Grand Line

Drum Kingdom

Blizzards are always falling. Even a winter island with snow falling all year round has so-called”four seasons”, which are probably divided according to the periodic rules of snowfall levels.

Looking at the blizzard in front of me, and reading Dalton’s heart, the Drum Kingdom is now in the coldest season of the year, and the blizzard is as big as a goose feather and will last for two months.

Even if the king is benevolent and loves his people, some families will be broken up in the cold. The world is like this. The brighter the place, the harder it is for those hiding in the darkness to survive.


Captain Xia Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the mist floating in the air, thinking about something in his mind.

Looking at Dalton who was still dazed and frustrated, Captain Xia Nuo also had no interest in talking to him. , so weak that he can’t even see it, and he may face a Demon-Slaying Order-level naval fleet, so even Xia Nuo has to pay attention to it, of course! The captain has been coveting Barrett for a long time. The strength is explosive. No matter how you think about it, Barrett is killed by the plot. His strength is far from the strength shown in the plot.

No, in the movie version, Barrett is killed. His final form, a super-large synthetic giant, is already nearly invincible, but he doesn’t understand why he was easily defeated by Luffy.

Regardless of Barrett’s original strength, after getting him on the ship, the two loyalties. After cheating for the first time, Captain Xiano has absolute confidence that he can push Barrett to the level of the Yonko, or even higher!

Such a powerful subordinate is certainly worth fighting for.

Moreover, if the demon-slaying order and the admiral, Captain Xia Nuo was intimidated, and all that bullshit about overturning the world was nonsense. However,

Captain Xia Nuo was confident, but he did not tell the crew about the situation he knew in advance.

After all, to them, the admiral and the The Demon-Slaying Order is as scary as it sounds.

Just let the crew get through this winter island trip easily.

Their role in the subsequent battle will not be too great, so these dozens of people will not be able to do it.

Two hundred android clone soldiers are not enough to separate the navy soldiers.

It is better not to let them participate in the war.

They all have a lot of potential that can be developed.

It would be a waste to die early!

A big scene can also improve their awareness and enhance their absolute trust in the captain’s strength.

The lack of strength at the bottom is also a limiting factor that seriously affects the development of the pirate group. There are only cadres and no subordinates, so the cadres have to do everything by themselves. , that’s really not impressive…….

“Hehehehehe! captain! Can I make them zombies?”

Moglia looked at Captain Xia Nuo who made no next move and asked tentatively. After all, the captain of the escort team named Dalton seemed to be in very good physical condition.

“Ah, it’s up to you.”

Captain Xiano withdrew from his inner world after hearing Moria’s words. He didn’t care at all about the life or death of the people in front of him.


Moriah opened his mouth wide, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, pale skin, and a ferocious expression, like a devil from hell.


Another shout came from the distance!

Moria’s movements were interrupted again, which made him very angry. He was interrupted twice in casting spells in such a short period of time! It’s so irritating! Am I not a human being? What the hell am I doing? Is he a human?

I saw a man in purple tights. Even in such a cold weather, he opened his clothes to reveal the short sleeves underneath. He had a slim figure, wore sunglasses on his face, and had gray hair hanging behind his head. Seeing a woman with a hot figure but a face as old as a dead tree bark appearing in the air,

Captain Xia Nuo looked up and saw that this was Kuleha whom he had arranged for Mihawk to find. Unexpectedly, he had sent her to her door.

“Hehehehehe! Even if you ask me to stop, you have to show some strength!”

Molia didn’t understand the existence of pity and cherishment. He was so angry that he took action directly!

“Shadow horn gun!”

The black shadow soared from the ground into the sky and headed straight for the slender figure in the sky.

“Brats! Don’t underestimate me who is eternally young!”

Kureha shouted in the air, and then she saw that she took out a knife from nowhere and slashed it in the air!


The moment the knife came into contact with the black shadow, it made a violent sound.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the Shadow Horn Gun shattered and turned into a black shadow, falling to the ground.

“hateful! This old woman actually has some strength!”

Molia also spoke angrily, but there was no other action. It was not that he was timid, but that he was waiting for the captain’s words.

Just after logging in, things became very different from what the captain expected. Captain Xia Nuo was also very unhappy when he thought about it. If anything happens at this moment, it will naturally be decided by the captain.

As for the attack just now, it is naturally to test the strength of the person who came. If you can’t block his casual blow, you are not qualified to stand in front of the captain to negotiate terms.

A series of actions of Leah also made Captain Xiano very satisfied. The more he looked at Lao Mo, the more he liked him and thought that he must help Moria increase his upper limit……. boom!

Kuleha landed firmly on the ground.

He took off his sunglasses and looked at the scene in front of him, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Everyone in the escort fell to the ground, frothing at the mouth, but their lives were not in danger. Dalton fell to his knees on the ground, his eyes were empty, and he was severely psychologically damaged.

Looking towards the port, there was a group of villains sharpening their swords. Moria, who was as tall as a demon, Shiliu, who was equally tall and filled with murderous intent, and a silent swordsman with fearful eyes.

And the man who just showed off his domineering and domineering attitude

“With such a lineup, even the eternally young me is helpless.”

Kureha shook her head and thought bitterly. Although she couldn’t live in seclusion, she didn’t want the Drum Kingdom to be destroyed like this.

Just when Captain Xiano was showing off his domineering aura, Kuleha was far away in the mountain castle. Ha, she also felt this terrifying and destructive overlord color, which made her feel that the situation was not good, so she quickly set off to see if there was anything she could do.

“There should be a patient on your ship who needs my treatment. I’ll help you cure that person, and you can just let the Drum Kingdom go. How about this, this pirate captain!”

When Kuleha first appeared on the stage, she felt that the young swordsman suddenly noticed her and kept watching her. If he was not attracted by her beauty, then he knew of her existence, so he boldly speculated , there are seriously ill patients on their ship who need her treatment. If this can be done, this disaster should be avoided.

“oh? With such keen insight, you must be hiding your strength.”

Captain Xiano asked with great interest.

Kuleha shook her head. In this case, unless she has the strength to match the admiral, it will be a useless struggle.

“Come on straight, Captain, is a deal possible?”

“Of course, you can exchange a bunch of rubbish for one of my capable subordinates. Your decision is very correct.”

Kuleha breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.


“I want to recruit people in the Drum Kingdom, so I won’t just leave.”…………

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