“What, Luffy, you said you were going to be a pirate.”

Listening to Luffy’s words, Nami understood why Luffy said that he could give himself 100 million beri in three years, and if he was a pirate, he would indeed be able to do it.

“yes! Nami, I have also decided, and I have already thought of the name of the pirate group, my first partner is you, Nami, I want you to be my navigator. Luffy said confidently.

“What a joke! What I hate the most is pirates, and I will never be a pirate’s partner. Nami said excitedly: “In short, no matter what, let’s separate at the next stop!” ”

“Hehe, this is not okay, Nami, if you don’t join me, it will be difficult for me to go to sea, and besides, last time we said, you said that you want 100 million berry, I have already helped prepare it, Nami.” Luffy said slightly.

“What, you already have 100 million berry.” Nami was surprised: “You guy is a pirate, how many commoners’ belongings have been robbed!” ”

“Nami, I just went to sea today.” Luffy explained a little helplessly: “What I got is a devil fruit, even if you have money, many times there is no stock.” ”

“Devil Fruit.” Nami was surprised: “Then, you can not eat it like you.” ”

“yes! No way, if you want to sail, Nami must improve your strength first, the fastest way is to eat the devil fruit, and I am an ability who has eaten the devil fruit, I can teach you when the time comes. Luffy said confidently.

“Luffy, let me tell you! I will never join you, and if you give up being pirates now, the two of us will still be friends. ”

Luffy looked into Nami’s eyes and chuckled, “Ten years ago, I made an appointment with a friend of mine, I will definitely go to sea, and I will also become One Piece.” ”

Nami listened to Luffy’s words and immediately retorted, “How is this possible! One Piece but… forget it, in short, I will never be a partner with pirates, you die! ”

“Nami, why do you hate pirates so much! Is it because of Aaron? Luffy asked in a low voice.

As soon as Nami heard the Aaron Pirate Group, her body immediately froze, and she trembled slightly: “Less laughter, what Aaron Pirate Group!” ”

“I saw the coat of arms on your arm three years ago, I didn’t know what it was at the time, and when I went back I learned that it was the coat of arms of the Aaron Pirates.” Luffy explained that, of course, this explanation was only half of it.

When Nami heard this, she immediately covered her arm in pain and forced a smile: “Indeed! I am indeed a cadre in the Aaron Pirates, but how about that! It doesn’t matter to you! ”

“Of course it matters, you are the navigator I have identified, no matter what, I want you to get on my ship.” Luffy chuckled, “And I don’t think you really want to join the Aaron Pirates, Nami, if you need my help, I will definitely help you, even if you defeat the Aaron Pirates.” ”

Nami heard Luffy’s words, her eyes were slightly misty, this kind of concerned words, except for Ah Jian and his sister, she had never heard anyone say this, but she still insisted: “Less jokes, you don’t understand the strength of Ah Long at all, even if you are very powerful!” You and Aaron are not at all on the same level. ”

Luffy listened to Nami because of her excitement, said what she really thought in her heart, and smiled: “Look! You really don’t like Aaron either, do you! Then when the time comes, I will help you defeat him, and you will join my pirate group, how about it! ”

“What I hate the most is pirates, even if you defeat Aaron! So the pirates are all the same. Nami listened to Luffy’s words and immediately retorted, she has not been a thief all these years, and she has long hated pirates.

“Oops.” Listening to this, Luffy was really a little helpless: “What’s wrong with the pirates!” Also, Namibe, I’m on par with those pirates you’ve seen before! They have no dreams, no determination to gamble their lives, how can such a guy be called pirates! ”

“Pirates are to constantly sail on the sea, adventure, live freely on the sea, live more freely than anyone, not be bound by anything, and do what they want to do, of course, I want to get ONEPIECE, so, for this goal, I have long been ready to give my life, even if I die for it, it can be regarded as death without regrets.”

“Cut.” Nami listened to Luffy’s pride and ambition, although she was also surprised in her heart, so she said disdainfully: “Listening to your tone, it seems that you are saying that you are very great, pirates are pirates, and they are always evil existences.” ”

“I know, how to tell you that it is like this, anyway, the pirate itself is an evil existence, I can’t deny this, because we are sailing freely, so in the eyes of the navy, we are unforgivable, but all the navy that I don’t see are good people!” Luffy said lightly: “Forget it, anyway, I have already determined that you are my navigator, and I will definitely ask you to join me.” ”

“Don’t make such a decision without permission, I said, I will never join the pirates.”

Luffy is really a little helpless about Nami’s determination, but there is no way, after all, he is not Luffy in the original work, it is impossible to be like Luffy in the original work, and the butterfly effect of his arrival, even if Nami does not join herself, there is nothing strange, “Okay!” Let’s put this matter aside! I will try to change your opinion, but I will go to the naval branch where Captain Monka is now, come with me! Nami. ”

“Why do I have to go with you!” Nami looked at Luffy and directly counted herself in, and roared, “By the way, what are you doing in the naval branch!” ”

“This one! I heard that the pirate hunter Roroja Solon seems to have been caught, so I want to go and rescue him and make him my partner by the way. Luffy said lightly, although he didn’t remember how Luffy in the original book made Solon his partner, but Solon’s goal was the first swordsman, and Luffy was very confident that he would let Solon on his ship.

“What, pirate hunter Rorora Solon, you are looking for him as your partner.” Nami was surprised.

“What, Mr. Luffy, you plan to make Roroja Solon your companion, he is known as a monster on the sea!” At this time, Kebi in the back was surprised.

Luffy turned his head suspiciously and said, “It’s you!” Strange, how could you follow us! ”

Is my sense of existence so weak? Kebi said with tears in his heart.

“Actually, Mr. Luffy, because I also have to go to the Naval Branch, I am on the same route as you, and I am worried that those pirates will come to arrest me later, so I have to…” Saying that, Kebi lowered his head weakly.

“This way! That’s whatever you want. Luffy didn’t care.

“However, Mr. Luffy, thank you very much, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would still be on Arrita’s ship right now, and it was your words that gave me courage.” Kebi thanked him.

This makes Luffy a little embarrassed, if Luffy in the original book is indeed encouraging Kebi, but now Luffy has no meaning to encourage at all, “Hehe, you are really interesting!” You were beaten by me and thank me, I just look at which fat woman is not good, in short, you will be the navy in the future, and I am a pirate, if we meet on the sea in the future, I will not show mercy. ”

“Ah! I also hope to fight Mr. Luffy in the future. Kebi said excitedly, suddenly reacted, embarrassed: “I’m sorry, Mr. Luffy, I’m so carried away, now I’m not even in the navy, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” ”

“This kid is really…” Luffy was a little speechless.

After going ashore, “Okay, Kebi, this is the base of the Navy, you can go to the navy yourself, I’m going to see Roroya Solon.” ”

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, the passers-by around heard the name Roroa Solon and immediately looked at Luffy in fear.

“Not really! Rorora Solon is so terrible! Luffy complained slightly.

“That’s for sure, Rorora Solon is a terrifying monster-like existence, so he was locked up.” Kebi said immediately.

“But I heard that this naval base is guarded by a naval colonel named Axe Monka.” As soon as Nami said this, the people around her heard the name Monka, as if they had seen a ghost.

Kebi looked at this scene and wondered, “What the hell is going on!” Isn’t Monka the Daizo of this naval base? ”

“This one! Who knows! Luffy whispered, Monka is even more evil than pirates in this naval base, and it is natural for ordinary people to be afraid.

Coming to the naval base, Luffy directly lay on the wall and said, “That’s Roroa Solon!” ”

“How is that possible! Rorora Solon is definitely in prison, a demon like him. Kebi immediately retorted, “Right! Miss Nami. ”

“Ah! Miss Nami, go there! ”

“I think I might have run to steal something!” Leave her alone. Luffy muttered.

Kebi also climbed up three or two times and was surprised: “That, green belly pocket, green turban, this, is indeed Roroa Solon.” Kebi looked at this hot day, and Rorora Solon was directly tied to it and exposed to the sun, and he couldn’t help but be surprised in his heart.

At this time, a little girl ran up and ran directly in front of Solon.

Kebi was scared: “Hey, come back soon!” It will be dead. ”

The girl came over and smiled, “Mr. Solon, I made rice balls for you, although this is my first time, but I am also very attentive to it.” ”

Solon looked at the rice balls in the girl’s hand and pretended to be disdainful: “You hurry up!” I’m not hungry. ”


“I told you to go, you should go quickly, what a word!”

“It’s not okay, Roroja Solon, it’s not okay to bully girls.” At this time, an annoying voice came over.

As soon as Luffy looked at this guy, he knew this character without mentioning the original work, just at a glance, he could see that he was an idiot rich second generation, and Luffy was also super unhappy with this kind of person.

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