I have to say that the weather in the great channel is really unpredictable, and it didn’t take long for the sky that was still clear to suddenly see snow, and this weather is completely like winter.

Nami hid inside the boat and watched Luffy and Usopp building snowmen in a single dress, Solon slept like he slept in the snow, and said with some sarcasm: “These guys, really not normal people!” Since this kind of weather is completely different from usual, Luffy and Solon, the two powerful monsters, not to mention, how can even Usopp be fine! ”

At this time, Akin came over and said: “By the way, captain, the two guys in the back seem to be unbearable, do you want to let the two of them come up!” ”

“Oh, by the way, if you don’t say I forgot, since there are two people behind!” Luffy reacted.

Solon, who was sleeping on the side, said lightly: “Don’t worry about them, they are not good people anyway.” ”

“Have a little fun! Wouldn’t it be boring otherwise? Luffy said playfully, “Let’s go!” Go over and see those guys! ”

“Oh, Mr9, Miss Wednesday, are you two okay? I didn’t expect that since you borrowed a small boat! What a stroke of luck! Luffy looked at the two people below playfully.

“Yes, Captain Luffy, please let us on board!” “Please.”

“You can come up! But I’m on board and idle! How about we have a snowball fight! Luffy said lightly.

“Snowball fights.” “It’s cold now!”

“Is it? You guys don’t play! Then forget it. Saying that Luffy turned around and was about to leave, Mr9 immediately shouted: “Aaaah! Wait a minute, Captain Luffy, it’s okay to have a snowball fight, but can you lend us a dress first!” ”

Coming to the open space of the ship, Luffy said with some excitement: “But since it’s a game?” Of course, the number of people should be higher, so how about calling Solon and you all come and play together! ”

“Ah! What’s the point of this kid-friendly thing! Forget it! Solon simply refused.

“Don’t say that! Is it snowing so much, of course, you have to have fun. Luffy said excitedly.

Solon looked at Luffy like that, and also had some interest, stood up and said, “Okay! Since Luffy is so interested, I’ll come and have fun, although I haven’t had much snowball fights before. ”

“Shangis, Locke, Akin, let’s play together!” Luffy invited one by one.

As soon as Nami walked out, a cold wind blew in, and her body immediately retracted, “Forget it!” Luffy, I won’t play anymore, you guys play by yourselves! ”

Carmen said no, “I’ll have lunch to prepare for a while, so I won’t play.” ”

Shangis said stupidly: “Miss Nami can order me to shovel the snow in front of the door and give the shovel of love to my hand, how can I disappoint the lovely Miss Nami!” ”

Locke said lightly: “Let’s forget about the two of us!” ”

“It seems that there are only three of us!” Solon said lightly.

“Five to be exact, and two of them.” Luffy pointed to Mr9 and Miss Wednesday.

“Solon, you can learn from me about this, I am the number one snowball fight master in our village! You’re going to watch me get into a snowball fight. Usopp said confidently.

“Oh yes? I haven’t had many snowball fights, but I definitely won’t lose to you. Solon said confidently.

“Although I am not as good as you in a fight, if it comes to this snowball fight, I guarantee that I can definitely be regarded as the first.” Usopp said confidently.

“Then don’t underestimate us, right? Miss Wednesday. “That’s right, Mr9.”

Luffy chuckled, “Is it? My current experience in snowball fights, except for my grandfather, in my village, only my brother can beat me, and I will not lose to you. ”

With that, Luffy was separated by no one, and a large pile of snow was shoveled in front of everyone, and Usopp yelled, “Then there is a start.” ”

Luffy exclaimed, “Then I’ll strike first, Solon.” With that, Luffy threw a snowball at Solon, and Solon’s body sideways dodged the snowball.

‘Touch’, the snowball hit the wall panel behind, directly broke a hole in the wall panel, this time the few people who were still attacking each other just now looked at the snowball dumbfounded, is the hole on the wall panel really snowball can be punched?

Solon swallowed a little shocked, “Hey, Luffy, what kind of snowball are you!” Solon’s words were just asked, and he was answered by a snowball.

Because he had seen the power of these snowballs, Solon did not dare to pick it up, suddenly lowered his head and hidden, Luffy watched Solon dodge, grinned at the corner of Usopp next to him, countless snowballs were thrown over, Usopp immediately turned and ran, shouting in his mouth: “Wait a minute, Luffy, I admit defeat.” ”

“A man can’t throw in the towel easily, isn’t that what you often say? Usopp. Luffy looked at Usopp, who was hiding behind the mast.

“Che, since you’re hiding, then there are still the two of you.” Luffy turned to look at Mr9 and Miss behind him and said, “I’m not going to let you two run away this time.” ”

After killing the two of them in seconds, Luffy jumped into the air holding a snowball and said, “Do you think I won’t find you if I hide it?” Usopp, Solon, look at my new tricks, stretching freely, snowballing around. ”


“Luffy, I obviously didn’t participate in any snowball fights, since even I was affected.” On the side, Shangis, who was originally sweeping snow, fell to the ground red and swollen.

“Damn it! I won’t be able to play any games with this guy in the future, and no amount of life will be enough! Solon said a little weakly.

“That’s right.” Usopp added.

Nami came out a little unhappy and said, “What the hell!” It’s so noisy. Yes! What’s going on! ”

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