Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 120 Chambord Islands

In a happy banquet, the Rocks Pirates finally arrived at the Chambord Islands.

Two huge battleships with the Rocks Pirates slowly approaching Port No. 17 of the Chambord Islands.

Hey, hey! That, that is, the Rocks Pirates!

The Lockes Pirates actually came here!

Quick, get out of the way! Don't block the other party!

At Port 17, after seeing the flag of the Rocks Pirates, everyone panicked and hid in their own boats.

No matter if it was a pirate ship or an ordinary merchant ship, they dared not take any offense at all.

On the port, many pirates fled the port in a panic and ran in other directions.

There are also many pirates standing in the port with fanaticism, waiting for the arrival of the ship of the Rocks Pirates.

Galah! I can finally meet the big shots of the Rocks Pirates! I just went to sea just to meet them!

That's right, that's right! In order to join the Rocks Pirates, I have worked so hard to get here from the North Sea. After waiting for a year, I finally arrived!

Many fanatical Rocks fans stood excitedly at the port waiting for their idol to arrive.

Of course, in addition to the fans of the Rocks Pirates, there are also many people with bad intentions hiding in the dark of the port.

They looked crazy, holding various weapons in their hands, staring at the rapidly approaching

pirate ship.

Smash it, smash it, if we kill any one of the Lockes Pirates here, we will immediately become famous!

Chi Chi Chi Chi, I heard that there are two super beauties in the Rocks Pirates! If you catch them and sell them to those noble grandpas, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Hmph! A group of idiots, if we can kill that Rocks, we will be able to spend the rest of our lives happily!

These ferocious-looking strong men,

In a few words, they all laughed wildly and described their ambitions.

They never think about whether they have the strength to realize their ambitions.

On the Conqueror ship, Lockes sat on the deck with a smile on his face.

Are there still a minority of smart guys in this sea?

They're all passionate idiots who can't see reality clearly.

Jhin, there are some annoying mice at the port on the island, go and get rid of them.

Jhin behind Lockes heard what Lockes said, stretched out the wings behind him, and flew directly to the port.

When the people at the port saw a giant bird with a whole body burning with fiery flames coming, they all shouted excitedly.

Oh!!! It's Jhin!

Master Jhin!

Look here! Lord Jhin! I'm your big fan!

Jhin ignored the noisy guys, flew directly over their heads, and flew towards the mice hiding in the dark corners.


A huge explosion resounded above Port 17.

Jhin smashed directly onto the ground at super fast speed.

The powerful shock wave directly destroyed some surrounding tree buildings.

Jhin's figure slowly stood up from the smoke and dust in the sky.

Wearing a black punk costume, with a pair of dark red wings on the back, a helmeted head, revealing a pair of red eyes, looking at the rats who fell to the ground due to the shock wave, showing a terrified expression .

Jin, Jhin! That, one of the three major signboards of the Rocks Pirates!

How would he know that we are in ambush here!

Impossible! This monster!

Go! Kill him together!

That's right! Kill him!

700 million heads, I accept it!

Those rats with malicious intentions, after the initial fear, immediately roared and rushed towards Jhin with their weapons.

Hmph! A bunch of damn rats, they should stay in the sewer for me and never come out!

Jhin snorted coldly, his arms directly turned into a pair of flaming wings.

Huang Yan. Pill Bow!


Jhin's wings turned into two extremely sharp long swords, slashing towards both sides.

In the blink of an eye, the mice that charged up were cut off in half by Jin's wings.

With just one blow, nearly half of the people were beheaded, and Jhin's expression did not change at all.

The rest of the mice, with pale faces and fear in their hearts, collapsed to the ground trembling, looking at Jhin in horror.

Strange, monster!

Ju, actually killed most of the people with just one blow!

This, is this one of the three major signboards of the Rocks Pirates!

Yes, I'm sorry! Please, please let me go! I, I was just forced here by them!

Forgive me, please spare me! I, I still have a child and a mother to take care of! Please, please!

Jhin looked down at the mice.


A huge ball of flame condensed from the top of his head, Jhin supported it with one hand.

Since you have decided to go to sea and are ready to attack our Rocks Pirates, be prepared to die.

After all, we're not playing a pirate house game!

Huang Yan. Bomb!

As he said that, Jhin threw the fireball above his head at them.



A huge explosion sounded, and the flames soared into the sky.

The remaining dozens of mice were also completely reduced to fly ash under Jin's attack.

Jhin didn't care about the burning flame, turned and left directly.

A real man would never watch the explosion behind him.

At the port, seeing Jhin's incomparable strength, the pirates became even more excited.

They cheered and shouted Jin's name.

Jhin walked slowly from the path they gave way to the port, and stood aside with his arms folded.

After a while, the Conqueror and Caesar finally arrived at the port and stopped.

The spiral ladder was lowered from the ship, and Lockes walked down the spiral ladder one by one with all the cadres of the Lockes Pirates.

When I saw Rocks, the already lively and noisy port became even more lively and noisy.

All the pirates chanted Rocks' name frantically.

In this way, under the cheers of the crowd, Lockes walked down the spiral staircase and stood on the land of the port.

Captain Rocks!

A tall, muscular man with a bare upper body and a huge long sword behind his back rushed out of the crowd and knelt down in front of Lockes.

Captain Rocks! I, I admire you so much! My name is Leon, and I'm from the North Sea! In order to join your pirate group, I came here from the North Sea, and I've been waiting for you here for a year!

Also, please accept my request, let me board your ship, become your subordinate, and fight with you!

Saying that, Leon knocked his head heavily on the ground.

Rocks looked down at the man.

Would you like to join my pirate team?

My pirate group has no room for the weak. After all, the strength is too weak, but they will die in battle soon.

I, I will work hard to become stronger! Moreover, if I die in a certain battle, it can only be said that I am a man who can only reach that point!

Listening to Leon's words, Lockes looked at him for a while.

I agree with your joining.

With that said, Rocks walked past him.

Thank you, Captain Lockes! I, I will work hard!

Leon kowtowed to Lockes gratefully.

Seeing that Leon had successfully joined the Rocks Pirates, the rest of the pirates immediately started asking frantically.

They gathered here today, isn't it just to join the Rocks Pirates!

Rocks looked at the hundreds of people gathered around him.

Barbosa, I will leave this place to you. We really need to add some personnel. Otherwise, the two ships will appear to be empty.

With that said, Lockes left the port directly.

Luhuhu, I understand, Lockes, leave it to me with confidence.

And all the pirates gathered around rushed towards Barbossa.

They heard what Lockes said.

Lockes left the port with the rest of the members and walked to the door of a tavern.

Okay, before the coating of the boat is finished, let's disperse and go for a stroll and relax.

After all, after we enter the new world, there will be no leisure time.

Hehehe, see you in three days.

Moriah smiled and left with Sasaki and Tiger shoulder to shoulder.

Looking at their wretched smiles, Lockes also knew that they must have gone to some unscrupulous store.

Well, see you in three days. I just want to find an old friend for a drink.

Eredar smiled at Lockes, then got up and left, walking towards area 22.

Ho Ho, I'm going to prepare some nautical supplies for the new world, then, I'll see you in three days, Captain Lockes.

Lafitte bowed respectfully to Lockes and left here.

Lockes looked at the partners who left one by one, and then at Ruth and Enil who were by his side, who had no intention of leaving.

Ruth also looked at Lockes, and then at Enel.


Ruth kicked Anilu directly and kicked him far away.

You stinky brat with no winks! Hurry up and get out of the way!

Damn it! Ruth you bastard!

Enilo, who was suddenly kicked by Ruth, was furious in his heart.

Ah, Rocks, there are only two of us left now, yes, I want to go to the amusement park.

Ruth hugged Lockes' arm directly, and said with a shy and cute face.


Lockes looked at Ruth, who turned her face faster than a book, and was speechless.

After twitching his arm and finding that he couldn't pull it out, Lockes also gave up struggling.

Then let's go.

Rocks ignored the angry Enilo, turned around and left with Ruth, and walked towards the No. 33 area where the amusement park is located.

Enilu looked at Ruth who suddenly turned around and made a face at himself, and his anger turned into flames and rushed out of his head.

Bastard Ruth! My uncle will kill you sooner or later!

Enraged, Anilo turned around and walked into the bar.

He was ready to drink a few glasses of wine to vent his anger.

It's better to have a few pirates come out and beat him up.

Boss! Serve me a few bottles of your best wine!

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