Back on the ship, Solon, who had never seen Joba, looked at Joba in surprise and asked, “Luffy, is this the ship doctor you found?” Is he really a doctor? ”

Shangis was also surprised: “Luffy, you said he was a doctor, I thought it was the spare food you found?” ”

“What, I’m food.” Choiba exclaimed.

“Idiot, don’t scare him.” Nami punched Shangis.

“Angry Miss Nami is also so charming!” Shangis said idiotly.

Luffy squatted and touched Qioba’s head and said, “Don’t underestimate him, he is not only a doctor, but also an ability to eat everyone’s fruit, with a seven-stage transformation, and his combat power is also very amazing.” ”

As soon as Luffy said this, everyone was surprised, they didn’t expect that this seemingly cute pet has such a powerful combat power, although they didn’t believe it, but Luffy said so, naturally it can’t be fake.

“Oh, what a surprise!” Solon looked at Choiba in amazement.

“I didn’t expect that since he is so powerful, then I will allow you to be the little brother of my great Captain Usopp.” Usopp started bragging again.

Qioba was still a little afraid of everyone, and suddenly said: “Oops, I left in a hurry and forgot to bring my medical equipment.” ”

“Here, Choba.” With that, Luffy threw Joba’s backpack to him.

“How could it be that where did you come from! Luffy. Joba was surprised.

Luffy said lightly: “This was on the sled at the beginning, I thought you brought it?” It seems that Doreva should help you put it on it, she already knew that you were leaving. ”

Qioba listened to Luffy’s words, looked at the backpack in his hand, and cried a little: “Doctor Doryl, thank you.” ”

At this time, Carmen came over with a drink and said, “Okay, anyway, welcome new companions, Joba join!” ”

“Welcome our ship doctor Joba to join, cheers.”

A few days later, Luffy lay on the boat a little weakly and said, “Hasn’t Alabastan arrived yet?” I was starving to death on the ship. ”

“It’s not because you stole all the food.” Shangis yelled in dissatisfaction.

Luffy braced himself up with his hands and said, “No way! The source of my strength is meat, if I don’t have enough strength, how can I defeat Klockdar! Hey, it’s still because I bought too little food, so I should have prepared a little more at the beginning. ”

“Luffy, where do you have time to say those words, why don’t you come and fish! See if you can drop one or two, or you won’t even have dinner tonight. Usopp complained.

“If a sea king comes running to attack us now, then today’s dinner will be there.” Luffy said lightly.

Nami on the side complained: “Only you hope that the sea kings are okay to come here!” ”

On the boat, Qioba was always familiar with a boatload of people, and was not as afraid of everyone as he was a few days ago, Qioba walked to Nami and asked: “By the way, Nami, where are we going on this voyage!” Alabastan? ”

Nami said lightly: “That’s right, go to Alabastan, go to rescue Vivi’s country, because Vivi’s country is by a guy called Krockdal, and the ship is about to arrive in Alabastan soon, now there is not so much time to play, come over!” ”

Qioba wondered, “Vivi are you from Alabastan?” I always thought you were our partner, too? ”

“Stupid, of course Vivi is our companion.” Nami knocked on Qioba’s head with some discomfort and said: “Alabastan, it is Vivi’s father’s country, and Vivi is the princess of that country, but now it is occupied by Krockdar of the Seven Wuhai, and it is Klockdar who provoked the war.” ”

“Klockdar? Nanabukai? Choiba asked suspiciously.

Luffy explained to Choba: “They are blatant pirates of the world government, and everyone is an eternally super-powerful force, which can be regarded as someone on the side of the world government!” I don’t know if my face is bigger, since the world government is so eager to want my head, it ordered Klockdar of the Seven Wuhai to intercept me. ”

“Intercept Luffy you?” Choiba was surprised.

“So I don’t plan to let Klockdar go, and by the way, let the world see my strength, so that my bounty will be increased again.” Luffy said with some excitement.

“But Klockdar is the hero of the Kingdom of Alabastan, and has always suppressed pirates by force, but this is only the surface, in fact, he secretly provoked a war, the real purpose is to seize the Kingdom of Alabastan, but no one has discovered this, so are the people, and so is my father.” Vivi said hatefully.

Luffy said lightly, “No matter how much you hate him, it’s useless!” Rest assured! I will help you bring him down, as long as Klockdar is defeated, then all the conspiracies will be solved. ”

“But now that everyone has been deceived by Klockdar, I must find a way to stop the war, and then expel Baroque Walker from Alabastan.” Vivi clenched her fists.

“But it’s a pity that the war has broken out, it can’t be stopped, the fastest way to stop it is to defeat Klockdar, otherwise, even if it is stopped, didn’t I tell you this a long time ago?” Luffy said flatly.

“I just don’t want more casualties among the people, so that should be right!” Vivi yelled at Luffy.

Luffy plucked his ears and said, “Is it?” It’s a pity that the war has already begun, I’m afraid the rebel army won’t care if you are a princess or not, cut, is this the common disease of the royal family? It’s really presumptuous. ”

“Hey, Luffy, don’t bully Vivi if you’re okay, Vivi is under a lot of pressure.” Nami said to Luffy.

Shangjis also ran over and said, “That’s right, you dare to bully Vivi Sauce like this, I want you to look good.” ”

Vivi said: “No, Luffy, it’s not presumptuous, I and Kousha, the leader of the rebel army, have known each other since we were children, Luffy, please can you take me to Kousha first, as long as you find Kousha, I will explain everything to him, please.” ”

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