After entering the restaurant, I found that inside the restaurant, Creek was helped by Akin and reluctantly walked in, it seems that Creek’s situation is similar to when Akin first came, and he was too hungry to do this.

At this time, Shangis, as before, brought Crick a bowl of fried rice and said, “Okay, hurry up and eat!” ”

Crick was also completely unceremonious, and directly gulped down. However, the chefs around him cursed: “What are you doing!” Shangis. “You probably know how horrible this guy is, right? Crick was able to get to this point by unscrupulous means, and when he regained his strength, he would definitely fight back. ”

“You are really different from others! Shangis. Luffy said with some appreciation at this time.

Shangis looked at Luffy and said with some doubt, “Why are you still there!” As I said, I won’t join you. ”

At this time, Usopp and they all got off the ship, looked at Creek’s gobbling look, and said: “This guy is the so-called leader of the East Sea, Governor Creek, and he doesn’t look like a bad person!” ”

Solon looked disdainful and said, “Do bad people write the word ‘bad’ on their faces?” “During the time when Solon was a pirate hunter, all kinds of pirates have seen it, and on this sea, you can’t easily believe the words of pirates.

“Look at it! After he finished eating and regained his strength, he would appear in his original form. Locke lifted his eyes and looked at Crick playfully.

In his heart, he also roughly knew Luffy’s thoughts, that is, he wanted to take Crick down and then let Shangis join him, Chloe had seen Luffy’s strength, although Crick was a sinister and cunning guy, but in the face of absolute power, even if his means were many, it was useless.

“You said he would show up in his original form, did he…” Nami is a little afraid to imagine, people are kind enough to bring you food, do you have to kill others in turn?

The corner of Locke’s mouth sneered, “You can know it when you look at it.” ”

Sure enough, after Crick finished eating the fried rice, he regained his strength and knocked the changis who brought him the fried rice to the ground with a punch.

“Hehe, finally alive.” Crick excited.

“Mr. Shangis.” Akin was surprised: “Wait a minute, Chief Creek, this is different from what we said before!” You promised me not to hurt the people here, and I brought you here!” ”

“Shut up for me, Akin.” Crick knocked Akin down with a punch and looked at the people in the restaurant: “Just right, our pirate ship is already dilapidated, just use this ship, and you, hurry up and prepare food for me for 100 people, my subordinates are still hungry?” ”

“This guy?” Usopp gritted his teeth and said, “Since you are so ungrateful. ”

“Sure enough, pirates are all like this, it’s so abominable.” Nami gritted her teeth, and at the same time looked at Luffy, as if she hated Luffy with him, “Luffy, I really don’t understand, why do you have to go to sea, what’s so good about being a pirate!” Pirates are hated and hated characters!

Luffy is very dissatisfied with Nami’s behavior, why is it okay to compare himself with others! I AM NOT HIM, AND SAID LIGHTLY: “I HAVE LONG SAID THAT I WENT TO SEA FOR ONEPIECE AND FREEDOM.” Indeed! There are indeed many pirates on the sea who look like this, and I have nothing to say about this, Nami, whether you want to sail with me or not at that time is also up to you. If you think I will become the same as him in the future. ”

Nami listened to Luffy’s somewhat angry words, a little anxious, and apologized: “I’m sorry, Luffy, it’s my fault, I’m sure you won’t be like that kind of person.” ”

Listening to Nami’s words, it felt like he had slapped you first, giving you a sweet date, Luffy really felt thundered, and said, “Forget it, my words just now were too heavy, sorry.” ”

While Luffy was talking, on the other side, Redfoot Jepp had already come out with a large bag of food, “There are about 100 people of food here, so hurry up and go and feed the people on your ship!” ”

“You’re Red-footed Jep.” Looking at the red-footed Jep, Crick was also surprised: “I heard of you, the one who returned safely from the Great Passage, but I didn’t expect that since you came to the East China Sea to open a restaurant.” ”

“Hmph, Red-footed Jepp is already dead, and now what stands in front of you is just a cook.” Jepp said lightly.

“Oh, yes! Your proud right foot is gone, which means you can’t use the powerful kicks you used to have. Crick looked at Jep’s right foot and scoffed: “Forget it, but this is not always necessary, I heard that you seem to have been in the Great Passage for a year, which means that you have a record of that year, right!” Just bother you to give it to me! ”

“That’s impossible.” Red-footed Jepp immediately refused: “It records the voyages of my partners and me over the past year, and it is impossible to give it to you.” ”

Crick was also not in a hurry: “Hmph, now it’s better to bring food to my subordinates first, and the people on the ship listen!” The goal of our Creek Pirates is just this ship and the red-footed Jeep’s diary, if you want to escape now, run away! I also don’t want my new ship to be bloody everywhere. ”

Immediately after Crick, Akin cried apologetically: “I’m sorry, Mr. Shangis, I just, just wanted to bring them here for dinner, I didn’t know that things would turn out like this, I’m really sorry.” ”

“Ah! It’s nothing, Akin. Shangis casually found a place to sit down, lit a cigarette and said: “Just now they were hungry, my principle is that as long as they are hungry, they are all my guests, but it will not be hungry in a while, but invaders who have eaten enough, and if they dare to come, then they will kill them, of course, even you.” ”

“Hehe, Shangis, it’s really a chef I fancy! It’s really different from others! Luffy praised and said to Zhepu, “Uncle Zhep, how about I help you defeat the Creek Pirates!” However, in exchange, I’m going to let Shangis join my pirate group, is that okay? ”

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