(There is nothing to see in this chapter, there is a bit of nonsense, I hope you don’t complain well)

“Pirates?” Wapol said lightly: “Since you are just a pirate, then you have nothing to do with my country’s affairs!” ”

“You know, I’m a pirate, whatever I want is my freedom, I don’t care if you’re a king or not, these have nothing to do with me.” Luffy said playfully, “I just see you very upset now, so I decided to kill you.” ”

“You guy.” Wapol gritted his teeth.

“Lord Wapol, you don’t need to personally handle this kind of goods, just leave it to the two of us.” Two of Wapol’s men asked for battle.

Wapol thought for a moment and said, “That’s fine, Jace, Cromalimon, this guy will be handed over to you.” ”


Luffy chuckled, “Oh, I seem to have been completely underestimated!” ”

“Wait a minute, Wapole.” At this time, Qioba stood in front of the two and said: “Wapol, I don’t want to hit you, although I said that you killed the doctor, but the doctor still wants to save you, so I don’t hit you, you immediately enter this country, this place no longer belongs to you.” ”

Wapol looked at Qioba and laughed: “Hahaha, I thought you were going to say something?” That’s what kind of thing it is! I remembered that you were the monster who came to my castle at that time! The snow monster rumored in my country was also you! A guy like you who shouldn’t have existed in the first place should disappear quickly? ”

As soon as Wapol said this, Luffy quickly rushed up and punched Wapol out again, and his two subordinates looked at Luffy in surprise and yelled: “Bastard, since you dare to do this to Lord Wapole.” ”

Luffy looked at the rocket launched, sneered, his body quickly disappeared in place, and roared: “Retractable freely, rubber double gun.” “One punch knocked two of Wapole’s men flying.

“What the hell! Only such a little strength dares to say big things! Luffy said disdainfully.

“Awesome, is this a pirate?” Choiba on the side worshiped.

Wapol quickly got up and shouted: “Bastard, do you know what you are doing, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is an alliance country of the world government, since you dare to hit me, are you not afraid of the world government?” ”

“I’m a pirate, who cares! Besides, the revolutionary army has brought so much trouble to the world government, how can they have time to manage a small place like you! Luffy struck disdainfully, “The most important thing is that this reindeer is my partner, you bully him like this, how can I not come forward as a captain!” ”

“Damn it! The bastard guys, Jess, Cromolimon, used the Fit Technique. Saying that, Wapole quickly swallowed the two of them, and said with some pride: “Look at my swallowing factory, I can fuse everything I eat with myself, look!” Jess Malimon. Saying that, a person came out of the door inside Wapol’s stomach, completely overlapping the two heads, and Luffy wanted to vomit.

“What a disgusting fellow, you’re kidding me! Since this kind of thing is made. Luffy complained as he looked at the newborn warrior who came out.

Doryl on the side kindly reminded: “Don’t underestimate them, if they were really so vulnerable, then the people would have overthrown them a long time ago.” ”

Luffy didn’t pay much attention to it, but simply felt that this guy was disgusting, and said to Qioba next to him: “Hey, Qioba, do you have a way to solve that guy?” ”

“I don’t take that guy seriously.” Qioba said confidently.

Luffy was slightly surprised, “That’s right!” Worthy of being my ship doctor, go on! ”

Jace Malimon on the opposite side said confidently: “I know that you are the devil fruit of the animal line, and the animality is nothing more than three forms of changes, I know everything well, you are not my opponent.” ”

“After four years of research, I found several morphological changes in the animal line, and just by looking at the blue wave ball I invented, I could pull it out in three minutes.” Qioba said to himself, and at the same time swallowed a golden pill in one gulp, and the changed form suddenly changed into seven.

“Oh, what a funny power! Although it is only three minutes, the time is a little shorter. Luffy looked at Choba, and at this time Wapol behind him wanted to sneak away.

Luffy kicked him straight out, turned his head to look at Wapole, and said, “What a disappointment!” Originally, I was still watching the battle of Choba, since you want to share the victory and defeat with me so much. ”

“Wait a minute, Straw Hat Kid, how about I also let you join the kingdom and let you be a royal family!” Wapol looked at Luffy, who suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared in front of him, he who could only bully the people, and he was extremely afraid to face the real strong.

“Who is rare in those broken things! Stretch freely…” With that, Luffy threw his hands back.

“Then I’ll let you be the vice kingdom.”

“Rubber rocket launcher.” Hit Wapol’s body, and Wapol’s whole person cut a meteor in the air and flew out.

“It’s really useless guy, the country will be corrupt because it is handed over to people like you, otherwise how could so many people turn against you!” Luffy said disdainfully.

Looking at the Qioba behind him, he had also solved the enemy, and chuckled: “Not bad!” Choba, it’s already settled! In this way, the guys who harmed the country have disappeared, so you should be able to join me! ”

Choiba was a little hesitant, now that Wapole had been solved and the country could be treated, Choiba remembered what Silke had said, and for a moment became unsure of how to answer.

“Oh, it seems that many people have come up! Choba, go meet my partner! ”

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