As soon as Luffy’s words were finished, he ran out one by one snow rabbits and bit Luffy and several people, Shangis and Akin looked at these suddenly, and directly solved them with a hammer and a kick.

Luffy said with some appreciation, “Listen to a set!” Not bad. ”

“Hmph, it’s your own, but Luffy, don’t make a move, your rubber fruit ability rebound is too big, if you attack, it will cause damage to Miss Nami.” Shangis reminded.

“I already know this kind of thing, that’s why I brought you two!” Luffy said lightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he found that a big mouth suddenly came to him in front of him.

The three were shocked and immediately stepped back, Luffy looked at the snow rabbits in front of him who were integrated with the environment, and said, “It seems that these guys are a little difficult to handle!” Since there are so many of them. ”

“It will take a lot of time to solve so many of them.” Shangis said with some chagrin.

“If it can’t be solved, it must also be solved, it’s almost time, but there is no extra time to continue to waste here, you two figure it out on your own, month step.” Saying that, Luffy jumped directly into the air using the moon step with a bounce, constantly stepping on the air in the air to move.

“Since this is the trick! I forgot that you can still walk in the air. Shangis said lightly.

“Let’s hurry up and go with us!” Akin had a double hammer in his hand, and if Luffy was walking in the air now, then at least he didn’t need any protection.

Who knew that those Labans on the ground also jumped up one after another, attacking Luffy in the sky, Luffy stepped higher again in a month, and Shangis and Akin below also immediately jumped up to beat Laban in the air.

Shangis yelled, “Since you can run in the air all the time, then you can just go up like this?” ”

“That’s easy! That is 5,000 meters of place, the higher the place, the less air can be stepped on, and I want to know, and I want to know, and I want to know, the use of moon steps is quite demanding on the muscles of the legs, how can I not use this trick to jump all the time! Luffy said lightly.

“What a hassle! These rabbits. Shangis said with some discomfort.

Luffy saw that the rabbits below had been cleaned up, and gradually jumped down, “It’s always all solved!” Nice job, Shangis, Akin. ”

“No, it didn’t solve it, it just got rid of them.” Shangis said lightly.

“No, where.” Luffy looked at the snow rabbit in front of him, and this time he gathered more, and said, “These guys are really pestering!” ”

Suddenly, all the snow rabbits fell and jumped in place, and Shangis looked at the rabbits’ movements suspiciously and said, “What are they doing!” ”

“Oops, they’re trying to cause an avalanche and use the power of nature to drown us in snow.” Akin was surprised.

“That’s bad!” Luffy said a little excitedly: “Forget it, it seems that I have to go up alone, you two will find a way to escape first!” In the face of the power of nature, even if I will be miserable, I will find a way to take Nami up, you guys take care of yourself. ”

Saying that, watching the avalanche in front of him roll down quickly, Luffy immediately fled into the air with moon steps, and Laban also stepped on the avalanche that followed the number of people and slipped down.

“Is this the place? It’s really tall! The top is completely out of sight. Luffy stepped to the foot of this high mountain and whispered, “Although I really want to use the second gear, if I use that move, Nami will definitely be burned, can I only climb up slowly?” Saying that, Luffy grabbed the 90-degree mountain wall, his hands and feet slammed hard, his body flew up like a spring, and he roared: “Moon Step.” ”

Usopp and Weiwei, who were at the bottom of the mountain, listened to Dalton’s report where he got it: “What do you say, you witch has already gone down the mountain, so if you say this, isn’t Luffy completely unable to find anyone when he goes up?” ”

“I originally heard the news that he was going down yesterday, I thought that it would take a few days to come down, and I didn’t expect her to go down today, sorry.” Dalton apologized.

“Damn it! I’m afraid that Luffy guy has now reached the mountain, that guy’s strength is different from ordinary people, although the mountain is very interesting, but I’m afraid it’s not a big deal for him, in case he runs down by then, it will be troublesome. Usopp said with some concern.

Dalton said apologetically: “I’m really sorry, since we don’t even have a doctor in this country, I’m really sorry.” ”

“No, how can you blame Mr. Dalton for this?” Vivi said immediately.

“Mr. Dalton, you’re here!” At this time, an injured guard walked in.

Dalton was surprised: “You are on duty today, what is the matter with your injury.” ”

“Mr. Dalton, that guy is back, that guy from Wapole is back, please save everyone, the only one who can save everyone is you!” Mr. Dalton. The guard said loudly.

“Vapole?” Dalton gritted his teeth and secretly said in his heart: This time, let’s make a break with you! Wapole.

Luffy used the elastic power to add the power of the moon step, and finally climbed to the top of the mountain, seeing that the palace above was also covered with snow, and said lightly: “Finally arrived?” ”

“Doctor, where! Doctor. After entering the palace, Luffy yelled.

“It’s noisy, boy, what are you yelling at in my house!” At this time, a woman and an animal said from behind Luffy.

“Are you a doctor?” Luffy looked at the woman who came over, although her figure was very good, but her face was already an old woman, but now Luffy couldn’t manage this anymore and asked.

The old woman put her finger on Nami’s forehead and said, “It’s really serious!” Choba, go and get ready now! This is an urgent patient. ”

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