“Oh, the pirate ship?” Luffy looked at the pirate ship coming from the opposite side, dozens of times larger than Ace’s small pirate ship.

“Captain Ace, let’s hurry up and escape! That pirate ship is…” Sack looked at the other party’s pirate flag, and said with some fear on his face.

“Ah! I know, that’s what I want, the Lion Pirates, right! I know. Ace looked at the other party’s pirate flag and said confidently.

Sack, the navigator, was really a little speechless, and said, “Captain, since you know, then let’s run away quickly!” Although the combat effectiveness of the Berserk Lion Pirate Group is not the strongest in the East China Sea, its strength is not comparable to those pirate groups we encountered before. ”

During the time that Sark followed Ace, although he also saw Ace’s strength, before Ace also fought with those pirate groups with a reward of millions, they solved the other party in a few strokes, but Sark looked up to Ace’s strength, and did not think that Ace could win the Mad Lion Pirate Group.

“Captain, you should know! The captain of the Mad Lion Pirate Group, Mad Lion, that guy is a sea pirate with a reward of up to 16 million, and the deputy captain of the ship is also offered a reward of 10 million berry, although there are some cadres who have not been rewarded, but with this kind of strength, even those bounty criminals in the East China Sea with a higher reward amount than him dare not easily fight him! ”

Ace was a little playful by Sark’s frightened words, “Oh, yes? Then I want to fight him even more, as long as I beat him, I think I should be able to be rewarded quickly! ”

“Captain, there is a pirate ship on the opposite side coming to our side.” At this time, a member of the Berserk Lion Pirate Group shouted.

“Oh, it’s the pirate group!” The pirate captain who was called so the mad lion asked a little playfully.

“It’s a pirate flag that I haven’t seen before, it should be a newcomer pirate who has just gone to sea!”

“Hmph, rookie pirates? The current pirates are really bold! Leaning over me, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, there is a bit of meat! The little ones, in a moment, will go and rob them of food and money, and if there are women on board, they will also bring them. The mad lion immediately ordered.

Sark listened to Ace’s words and said with a bitter expression: “Captain Ace, you are not serious, are you!” ”

“Sark, we are pirates, pirates are at war with pirates, how can we run away without a fight? And I think even if we want to run, there is no hurry now. Ace watched the pirate ship on the opposite side quickly come towards his side and chuckled.

Luffy looked at the large pirate group coming from the opposite side and muttered, “The reward amount of 16 million berry is much higher than that of Brujam.” ”

“I’m sorry, Luffy, although I promised to take you to Rogue Town quickly, but now it seems that I will be rewarded before I reach Rogue Town.” Ace said apologetically.

“This one! It doesn’t matter, after all, now Ace you are a pirate, in short, you just need to do what you want, and I’m not in a hurry, after all, if Ace wants to go to the Great Route, he must pass through Rogue Town, and it doesn’t matter if it’s later. Luffy also said with a nonchalant attitude.

Ace looked at Luffy’s appearance and said, “Okay! Then Luffy, please send me up!” “Because the other party’s pirate ship is too big, it is very difficult for Ace to jump directly in a cool way, so I had to ask Luffy.

“I think it’s better to forget it! I’ll go up with you! After all, fighting with a pirate with a reward of 10 million was 7 years ago, and I also want to see the results of my practice in the past 7 years. Luffy looked at the other party’s pirate ship and recalled slightly.

Ace nodded slightly, and said to the partner behind: “Then the pirate ship will be handed over to so protective, and the group of pirates will be cleaned up by me and Luci.” ”

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, Luffy immediately grabbed Ace, stretched out his arm, and the two flew directly over.

The captain of the Mad Lion Pirate Group on the opposite side, Mad Lion, was still making a cool and handsome declaration, and suddenly two people ran out to interrupt him, and the Mad Lion turned his head and was surprised: “This is, Devil Fruit Ability?” ”

After Ace Luffy and the two landed on the boat, Ace said, “Oh, there are so many people!” You’re the captain of that mad lion pirate group! ”

Listening to Ace’s frivolous words, the mad lion immediately said angrily: “Little ghost, since you ran to my ship, it seems that you are the captain of that pirate group!” Now pirates are really less and less valuable, even a kid like you wants to be a pirate. ”

Saying that, the eyes of the mad lion were full of disdain. Ace didn’t care if he was there, and said: “Hehe, being a pirate has nothing to do with age, but I have been at sea for so many days, and finally I have met a pirate with a reward of more than 10 million, as long as I kill you, then I think I can also be rewarded by the navy soon.” ”

“Are all the imps so arrogant now?” Listening to Ace’s arrogant tone, the mad lion laughed angrily: “If you really have the ability, I don’t mind using my head to become a stepping stone to your fame, of course, you must also be alive!” Boys, kill them both for me. ”

“Hmph, it’s quite bloody! That’s quite an appetite for me! Saying that, Ace’s movements were not slow, and he immediately rushed into the crowd.

The moment Luffy rushed out, he immediately fought with a group of pirates, but although there are many of these pirates, the strength is too dish, or the strength of Luffy Ace is too strong, these ordinary pirates are simply no match for the two, and the situation is completely one-sided.

“These two guys are also too strong!” “It’s a monster!”

Luffy glanced at these pirates, and secretly said: Although there are many people, but the strength is also too dish, similar to those bandits under Dadan, but it seems that the captain does not care at all.

Luffy looked at the berserk lion, beside the berserk lion, as well as his deputy captain and several members, it seems that it should be the cadres on this pirate ship!

“It seems that they don’t just talk big, they seem to have some strength!” At this time, one of the cadres said.

The mad lion looked at a few people around him and said, “It seems that we underestimate their strength, so let’s go with a few of you!” ”

After receiving the order, several cadres also rushed up, and one cadre with a sledgehammer hit Luffy with a hammer, and Luffy was on the side of his body, and the sledgehammer fell directly into the air.

“Telescopic, rubber gun.”

At this time, two more cadres ran over, one blocked Luffy’s fist with a shield, and the other hit Luffy with his mace.

Luffy’s body immediately stepped back, looking at the three cadres, and also looked at Ace, Ace was also entangled by the three cadres, now only the captain Mad Lion and his deputy captain have not yet made a move, Luffy has some playful taste: “It seems that there are three more powerful guys here!” ”

“Stinky boy, it’s best not to underestimate us.” When the three heard Luffy’s words, they immediately said angrily.

“Then you guys show me your strength!” Luffy said slightly defiantly.

Luffy’s words completely the three of them, and the three quickly rushed towards Luffy, a knife, a hammer, a stick, all hitting Luffy.

“Shaving.” In an instant, Luffy immediately disappeared in place, appeared behind the three people, and punched one of them and roared, “Your movements are too slow. ”

“Damn it!” Saying that, watching one person being shot away, but the three of them also had some strength on the ship, and looked at Luffy with a knife, only to see Luffy’s body disappear in place again.

“Damn it! There is this trick, and where to run. ”

The mad lion and his deputy captain looked at Luffy in surprise, and whispered: “What a fast speed, damn the ability, but the weakness of the ability is the seawater!” Just throw him into the sea! ”

The deputy captain on the side said, “I think it’s up to me!” These two imps don’t seem to be simple, and their strength is not weak! ”

Mad Lion looked at the deputy captain beside him and said, “Okay! Ruchi, you can go and solve them quickly. ”

“Yes.” I saw Rackey’s body move rapidly, and suddenly appeared in front of Luffy, punching Luffy.

Luffy’s body quickly dodged, and he saw that the deck was shattered.

Luffy was now fighting in rebellion, and said a little excitedly: “You are the deputy captain of this ship!” The bounty amount is 10 million berry, which is also the second in command on this ship. ”

“Mr. Ratchee, why are you here?” One of the cadres asked.

“This guy’s strength is not simple, and we don’t have so much time to spend with them, let’s go together!” Hurry up and end the battle. Rackey said coldly.

“Luffy.” Ace looked at the situation on Luffy’s side, and although he believed in Luffy’s strength, he was also a little worried.

“Ace, don’t worry, I can still handle these guys, but it seems that our speed should be faster, this is too time-consuming!” Luffy reminded.

“That’s right! Then I’ll quickly get rid of this group of guys. Saying that, Ace’s movements were faster than before, and a quick punch directly knocked a cadre away.

Rackey looked at Ace and said with some anger: “It seems that I also have to solve you quickly.” Saying that, Luckey took the lead.

Ruchi’s physical skills are very strong, and he is completely fighting Luffy with his bare hands, but there are three annoying guys next to Lucie who have been playing sneak attacks, and Luffy is a little hot.

For a while, Luffy suppressed only the part of defense, seeing that the battle on Ace’s side was almost over, Luffy jerked back, helplessly said: “Hateful!” Ace was about to settle, so he ended it with that trick. ”

“Don’t give him a chance to breathe, go on.” Ratchee watched Luffy back away and immediately caught up.

Luffy’s arm flicked, and the blood flow in his body quickly accelerated, and in an instant, Luffy’s body began to gradually turn red, and heat began to appear on his body.

“Second gear, start.”

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