Under the willful release of Dai Die's domineering aura, the golden spaceship Ark Proverbs landed quickly.

Fighting champion Badgers and the demon Ajin took advantage of Dai Die's momentum and immediately tied up Blackbeard Teach with seastone handcuffs and anklets.

""Captain, we have to make so many preparations, but you alone can solve the problem!"

Badgers shouted with a big grin, but he continued to tie the seastone chain to Blackbeard Teach with his hands, tying up Blackbeard's entire body!

"Your preparations are just for precautions, this guy must not be allowed to fail!!"

Dai Die smiled faintly, he put away his domineering aura, and his excited mood calmed down. His Four Emperors' plan was about to begin, and the position of the Seven Warlords of the Sea could be discarded.

However, it seems that he still used the identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea to invade Impelton City.

"What an exaggerated destructive power!"

Pirate hunter Zoro looked at the destroyed island and couldn't help but sigh. The terrible power of these natural devil fruit ability users is really terrifying.

"Captain, the ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit..."

Fighting champion Badgers said with a look of longing. To be honest, he really likes the powerful force of this nature system.

""Fire Fist Ace is an important chess piece, and he cannot die for the time being!

But if there is a chance later, I will try my best to give you this ability!"

Dai Die said lightly. If he could recover the ability of Fire Fist Ace's Flame-Flame Fruit during the war at the top, he really wouldn't mind giving this natural ability to Buggy.

After all, Buggy is now his first-tier loyal crew member.

His loyalty is much higher than that of Lafitte and other crew members. Like Zoro, he can really sacrifice his life for Dai Die.

""Hahaha~! Thank you, Captain!"

Badgers said excitedly. With Dai Die's verbal promise, at least he had a hope, and it wasn't as if he had no chance at all.

"Get ready to leave! I don't want to reveal our presence here!" Dai Die immediately ordered everyone to board the ship and set sail. He didn't need the fame of capturing Fire Fist Ace to increase his power, and he had already arranged a good target for harm.

""Haha! Don't worry, Captain. This island has been flattened. These people are probably all dead. No one will notice that we have been here!"

Badgers said carelessly. Now this Sunset Island has become a scorched earth. A large layer of the ground has been scraped off, and no grass grows.

The earth was also baked by the high temperature sun of Fire Fist Ace, and even the surface was burned hard.

However, it seemed as if God was against Badgers. He had just finished saying this.

A black arrow, with a sharp whistling sound, shot straight at Blackbeard Teach, who was tying up Hailou, and went straight for his head.

‘Ding!! '

A protective barrier appeared in front of Blackbeard Teach. The black arrow, with its terrifying force, slammed into the barrier and completely broke into several pieces.

"How dare you lay hands on my spoils of war!!"

Dai Die's eyes immediately became fierce, and he suddenly looked at a figure holding a bow and arrow in the distance, and endless murderous aura burst out of his body.

The ability of Blackbeard Teach's Dark-Dark Fruit is related to the core of all Dai Die's plans. If he is shot and killed, most of his plans will be scrapped.

He will never let the ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit disappear!

The majestic domineering aura burst out of him, and pressed madly towards the archer.

Holding the black iron-framed bow, Dayi Shi, under the sudden oppression of Dai Die's domineering aura, his whole body seemed to be pressed down by a mountain, extremely heavy.

The terrifying momentum forced his legs to tremble, and he was about to kneel down tremblingly, but his determination to avenge Blackbeard Teach and Fire Fist Ace made him hold his body tightly with the black longbow.

""Captain, the long arrow he just shot seems to be wrapped with Armament Haki."

Otokoshi Van Oka appeared beside Dai Die and said softly, with a little fluctuation in his tone. You know, even he can't wrap Armament Haki on the bullet now.

He didn't expect that the young man opposite him had already achieved this step at such a young age. Such talent surprised him.

Van Oka heard from Dai Die that in the Pirate Queen's Kingdom of Nine Snake Island, many Amazon female warriors can wrap Armament Haki on their bows and arrows to burst out more powerful destructive power. The inheritance of the external technique of wrapping Armament Haki on the sharp arrows of Nine Snake Island is a very ancient technique, just like the technique of flowing attack internally of Ryusakura Haki in Wano Country.

"Let's go see who this guy is!"

Dai Die also put away his killing intent and walked towards the archer who was struggling to hold on. This guy could hold on for so long under his domineering aura, and it seems that he is also a tough person.

Maybe he can be recruited.

Everyone immediately walked towards the attacker.

"Tell me your name and the reason why you attacked us!"

Dai Die walked up to the archer, took a quick look, and asked coldly. He put away his domineering aura and gave the young man a chance to breathe.

However, Dai Die soon noticed the black longbow in the archer's hand. He was immediately surprised. This longbow was actually an armed black bow comparable to the level of the Supreme Great Sword!!!

He could feel that this black longbow was definitely as strong as Kozuki Oden's Great Sword Yanma and Shimotsuki Ryoma's Black Sword Qiushui, or even stronger.

This is almost as good as the Supreme Great Sword, Black Sword Night. How many years has this pure black been nurtured by the powerful armed color domineering?

This is definitely a top weapon that has been passed down for countless years!

"Sunset Island, Dayi Shi! Those two bastards destroyed my hometown, I must kill them!!"

Dai Shi gritted his teeth and said, even though Dai Die was a terrifying big man, it couldn't stop his determination for revenge.

"They are the survivors of Sunset Island, but they dared to attack us and found our tracks. If they join us, they will die.

Captain, only the dead will not reveal our information!"

Baiji Kro danced with his mantis wings and landed beside Dai Die and said softly. He remembered Dai Die's words clearly. This operation must not expose their whereabouts, because there are bigger plans behind it.

"Did you hear that? Little devil!

After seeing our appearance, you no longer have a choice.

Tell me, do you want to live or die?

By the way, your black bow is really good!"

Dai Die also said with a smile, it turned out that it was not how strong this Dayi Arrow was, but how strong his black longbow was.

This is a special and powerful bow like the Great Blade Yan Mo, which can absorb the master's domineering or physical strength, triggering the passive effect of wrapping the long arrow with armed color.

However, Dayi Arrow can use this black longbow, which means that he has conquered this black longbow, or has already obtained the recognition of the black longbow.


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