“I’m going to kill you all!!”

Joete said drunkenly, and

Evan couldn’t help laughing when he heard this.

“drunkard! Stop talking nonsense when you drink too much! It will only make people laugh!”

Evan said teasingly to Choate.

“It’s so noisy!”

Jotte took a swig of wine, then threw the wine bottle to the snow beside him, kicked off the ground with his feet, and rushed straight towards Evan.

“Well come!”

Evan saw that Choate had already taken action, so he was not in a hurry. He bent his legs to gather strength, kicked off the ground suddenly, and shot out like a spring!


The two fists met in the air! There was a huge sound, and the surrounding area The thick layer of snow covering the square was also blown away by the shock wave caused by the fist fight between the two people, revealing a circular area of floor tiles with the two people as the center.

Snowflakes flew around the two people, and the snowflakes drifted past their eyes. , two pairs of fierce eyes stared at each other.

The two were in a stalemate in mid-air for a long time.


The two fists collided tightly. The new force bounced away! Evan and Choate’s bodies were also thrown into the air. Evan flipped upside down in the air, and Choate

‘s feet landed firmly on the ground.

On the ground! After smashing the exposed tiles on the ground,

Evan stared at Choate who was lying on the ground.

It can be said that the two shots were equally matched. The method did not reflect the difference between the two. Evan believed that if Choate wanted to, he could land smoothly, but this drunkard-like man seemed to have a vicious and cruel character, so he chose to hit the ground heavily. Choate raised his head suddenly, and a pair of cruel eyes appeared in Evan’s pupils!

“Kill you!!”

Like the roar of a beast, Choate also made a sound and exerted force again! All four limbs borrowed force from the earth at the same time! He rushed towards Evan faster and more ferociously.

Feeling the more ferocious attack! Evan’s body began to Swelling, his body became taller, his limbs grew sharp claws, the hair on the back of his head became longer, and a lion’s mane grew on his neck, which was as dense as a lion king’s, sharp and sharp tiger teeth, from Egypt! Wen’s mouth was exposed, his beard had grown out at some point, and his nose had changed into a unique feline shape! At this time, Evan was actually a head taller than Choate!


A violent lion’s roar came out!

In the small town, the people who were hiding in their houses watching the battle were so shocked by the roar that they felt like their ears were about to be exploded! They covered their ears in pain!

Enter In the form of an orc, all of Evan’s physical qualities have improved by one level! He’s heading towards Joate again!

This time, Evan’s figure seems to be teleporting! In Joate’s eyes, he can’t catch his figure, and can only see a blur. The shadow came towards him, but Choate continued to fly forward, with one hand reaching his waist, and then used all his strength to punch it out! There was a violent noise! The larger area was cleared of snow! The two met again! But this was not the result that Evan wanted!


Evan opened his mouth wide and roared at Choate in front of him.

Choate felt that his ears were about to break. He felt that he had to use his unskilled weapons to protect his ears.

Choate was distracted to protect them. When he hit his ear, Evan’s other claw moved! Choate had no time to react! Three deep blood marks were scratched on his right face!


Te stabilized his body in the air, fell to the ground with a bang, and slid away some distance, but Evan continued to bully him!

Two huge claws swung at Joe’s head again.

Te Ze quickly took action to block the oncoming claws.

Evan, who was still in the air, had no way to use his strength to break through Choate’s defense.

His ferocity exploded, and Evan directly pushed his huge head towards Choate!

Upon seeing this, Choate quickly turned his head to the side and compared the hardness with the animal-type ability user.

It was really hard to imagine!

He didn’t hit Choate’s head, but it didn’t hinder Evan’s next move.

Evan opened his own vagina.

Big mouth!

Two rows of extremely sharp fangs were revealed!

He bit into Qiaot’s shoulder!

The sharp teeth bit through Qiaot’s shoulder, and the sound of flesh being torn apart reached Qiaot’s ears.

, followed by severe pain in the shoulder!


Joate, who was in pain, activated the power in his body! He slammed Evan away in mid-air!


Evan was knocked away by Joate’s sudden attack! A piece of flesh and blood from Joate’s shoulder flew out in his mouth.!

Evan fell to the ground, spitting out the flesh and blood in his mouth, as well as the broken cloth, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Choate’s strength was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he was hit with all his strength, and Evan was also hit. I just feel like my internal organs are shaking.

But this kind of injury is nothing to an ancient species of animal-type ability users. The exaggerated physical hardness and recovery power make animal-type ability users like sit-ups on their shoulders. The bloody Choate’s eyes were clear, and his drunkenness had faded due to his injuries.

Looking at the sober Choate, Evan was not in a hurry to attack again. He wanted to see what choice the man in front of him would make. It is hard to see that Choate will not be Evan’s opponent at this time. If the two continue to fight, Evan, who has the fruitful ability, will win in the end.

Faced with inevitable defeat, what will this ugly and vicious man do? Doing it.

I saw Choate standing up straight, covering his head, looking like he woke up with a hangover and a splitting headache, as if the injury to his shoulder didn’t exist.

“Gulu, you are not drunk anymore? no!”

Jotte was saying something that Evan couldn’t understand, and he saw him picking up the wine bottle that he had just thrown on the ground, and pouring himself wine, and the bottle of wine went to the bottom in a while.


There was a belch, and Choate became drunk again. Holding the wine bottle and smiling silly


This operation made Evan’s head full of black lines. At the moment of life and death, drinking was not as important as drinking?! But if you like wine so much……

“Hello! Do you want to join us? We have the most delicious wine in the world on board! And you can drink it as you like! how is everything! drunkard!”

Evan also thought of the existence of the”magical wine barrel” at this time. It would be perfect to use fine wine to attract drunkards.

“Gulu gulu gulu, just drink some fine wine?! Hiccup~! If so! sure! If you are lying to me! Kill you all!!”

Choate once again speaks as a classic drunkard

“Ah~ Then you are welcome to join!”…………

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