At this time, an embarrassed figure suddenly opened fire, killing a naval soldier, and gradually walked in under the terrified eyes of everyone in the restaurant.

However, he seemed to be very tired, although he forcibly pretended to be the boss, but as soon as he came in, he directly sat on the chair tiredly and said: “Hurry up, give me a little food and water, anything, in short, hurry.” ”

At this time, a strong chef walked over and pretended to be flattering: “No problem, distinguished guest, you can eat whatever you want, but can I ask first, do you bring money?” ”

Listening to this, I was already very tired, but now I was made even more old by the words of this cook, and directly pointed a gun at the strong man chef and said: “Less verbose, if you don’t want to eat a gun.” ”

“Is it? Looks like you don’t have any money! We don’t welcome people without money. As soon as the last word fell, the strong man chef immediately clasped his hands together and knocked the man to the ground with a heavy punch.

Usopp suddenly said in fear: “Is this really a restaurant?” Why is every chef like this! ”

“Isn’t that quite characterful?” Locke said with a hint of mockery.

Then the strong chef threw it out like garbage.

“This shop is really interesting! There are so many cooks, but since there are no waiters. Solon said playfully, “Hey, Luffy, what are you going to do!” Do you still want to invite that chef? ”

“Don’t worry! Let’s spend a day here! I’ll go talk to the boss too. Luffy said lightly.

“Captain, the boss here is a big man, known as Redfoot Jepp, that’s him, a pirate who has been to the Great Voyage and returned safely, but it seems that he broke the most foot when he returned from the Great Passage!” Locke explained: “Also, Captain, the person I just threw out by that cook I once met, is a member of the Creek Pirates, and he is very strong. ”

“Red-footed Jep? Creek Pirates? What a day it is! Although Crick is not a big man, but there are few opponents in the East China Sea, and Redfoot Jepp is a strong man who has returned from the Great Voyage, since he will come here to be a chef, then I want to let that chef on my ship even more. Luffy said a little excitedly.

At this time, Usopp watched Solon walk out with a plate of food, and asked anxiously: “Hey, Solon, what are you doing!” ”

“Nothing, just something for the guy outside.”

“Hey, since you would be so kind.” Nami and Usopp were surprised.

“What do you mean by that?” Solon roared unpleasantly.

“Just take it and give it to him! Because both me and Solon have experienced hunger, I also know that hunger tastes very bad. Luffy said lightly: “The reason why Solon went to become a pirate hunter is also because he is hungry. ”

Listening to Luffy directly peel off his old bottom, Solon pouted a little unpleasantly and continued to want to go out.

Luffy said lightly: “Then I’ll go talk to that chef, and say that I want him to join my pirate group!” ”

At this time, Shangis walked down with a plate of fried rice, and Luffy muttered, “By the way, it seems that there was such a plot!” “I remember that Shangis almost starved to death when he was a child! As for the one outside, it seems to be called Akin, right?

Solon brought the food directly to Akin and said with a look of indifference: “Eat!” ”

Ah Jin looked at the meal in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and said, “I don’t want your alms, hold them for me.” ”

“Cut, don’t eat it.” Solon turned his head unpleasantly and prepared to leave, and Solon couldn’t say much sympathy for Akin, after all, this kind of thing has been seen a lot, and there is no need for him to stick his hot face to someone else’s cold ass.

Shangis behind him also came over at this time, and was a little surprised by Solon’s approach, and then put a plate of fried rice in front of Akin and said, “Hurry up and eat!” ”

“Hurry up and take it, I have said it all, I don’t want your handouts.” Although Akin is now extremely hungry, he is still stubborn.

“Solon, it seems that this chef is really different! We’ve all had the experience of being hungry! Otherwise, as a chef, it is impossible to give that food to a guy who has no money. Luffy came over and chuckled.

“It’s you!” Shangis glanced at Luffy a little and said lightly.

“How’s it going! Come on my boat! Chef, you are such a good cook, how about going to the Great Passage with me! Luffy smiled with big teeth and extended an invitation to Shangis again.

“I refuse.” Shangis immediately refused, and recalled in a low voice: “I will not join you, I will never leave this store until I get the approval of that smelly old man, you go find someone else!” ”

“Really, how do you know he didn’t approve of you! You guy is really rigid! Luffy complained a little.

“Say what you will!” For Luffy, Shangis didn’t care, looked at Akin on the side and refused to eat, and said: “Don’t hold on, I know the feeling of hunger best, because I once almost died because of hunger, how terrible the fear of hunger is, you should understand!” If you keep clinging to your boring dignity, you’ll only starve to death, but if you eat here, you’ll see a better tomorrow, right? ”

Listening to this, Akin also understood that if he didn’t eat it, he might not even have tomorrow. Listening to this, he immediately ate the meal with a handful of snot and tears.

Solon chuckled, “How is it! When you are hungry, the meal tastes very delicious, right? ”

“Thank you, thank you, it’s the best meal I’ve ever eaten in my life.” Akin cried gratitude.

After eating, Akin thanked him: “My name is Ajin, thank you, this is the best meal I have ever eaten in my life, thank you very much.” ”

“It’s nothing, after all, we are all people who have been hungry at one time, so everyone knows the feeling of being hungry.” Luffy chuckled.

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