar smiled gloomyly, “Look! You think so too! There is nothing to talk about in this world without power, as long as you have enough power, power that people fear. ”

“If you think about it, my ship is also all a group of naïve guys, obviously they have no strength, they obviously know the huge difference in strength, since they are still so self-sufficient, so there will be this result, it is simply a group of stupid people.” Luffy remembered the Solon people just now, and said lightly.

“Hmph, huh?”

“But what! Lao Tzu, I just like to be a partner with this group of stupid people, you stinky crocodile without partner consciousness, where do you less point fingers at Lao Tzu. With that, Luffy’s body rushed up and hit Klockdar.

The armed hardened ten hands hit Klockdar’s golden hook, splashing the surrounding sand everywhere, Klockdar’s right hand immediately grabbed Luffy, Luffy kicked Klockdahl’s wrist, kicked his right hand away, the left fist was directly hardened, Luffy yelled at Klockdal: “Give me less arrogance, Klockdar.” ”

‘Touch’ punch passed, Klockdahl’s whole person was once again knocked out by Luffy, and the armed hardened fist directly left a fist mark on Klockdar’s face.

“So strong, since Klockdar has not suppressed it at all.” Bell, who was seriously injured, watched Luffy knock Klockdar away and was surprised.

“No way! He’s our captain, and Luffy has never lost before, and this time it’s the same. Solon said confidently.

Klockdar looked at Luffy with a gloomy face, and roared lowly: “Less proud, Straw Hat Kid, Desert King Kong Treasure Knife.” Saying that, four knife marks cut towards Luffy, and Luffy jumped directly to the weight and dodged over.

Pointing at Klockdal with ten fingers, he said, “Although Vivi’s idea is very naïve, it is indeed understandable that there is no strength, but it is also a million times stronger than you, Klockdar.” ”

Luffy turned to Vivi and said, “Although I hate the royal family, but after such a long time together, I think I should also change it a little, I don’t hate you now, Vivi.” ”

“Luffy.” Vivi said with some excitement in tears.

“Hurry up and go to Albana! Aren’t you trying to stop the rebellion? Then stop and go quickly! Finish what you can do, and leave it to me what you can’t! Luffy said confidently.

“Well, everyone, let’s hurry up and go to Albana!” Vivi said to everyone.

Luffy suddenly said, “Vivi, your naïve, kind, and peaceful personality will always be maintained!” I will protect this heart of yours for you! ”

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