Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

For Fuji Tiger, who was on an equal footing with himself and even faintly surpassed him, Yu Zhixi smiled at his heart, and if he didn’t have a trace of hostility, it was impossible.

Seeing that Yang Ming did not order himself to make a move, but let Fuji Tiger laugh and make a move, Yu no Kiru at first thought of watching the joke on the side.

“If you can’t subdue Cappenbeki in a short period of time, this blind man will be in trouble.”

God closes a door and quietly opens a window.

Although Fuji Hu smiled that although he was blind and lost his eyesight, he had a unique domineering appearance, and he could naturally detect that this murderous colleague next to him was very dissatisfied with him.

Against Cappenbeki, it was the first battle under Yang Ming that Fuji Hu smiled, and naturally he had to fight beautifully to convince other colleagues.

Fuji Hu smiled and pulled out the sheath of the knife, the tip of the knife pointed diagonally towards the sky dome, and under the influence of the purple arc gravity belt, the sky dome darkened in the next moment.

“What’s going on?”

Yu Zhixi looked up consciously, and his pupils suddenly shrank and contracted into needles.

A small meteorite fell from the sky under the blessing of gravity, and in the violent friction with the air, the surface of the small meteorite burned and caught fire, with a roaring flame at a speed of more than 100 meters and a second, fiercely hitting the huge castle in front of him.

Fuji Tiger Yixiao is a superhuman heavy fruit ability, can use the ability to arbitrarily control the strength and direction of gravity, can instantly raise gravity to a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the ground, and pull down the meteorite that is free outside, forming a terrible lethal move.

In addition, he can float objects weightlessly, form a repulsive field due to gravity, bounce off enemy attacks, and exchange the direction of gravity in an area, dragging everything on the ground to the sky.

In fact, the heavy fruits have a lot to do, but because Fuji Hu smiled and had no culture, he was not able to develop the heavy fruits at a higher level.

In Yang Ming’s view, using gravity to pull small meteorites down seems to be very shocking, but in fact, it deviates from the development route of many fruits.

If Fujitora can develop hypergravity with a smile, that is the real moment of glory.

Any object on the surface of a planet is subjected to the gravity of the planet, that is, by the combined force of the star’s gravity and the inertial high centrifugal force caused by its rotation.

Gravity on the planet, 1g≈9.8m/s2.

Greater than 1 g is called hypergravity.

In the hypergravity environment, the volumetric force of the substance will be increased, which can produce a scale-down effect, accelerating the driving force of the relative movement between different substances, thereby producing a time-shrinking effect.

These can rise to the level of space-time compression, energy enhancement, and accelerated phase separation.

Even in the end, it is possible to build a hypergravity environment from transient to 10,000-year time scale, from atomic level to kilometer-level spatial scale, from normal temperature and pressure to high temperature and high pressure.

True Fruit Abilities, throw enemies into hypergravity and make them wonder what life is like.

Those who have false fruit abilities only know how to use their abilities to involve meteorite falls.


A deafening roar interrupted Yang Ming’s thoughts.

While transforming into a castle man and gaining the defensive power of copper walls and iron walls, Cappenbeki lost his flexibility and was bombarded head-on by small meteorites.

Rubble splattered and filled with endless smoke.

The members of the Capone gang were blown out of the castle walls, magnified with the naked eye, and a body of mutilated corpses lay on the ground, not to mention a hundred people.

This is still the case where the corpse can be seen, and the more corpses are annihilated, and the number of Capone gang members is higher.

To measure the power of a mafia, in addition to its sphere of influence, is the number of thugs in its power.

The Capone gang, as the first mafia in the West Sea, even if there are more personnel, it is impossible to exceed 10,000 people, not to mention the members who can be included in the castle by Cappenbeki are all the best in the mafia, and the death of one person is enough to feel distressed for a long time, not to mention that the deaths and injuries are so heavy now.

Even if Cappenbeki can get away with it today, such a huge loss will make his efforts go to waste, and he will not be able to explain it in front of the golden lion Shiji.


A physically mutilated castle giant stepped out of the smoke, his huge eyes spouting anger, obviously full of anger at the initiator of all this.

When the castle giant raised his hand, all kinds of weapons of swords, guns and halberds shot out from the castle, and when the number of cold weapons piled up to the level of hundreds of thousands, it immediately turned into a jaw-dropping weapon storm, blocking all the dodging space left and right of Yang Ming’s three people.

The fruit of Cappengbeki’s fortified city is comparable to the role of a mobile fortress on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, he smiled at Fuji Tiger, and the heavy fruit can be called the natural nemesis of the Jiancheng fruit.

“Gravity knife! Swamp!

“Gravity knife! Repulsion!

In the blink of an eye, Fuji Hu smiled and quickly drew his knife and swung it.

A purple arc of gravity sits beneath the castle giant, placing Cappenbeki in a swamp, and the intense gravity makes it difficult for him to lift his feet, and each movement requires geometric physical strength.

Another purple arc of gravity surrounded the sky above the heads of the three people, under the influence of invisible repulsion, all the falling swords, guns and halberds were all repelled without exception, scattered irregularly and messily, and a cold weapon with a handle was inserted upside down on the ground, as if forming a sword tomb.

The immobile Cappenbergi is undoubtedly the best target.

Dealing with this mafia godfather, Fuji Hu smiled without any mercy, and directly slashed three times, and several small meteorites fell one after another.

“Boom! Rumble! Boom…”The

scene like a natural disaster shocked the uninhabited country, the ground violently undulated to form a large-scale six-magnitude earthquake, and the entire island was shaking amazingly, making people wonder if it would fall apart in the next moment.

Fortunately, this worry is superfluous.

When all the dust settles, only lunar craters remain on the ground.

Cappenbeki fell covered in blood in a pool of blood, if it weren’t for the strong defense of the Jiancheng Fruit, I am afraid that in the face of the crazy attack that Fuji Tiger smiled just now, he would have been smashed into a meatloaf by a meteorite.

“Why bother?”

A leisurely sigh reached the ears of the weak godfather, and before Cappenbeki could react, his eyes turned to a pair of pitch-black windmill-like patterns, and the remaining reason could no longer support him to resist the invasion of illusion, and Yang Ming easily invaded his inner world.

“Monthly reading!”

On a windless night, a red moon hangs high in the sky.

On the barren expanse of wilderness stands a giant cross, to which Capenbergi is tied by five flowers.

“Where am I?”

Cappenbeki blurted out subconsciously.

Immediately, he suddenly reacted, didn’t he already bite off his tongue, how could he still speak?

A pure white naval uniform suddenly came into view, Yang Ming’s dress seemed to be incompatible with this desolate scenery, but it was blended with his contradictory temperament, making people feel that the young man in front of him was the only master of this world.

Yang Ming held the chopping knife in his hand and smiled slightly:

“Welcome to my playground.”

But any enemy who went against Yang Ming, as long as he saw Yang Ming’s smile, he couldn’t help but fight a cold war, as if he saw King Yan Luo sending a warm invitation to him.

Cappenbeki’s mouth opened slightly, and just about to harden his mouth, he saw Yang Ming stab him in the heart without hesitation.

In the spiritual space of Yue Reading, any injuries suffered, the pain felt will be magnified.


Under the desolate moonlight, a series of screams echoed in the wilderness.

After Yang Ming withdrew from the moon reading space, he rubbed his tired eyebrows, and his pupils gradually returned to the black pupils of the past.

As for the captured mafia godfather?

At this time, Cappenbeki had long lost his former majesty, revealing an obsessive smirk, and a line of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, making people wonder if he was already stupid.

Ordering people to carry Cappenbeki away, Yang Ming began to preside over the sweep of the kingdom of Troya.

Yang Ming deployed work for Tina and the others and gave the following work instructions.

1. All members of the mafia will be killed without amnesty.

2. All nobles of the Trojan Kingdom who are involved in the business of usury will be imprisoned, and those who are less involved in the family property will be confiscated, and if they are involved with the mafia, they will be killed without amnesty.

3. Beat the nobles, share wealth, distribute the people and people from the nobility of the Trojan Kingdom in a household-by-household unit, and forgive all the debts of the common people.

4. Those who dare to obstruct the Navy in carrying out their tasks will be killed!

Ling’s strength, tough wrists, ruthless means.

With these four iron laws, the naval soldiers and the Eight Treasures Water Army led by Yang Ming immediately set off an unprecedented storm in the Kingdom of Troia, from the king of the Troia Kingdom to the nobles and rich people of the Troa Kingdom, none of them were afraid, but the poor people living in the slums cheered and worshipped Yang Ming and his group as saviors.

In order to protect their own property, these vested interests will naturally not give up.

Armed resistance, hypocrisy and snakes, yang and yin, and various means emerge one after another.

But in the face of absolute strength, these resistance abilities are like paper tigers, and they can be broken with a poke!

A group of high-ranking people stood on top of the magnificent royal palace hall of the Troa Kingdom, overlooking the entire kingdom.

The sunset is glowing, and the sunset is dividend.

Yang Ming put his hands behind his back, met everyone’s eyes, and said calmly:

“The original birds can’t fly, and flying is a reward for their brave leap into the canyon.”

“From now on, centered on the Kingdom of Troya, I will set off a storm of sanctions against the mafia and uproot the cancer that plagues the people!”

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