Inside the No. 1 Shipyard of the Seven Waters.

A pirate ship with a dinosaur skull on its bow is undergoing a transformation by the Carrera Company. At Eustace Kidd's request, the Victoria Punk has a stronger Gothic punk vibe.

"Boss Kidd! That guy Big Daddy Babaya robbed the bank in Water 7. How about we do it too?"

A white-haired man who looked like an evil ghost and a zombie spoke up. His name was Hit, and he was one of the senior officers of Kidd's Pirates. Like the other two senior officers, Killer and Waye, he was once the leader of a bad group on an island in the South China Sea. The four of them occupied different streets on the island and were constantly fighting on weekdays.

In this non-member country, bandits and pirates are rampant, and the country is not a country.

Later, the strongest bandit group on the island carried out a nationwide looting. Kidd's family and his beloved girl died in the turmoil.

The girl's name is Victoria.·S·Druyanaka, she is also the secret crush of the killer warrior Kira.

The furious Eustace Kidd gathered three other leaders, among whom Kira and Kidd were good friends since childhood, and they also liked the girl, so they were the first to respond to Kidd's call.

The other two leaders, Hit and Vaye, also suffered heavy losses in this robbery, and they also followed Kidd's revenge team with anger.

Under Kidd's leadership, they defeated the largest bandit group in the country, and Kidd completely conquered everyone with his powerful strength and brutal killing methods.

Kidd, who lost his family and lover, said,"I don't want to stay in this narrow world!", and he formed the Kidd Pirates with these evil friends with murderous intent and became a pirate.

In order to commemorate the beloved girl, the pirate ship of the Kidd Pirates is called Victoria Punk.


"Don't be reckless, at least wait until the Victoria Punk is remodeled!"

Another tall man who looked like a demon said calmly, holding a trident in his hand. He was Vaye, a senior cadre who preferred intelligence.

"Haha, let's plunder like crazy before setting sail!!"

Eustace Kidd grinned. After losing his family, his ambition became purer and his killing became crazier.

He has no family, and those enemies don't even want to exist!

They must be slaughtered!

He has never been afraid of death. He just wants to break the pattern of this ghost world and make the world abuzz!

The masked killer warrior Killer did not speak. As long as it was Captain Kidd's order, he would execute it.

The shipwrights of the Carrera Company who were transforming the pirate ship were also watching the murderous Kidd Pirates with great fear.

This supernova pirate group has massacred a large number of civilians, and its notoriety is worse than that of the Big Daddy Pirates.

At least Big Daddy Babaya has never killed civilians!

On the other side of the Seven Waters, CP9 Chief Spandam brought his CP agents to the shipbuilding island belonging to the member country, and summoned Rob Lucci and other lurking CP9 elites..

This time they are going to forcibly arrest the Iceberg mayor of Water 7 on"false charges".

In addition to being the mayor, Iceberg is also the president of the strongest shipyard in Water 7. He has hundreds of powerful foremen and ship workers under him. Without some strength, it is really impossible to take him down.

If Iceberg was a soft persimmon, he would not be able to manage Water 7 in an orderly manner and integrate all the troublesome shipyards.

If he did not have some brains and self-protection ability, it would be difficult for him to survive for so long under the covetousness of pirates.

He also knows that the CP agents of the World Government have been investigating him, otherwise he would not have handed over the Pluto design drawings to Franky for safekeeping a long time ago.

Now his Carrera Company does business with the navy, pirates, and the underground dark world, and almost does not distinguish between black, white and gray forces.

Their purpose is to build every ship well.

This is also an important reason why Water 7 is famous all over the world and has become an island of shipbuilding.

"Rob Lucci, we wasted so much time this time, but we didn't find any trace of Iron Man Franky. I am very dissatisfied with you! You are really a bunch of garbage!!"

CP9 Chief Spandam started to curse when he saw these elite agents lurking in the Seven Water City.

He can't do anything to Big Daddy Babaya, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so he can only vent his anger on these subordinates. Facing Spandam's insults, Rob Lucci's eyes turned cold, but he didn't reply and remained silent. The other CP9 agents could only be angry secretly. A higher-ranking official can crush people to death!

This incompetent idiot boss!

"Lord Spandam, calm down. We will definitely complete the mission this time!"

A thin man with a red feather hat immediately spoke up. His name was Nero, nicknamed 'Sea Weasel'. He was a new CP9 intelligence member who had just completed special training and was proficient in four of the six navy styles.

He glanced at Rob Lucci, who was known as the strongest CP9 in 800 years, and his eyes were a little eager to try.

This genius has disappeared for five years. I wonder if he is still the same genius now?

After all, how many five years can a genius have to waste!

"If these rubbish weren't so useless, would I have come all the way from Judicial Island to supervise in person?"

Spandam drew out his elephant sword Fankfried and swung it around in an angry manner, cursing in an exaggerated manner.

However, when he saw Rob Lucci's face getting uglier and uglier, his heart trembled, and he didn't dare to go too far, and immediately restrained himself.

Now he still needed these powerful men to do things for him.

"Arrest Iceberg right now! I want to interrogate him in person!"

Spandam put away his elephant sword, and then began to issue orders to these men, and marched towards Carrera Company.

He always felt that the World Government and the Navy Headquarters were too merciful. What was the point of lurking for so long?

Iceberg should have been caught long ago, tortured severely, and forced out the Pluto design as soon as possible.

These navy men talk about justice every day, and want to do everything openly and without excuses.

However, their CP agents are directly affiliated with the Celestial Dragons. They only work for the interests of the World Government and pursue the dark justice of [kill first and report later, divine authority!]

Now the World Government and Spandam have listed the charges for Iceberg. This time, like Tom, he illegally colluded with pirates, built pirate ships for pirates, and endangered the safety of civilians.

After Iron Man Franky's whereabouts were unknown in Dai Die's hands, the World Government finally made up its mind to take down Iceberg, the only man who knew the whereabouts of Pluto's design.

And in the sky above the Seven Waters, a golden spaceship quietly arrived.

""Ajin, open the door! I'm going to go down and wipe out the Kidd Pirates myself!"

Dai Die said expressionlessly. He wanted to see how tough this iron-headed kid was. He was going to break the arm of this red-haired Kidd, paying tribute to the red-haired Shanks!


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