Coming to the shore, Ikalem turned into a slight walk-over and said, “Lord Luffy, and everyone from the Straw Hat Pirates, Princess Weiwei will ask you.” ”

Solon said with some complaints: “What the hell are you dressing up for!” Uncle. ”

Ikalem said lightly: “I will now become Princess Weiwei to lead the enemy away, and you can take Princess Weiwei back to Alabastan.” ”

Luffy said lightly: “I don’t care, if someone wants to make trouble on my ship, I will destroy them, of course, I also hope that you are on my ship, and be honest.” ”

Gritting his teeth slightly but not daring to attack, Shangis on the side complained slightly in dissatisfaction: “Why do you say that!” Luffy, this is a mission to protect the princess, you are too unreasonable! ”

Solon said disdainfully: “Cut, a flower idiot cook.” ”

“You guy, what do you say?” Shangis yelled.

Ikalem said lightly: “Okay then! I’ll go first, Princess Weiwei, you have to take care of yourself.” ”

Walking over slightly, he said, “Be careful yourself, Ikalem.” ”

After sending off Ikalem, Luffy looked at Weiwei and Nami who had been standing on the shore, and said a little impatiently: “Go, Nami, don’t be in a daze.” ”

“Oh, let’s go! Slightly. Nami said, but as soon as Nami finished saying this, there was a big explosion in the ship of Ikalem a hundred meters ahead, and the heat wave emitted by the red fire hit Weiwei’s face.

“Ikalem?” Slightly yelled.

Solon was shocked and said, “Since the chasing soldiers came so quickly.” ”

“It’s coming a little too fast!” Luffy said lightly, “Forget it, ignore them, Nami, let’s go.” ”

“Weiwei, let’s go.” Nami looked slightly indifferent, hugged her and comforted: “Weiwei, let’s go!” What is Klockdar! Luffy will definitely help you defeat him. ”

Biting his lip slightly, he said: “Don’t mention that indifferent guy, he won’t help me, and the rest of the people are like this, sure enough, the pirates are just pirates.” ”

Nami was a little embarrassed, and covered her mouth slightly, afraid that if Luffy heard this, don’t say help you, maybe even the boat won’t want you to take it, and said: “Don’t say that!” In fact, Luffy is a good person, rest assured! I don’t know, but I’ll definitely let Luffy defeat Klockdar. ”

After setting sail, Luffy looked at Weiwei and the duck and said, “First of all, you take care of this duck of yours, otherwise I will let my chef stew it and drink it.” As soon as Luffy said this, the duck was immediately frightened and hid behind slightly.

Listening to Luffy’s words slightly, his heart became even more unhappy, and his eyes looked at Luffy indifferently.

Luffy said playfully, “What kind of eyes are you!” I don’t care if you’re a princess or not, you’re not a guest on my ship or my crew, you have to work here, or you won’t have your food.” ”

“Miss Nami, Miss Carmen, Miss Weiwei, come, and a cold drink!” Shangis ran out and said idiotly.

Looking at the drink sent by Shangji slightly, he refused: “I’m not thirsty, by the way, there is anything I can do on this ship, let me help you!” ”

Nami immediately said, “It’s okay, you’re a guest, I’ll help you get Luffy through.” ”

“What’s going on!” Shangis said a little strangely.

Solon said lightly: “It’s nothing, it seems that our captain doesn’t like her very much, so…”

Shangis asked unpleasantly, “Hey, Luffy, Xiao Weiwei didn’t offend you, and now she is our guest on our ship.” ”

Luffy said lightly: “Che, it’s she who begs us for something, and it’s not me who begs her.” ”

Nami directly blocked in front of Luffy and asked dissatisfied: “Luffy, how do I feel, why are you targeting Vivi so much!” Why the hell is that! ”

Luffy said unpleasantly, “I just can’t get used to their nobles and royals, don’t they always think they are great?” It’s annoying to watch. ”

Nami retorted loudly, “I don’t know why you hate royalty and nobles, but Vivi is working hard for the people and the people, Luffy, you can’t say that even if you don’t help her!” ”

“Hey, Nami, that side are you on! You are my woman, how can you turn your elbows out! Luffy said with some dissatisfaction.

“When did Miss Nami become your woman again! You make it clear to me. Shangis roared.

“You shut up for me.” Nami knocked out Shangis with a punch.

“Of course I’m on your side, I’m your navigator, I’m just fighting for you to treat Vivi like this.” Nami said loudly: “And Luffy, since you said that I am your woman, then please help Vivi!” Just like when I helped me, at that time I was also working hard for the village, and later I found that I was really useless, and it was useless to work hard to the end, if there was no Luffy for you, I am afraid that I would still be in hell, and now Vivi is also working hard for her country, Vivi is also very weak now, she alone cannot defeat Klockdar, you help her just like you helped me! “

“I know that feeling very well, my loved ones died in front of me, and there was nothing I could do, I don’t want Vivi to become like this, Luffy.” Nami looked at Luffy with a pleading look in her eyes.

Luffy was a little weak-hearted by Nami’s staring at him, “Nami, even if you say so, it’s hard for me to do it!” Klockdar doesn’t have to be Aaron, his strength is stronger than Aaron. ”

“That’s right, Klockdar’s strength is indeed very strong, after all, he is one of the Seven Martial Seas.”

Nami yelled, “Even if Klockdar is strong, Luffy you shouldn’t lose to him, right!” And your strength, don’t you say that you haven’t played your full strength all over again? Then Luffy, you go handsome, take down Klockdahl, let’s see how your power is! ”

“This, don’t get excited! Nami, the enemies are all on our ship now, it’s not too late to solve her first and discuss this! Luffy was a little weakened by Nami’s momentum, and said a little weakly.

“Enemy?” Everyone listened to Luffy’s words and wondered.

“It’s really worthy of being Captain Straw Hat, since he found me all of a sudden!” At this time, a beautiful woman wearing a purple vest and a purple cowhide hat appeared on the second floor of the ship, although she was calm on the surface, but she was a little surprised that Luffy had just discovered him all of a sudden, and she was completely fearless of her, which surprised her a little, and she couldn’t help but raise her vigilance in her heart.

Solon Locke was shocked, since this guy was able to sneak in silently, since so many people didn’t find out, Luffy said lightly: “Speaking of who the hell are you!” Did Klockdar ask you to kill her? ”

“Are you…” Looking at the visitor slightly, he was surprised: “Miss Sunday.” ”

“Miss Sunday?” Luffy whispered.

“Miss Wednesday, I just met Mr8.” Miss said playfully on Sunday.

Nami asked a little excitedly, “Then how many numbers is she?” ”

Wei Wei said with some trembling: “She is Mr0, that is, the boss’s partner. ”

“What, it’s Klockdar’s partner.” Nami was surprised.

“In the work club, he is the only one who knows the true identity of the boss, and it was we who followed her to discover the boss’s secret.” Vivi said a little tremblingly.

Miss said playfully on Sunday: “To be precise, I deliberately let you track.” ”

“I have known this for a long time, and the person who wants the boss to snitch is also you.” Vivi roared angrily, “What is your purpose? ”

“This one? Who knows! Miss said in the same tone on Sunday: “It’s just that seeing you working so hard, I can’t help but want to help you!” In order to save his homeland, since he did not hesitate to fight against Baroque Walker, it is really stupid. ”

“You underestimate me.” Vivi said as she took out her own weapon, the peacock wood breaker.

Saying that, the rest of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were also ready for battle, and Miss smiled lightly on Sunday: “Don’t use this kind of thing against me, it’s very dangerous.” Saying that, it suddenly seemed like an invisible force slapped the weapons in everyone’s hands.

Luffy whispered, “Hand? It’s a Devil Fruit ability, calm down a little! You guys. ”

Everyone listened to Luffy’s words, hesitated slightly, and all stopped, Luffy looked at Miss indifferently Sunday, ignoring himself from the beginning, where to talk to himself, if it weren’t for the fact that the other party was still a beauty, Luffy would have beaten her to the ground, “You wouldn’t come here just to say this!” If it’s just here, then you’re out of the way, and I don’t want to hear you talk all this boring nonsense. ”

“I know you, you are a big celebrity, Straw Hat Luffy, the reward amount is 100 million Bailey, obviously just a newcomer, but it has attracted the attention of the world government, Monchi D Luffy.” Miss said slowly and methodically on Sunday.

Luffy said unpleasantly, “What do you want to say, hurry up and make it clear to me, don’t say something that people can’t understand.” ”

Miss said lightly on Sunday: “Speaking of which, what a misfortune! Whether it is you who are chased by Baroque Walker, or you who are protected by the pirate group that the world government wants to sweep up. ”

“World Government Sweeping?” The crowd of the Straw Hat Pirates was surprised.

“That’s right, the world government gave an order to the boss a while ago, saying that if you encounter the Straw Hat Pirates in the Great Passage, you will annihilate them all, of course, I don’t understand why the world government issued this order, it may be that you as a newcomer have a very big threat!” Miss said lightly on Sunday.

Solon said a little playfully: “Oh, this is good, originally our captain was still struggling with whether to defeat Klockdar, but I didn’t expect that we would have a choice so soon now!” ”

“The boss is His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, and how many people are worried about the location of the Qiwu Sea, but in the past ten years, the three major strengths of the great waterway have still been able to maintain a balance, and the strength of the boss is undoubted, and.” Saying that, Miss threw Luffy a record pointer Sunday and said, “Now the situation you are facing is even more unfortunate, because in front of you, your pointer points to the small garden.” ”

“Is it? So that’s the case, but what are you doing here, are you trying to kill us? Luffy said playfully.

The task Miss received on Sunday was originally to assassinate Straw Hat Luffy and his group, but now although she did not fight Luffy, she always felt that Luffy’s strength was a little unfathomable, and said: “No, no, the boss ordered me to get rid of the guy who knew his secret, but now it seems that the boss has to deal with it himself, I’m afraid I don’t have the ability to take it.” ”

“Kill her if you want! Anyway, I was very upset with her. Luffy said a little angrily, “But what? ”

Saying that, Miss looked at the disappeared Luffy in the blink of an eye on Sunday, and suddenly appeared behind her, she had always been very wary, her hands immediately wrapped around her chest, but the speed was still one step slower than Luffy, and a black palm directly grabbed her neck.

Miss suddenly felt that he was lifted in mid-air on Sunday, his hands were a little weak on Luffy’s arms, looking at Luffy’s palms, and he was surprised in his heart: This is, domineering?

Luffy’s whole body released this steam, her eyes were full of killing intent looking at Miss Sunday, her attitude before made Luffy very unhappy, did not expect that since the other party was still so arrogant to tell him that Klockdar planned to kill him, wasn’t she despising Luffy? Even if you know, I told you about this, what can you do with Klockdar, and what can you do with me.

The anger in his heart suddenly rose, and he looked coldly at Miss’s somewhat red face on Sunday, and said, “Since Klockdar has declared war on me, then it is reasonable for me to kill you now!” ”

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