
“Congratulations to the host for saying the classic lines in Star Travels and getting a chance to win a lottery, do you want to start the lottery wheel?”

In Yang Ming’s sight, the lottery wheel slowly emerged, and only this type of prize was capable.

Abilities: Shadow Magic, Space Contract, Play Dead…

[Shadow Technique]: Implant a shadow mark on the target, and the Shadow Technique will slowly enhance the target’s physical fitness, thus subtly making the target a shadow person, controlled by the spellcaster.

Yang Ming chuckled, and in the bewildered eyes of Princess Otohime, he suddenly stepped forward, pretending to brush the messy hair around her ear for her, so as to cover up the shadow mark he implanted on Princess Otohime, hidden under the hair, which ordinary people could not see.

Receiving the warning of the three princes of the overturning star, King Neptune was leading a sea king army to support, and happened to see this scene from a distance, his face suddenly became gloomy, and there was always a sense of being cuckolded in public.

“Bold maniac, take your life!”

Yang Ming glanced at the corner of his eyes, ignoring the incompetent and furious King Neptune , his eyes paused for a moment on the White Star Princess, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and immediately flashed away from the podium, and the figure quickly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

The Kingdom of Neptune hurriedly rushed to the podium, put his hands on the shoulders of Concubine Ai, looked up and down, and said with a concerned expression:

“Concubine Ai, are you okay?”

Princess Otohime was slightly stunned, and immediately smiled.

“Honey, I’m okay.”

Princess White Star, as one of the three ancient weapons, Poseidon the sea king, no one knows what will happen if she does it on her body.

In this world, there is never a shortage of smart people.

If it was possible to control Neptune Poseidon and thus command a large number of Neptune creatures, the world government would have done so early in the morning.

I think that in the bodies of these ancient weapons, there should be some countermeasures to avoid falling into the hands of others and being controlled by others.

Yang Ming originally wanted to kidnap Princess Otohime and hypnotize her with the help of kaleidoscope chakra eyes, so as to achieve the purpose of indirectly controlling Princess White Star.

However, now that he has obtained such an ability as the Vine Shadow Technique, it also saves Yang Ming a bit of effort.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Shadow Technique is not as simple and crude as the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and it takes years of influence to gradually change the target into the shape you want.

Slow also has the benefit of slow, at least during this time, Princess Otohime will not be different from the usual behavior, under Yang Ming’s hint, with her prestige and power on Fishman Island, sooner or later she will be able to control the entire Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Now, it is not known whether the world government will be able to fulfill their promise if Princess Otohime gathers the signatures of the people without the interference of scum such as Hody Jones.

Once the world government breaks its word, it will cause the image and prestige of the world government in front of all countries to plummet, and it will also make people of insight throughout the world recognize the true face of the world government.

How the next situation will develop, Yang Ming is a little curious and expectant.

After leaving Fishman Island directly, Yang Ming did not go to the New World.

It is not an easy task to cross the hole below the Red Earth Continent, so Yang Ming might as well change back to his original appearance, return to the three-masted sailing ship, and take his friends to the New World through the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

He left the three-masted schooner for more than two weeks, thinking that the three-masted schooner had been refurbished, painted and hulled.


On the calm sea, a head suddenly poked out.

Despite possessing the passive skill of underwater breathing, as a human instinct, Yang Ming still yearns for landing places and oxygen everywhere, and the moment he floats from the bottom of the sea, Yang Ming greedily breathes the air, allowing the moist air to fill his entire chest.

Yang Ming shed the skin of Li Qing, the descendant of the dragon, and restored it to his original body shape and appearance.

Looking down at his body, only a big pants was left on his body, Yang Ming looked around, there was an endless sea in front of him, and he couldn’t tell which sea he was in now, so he casually looked in one direction and stepped away.

An armed ship flying the flag of the Kingdom of Prodice drifts on the sea, the armed ship is divided into three layers of huge cannons, and the wooden hull is covered with a layer of iron, which can be called a model of a strong ship.

Two figures, one tall and one short, stood on the deck with a long sigh.

“Too much deception! It’s really deceptive!

“King Riku once had a favor with me and can be called my good brother, but now I can only watch the Kingdom of Dressrosa fall into the hands of Tenyasha Doflamingo, and even to avoid harming the pond fish, King Ben can only escape from the New World to avoid being implicated!”

“Hateful! Hateful!

A man raised his head to the sky with a mournful cry.

This person is shirtless, revealing the lean muscles that have been exercised for many years, wearing a boxing king cloak on his shoulders, a thick fist suit on both hands, and a jewel-encrusted crown on his head, and is the king of the Kingdom of Prodes, known as the king of war, Ilizabelo II.

The kingdom of Prodins and the kingdom of Dressrosa are close, and the two islands are separated by no more than 300 kilometers, and they are at odds with each other, although there is no alliance, but there is an alliance.

Tenyaksha Doflamingo felt that his own years were unfavorable, and in less than half a year, he lost the Cube Legion and the Plum Blossom Legion one after another, if it were not for the Plum Blossom Legion, the sugar of taking the childlike fruit had a special effect, and was left by Doflamingo, I am afraid that the loss would be even greater.

It is precisely because of this that Doflamingo, after receiving the title of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, immediately annexed the Kingdom of Dressrosa as planned, and now has driven out the Riku royal family, and re-made the Don Quixote family the royal family of the Dressrosa Kingdom.

Beside the king, a fat man bowed slightly, his lewd face showed a bit of caution, and said:

“Your Majesty, this person Tenyaksha is extremely ambitious and is in charge of the arms trade business in the underground world, because we have an old relationship with King Riku, the other party’s current identity is not good to target us on the surface, but we can indirectly cause us a lot of losses by dumping advanced weapons at low prices to enemy countries, which is the troublesome thing!”

“We need to contact all our friends, even if we pay some benefits, we must form an offensive and defensive alliance, otherwise we will face the crisis of the loss of our country!”

The one who spoke was Vasco da Gama, the military master of the Kingdom of Prodes.

The New World is not the beautiful place that the outside world imagines.

Due to the advantages of geography, astronomy, water and soil, the New World is rich in products, prosperous in people, and everyone is like a dragon.

However, solid material conditions did not give birth to peace, but on the contrary, bred countless careerists, causing countries in the New World to frequently fight, fighting with each other from afar, or joining forces, forming a chaotic scene of warring states.

Behind these warring countries, there are either the figures of the Draco family, or the four emperors behind the scenes, and even the world government secretly supports.

To describe the situation in the new world in one word, that is “chaos”!

The mess is a mess, the cutting is constant, and the rationalization is still messy.

This is why the Navy does not focus mainly on the new world, so as not to get itself into trouble.

Vasco’s eyes suddenly froze, and he pointed to the sea level and said,

“What is that?”

The two of them are now frightened birds, and they are immediately on full alert for comers.

A figure stepped on the waves, the white waves opened to the sides, and the fierce wind blew the bangs on the forehead, revealing a slightly immature face.

When Yang Ming’s figure gradually approached and was not far from the armed ship, the two finally saw Yang Ming’s figure and appearance clearly, and they were suddenly shocked.

Elizabello II prides himself on being gifted, possessing such a terrifying killing move as the Fist of Kings, and only needs to warm up for an hour to deliver a terrifying punch that pierces the Steel Fortress, but he does not have the courage to gallop alone on the sea.

Not to mention, looking at the age of the other party, it seems that he is less than ten years old, which is even more shocking!

Ilizabelo II was dumbfounded, but as a military master, da Gama could not stare like this, otherwise how could he be worthy of the high offerings of the Kingdom of Prodes?

“What about Lao Tzu’s cannon?”

“Bombard Lao Tzu!”

With the sound of da Gama’s slightly shrill voice, the navigator quickly turned the rudder, so that the side of the armed ship was aimed in the direction where Yang Ming was, and the muzzles of the upper and lower rows of giant cannons roared in unison, and the dark solid shells burst out one after another, cutting a beautiful arc in the sky, and fell around Yang Ming, setting off waves several meters high.

What shocked the two was that Yang Ming’s body was as light as a feather, his feet were like dragonflies stepping on the water, his posture was dexterous and handsome, and he easily avoided the intensive bombardment of artillery shells, instead of widening the distance with the armed ship, the distance was getting closer and closer.

A drop of cold sweat suddenly flowed from Ilizabelo II’s forehead, and he subconsciously clenched his hands into fists, took a boxing posture, and his eyes were solemn.

Yang Ming stepped on his feet, flipped in mid-air, and landed his feet firmly on the deck, and he was warmly welcomed by everyone.


A burst of gunfire rang out, blowing the horn of attack.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Prodess are well-trained and arranged in an orderly manner, and the soldiers in front of the row empty the bullets in one breath, then immediately crouch down to change the ammunition, and the back row of soldiers comes one after another, so that the guns are heard endlessly, and the bullets rain shrouded the little man.

Yang Ming was a little helpless.

He just wanted to come and hitchhike, but he didn’t expect to stab the hornet’s nest.

“Give me enough time!”

The overlord-colored domineering suddenly unfolded, the entire armed ship suddenly shook, and bullets fell from the air.

The soldiers on the deck foamed at the mouth, rolled their eyes and fainted.

Ilizabelo II and da Gama, a pair of crouching dragon phoenix chicks, lay on the ground, their faces full of horror.

“My lord, I surrender!”

“As long as the adults don’t kill me, I am willing to sacrifice everything, whether it is gold and silver jewelry or a wife and concubine, you can choose!”

Yang Ming paced in front of the two, and the helplessness on his face was even worse.

“Please, I’m a navy.”

Ilyzabelo II: (; ́д’)ゞ

da Gama:o o(╥_╥)

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