Trafalgar Law's exaggerated treatment method once again refreshed the Big Daddy Pirates' perception of this"Surgeon of Death".

It turns out that he can really split a person in half and then slowly heal him. He is indeed a user of the Operation Fruit with a value of minus 4.9 billion Baileys. He is really powerful.

""Damn it! Little devil! Take these chicken feet and combs away from me!"

The golden lion Shiki, who was handcuffed with seastone, kept struggling on the deck and shouting angrily.

Although his body was still weak, this insulting limb transplant had touched his bottom line. It was related to his face.

He was an arrogant world-class lion, not a rooster!

"Very good! Luo, Du Q, you are both very good at medicine! We finally saved this old guy!

Badges, this old guy is still very strong, immediately change the seastone chains with higher purity to tie him up!

Remember, don't let go of this pair of chicken feet, don't expose the chicken feet, lest this guy tear them off himself!

You know, this guy broke his own feet in the city of Impel Down more than 20 years ago!"

Dai Die praised his two doctors. The user of the Floating Fruit was finally saved. He also asked Badges to add some seastone to the ruthless Golden Lion Shiki.

For the sake of freedom, this ruthless character may even break his hands and then fly away.

Never underestimate an old lion who fights for freedom!

Therefore, tying Golden Lion Shiki's body with seastone chains is the greatest respect for him.

""Yes, Captain!!"

The fighting champion immediately said excitedly. He didn't expect that the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion would fall into their hands one day.

At the beginning, he went to the recruitment meeting to become a member of the Pirates' Association under the Golden Lion, but he was beaten up.

Now think about it, he was so lucky to meet Captain Dai Die at that time.

Otherwise, he might be a member of the affiliated pirate group who was thrown into the sea and became the loser.

Captain Dai Die is his good captain for life!

This fool grinned and tied Shiki the Golden Lion like a dumpling. He slapped the Golden Lion's cockscomb excitedly and laughed.

Shiki the Golden Lion was so angry that his face turned blue. He wanted to kill the bastard Badgers with a knife!

""Big Bear, take out the camera phone bug and take a picture of me and Shiki the Golden Lion! I'm going to send it to the newspaper!!"

Soundwave Edragor shouted excitedly. Last time he robbed in the Seven Waters City, he was interviewed by a reporter from a tabloid and left a phone bug number.

Needless to say, he also wants to show off this time!

Even if it's not a large newspaper like the World Economic News, it's okay to be famous on the headlines of a tabloid!

Although Shiki the Golden Lion was not defeated by him, now he can just touch the golden lion's cockscomb and take a picture.

"I want to take a picture too!!"

Edrago's behavior seemed to have ignited the enthusiasm of the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates. There are not many opportunities to defeat the legendary pirates. This is the honor of their Big Daddy Pirates, and they must take a picture to commemorate it.

As for the Golden Lion Shiki himself, he was so angry that his teeth were about to break and he almost fainted.

Under this trend and atmosphere, even the aloof crew members such as Zoro, Law, Clo, and Van Oka actually took a commemorative photo.

"Hey, hey! That’s almost it!

Go to the surface of the sea and grab the prisoners who are still alive!"

Dai Die's mouth twitched slightly. Now these guys playing and laughing, they don't look like a group of murderous and brutal pirates at all.

""Yes, Captain!"

The crew of the Big Daddy Pirates shouted excitedly. Today they successfully defeated the Flying Sky Pirates and captured the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion. This is a very exciting thing.

Fame in the sea is a piece of cake!

And those pirates who were shot down into the sea and have not died until now have such good luck and good luck that Dai Die doesn't mind saving their lives.

Whether as a backup crew or as food for Lily Carnation.

Seeing that Captain Dai Die won, the Grosseadi returned to the vicinity of the Mechanical Island again, no longer worried about being attacked by the Flying Sky Island.

The news of Shiki the Golden Lion's defeat was transmitted to various forces at a crazy speed.

Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

When the Navy Marshal, Buddha's Warring States, saw this intelligence, he couldn't believe it. Shiki the Golden Lion, who needed him and Garp to work together to capture, ended his glorious life in the hands of the rookie king, Dai Die. It

's really a pity

"Time is merciless~"

Buddha's Warring States still felt that the defeat of Golden Lion Shiki was due to his serious decline in strength and old age. After all, the loss of his legs and the fatal rudder on his head caused the Golden Lion's strength to drop by more than half.

"This kid seems to be growing too fast!"

The Navy hero Iron Fist Garp stopped fooling around, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes. He thought that Roger didn't have such terrifying strength at this age.

And seeing another old rival fall, he also had a little idea of getting old.

Dai Die, this kid, still has the skin of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so that he can grow up safely and let the Navy do nothing to him.

Otherwise, he doesn't want to let this pirate grow up

"It is useless to explore the reasons for Shiki the Golden Lion's defeat. Daidi Babaaya may be able to ride on Shiki the Golden Lion's fame and become a top pirate that shakes the sea.

Moreover, Shiki the Golden Lion's fame is based on the encirclement and suppression of the Pirate King Roger, the destruction of half of Marinford, and the battles with you two pirates.���Legend, plus the series of major events such as escaping from Impel Down.

Dai Die is likely to become a benchmark for the new generation of pirates. By then, many new pirates will take the initiative to follow this rookie king with unlimited potential!"

The tone of Vice Admiral Tsuru, the chief of staff of the Navy, was a little worried. She knew that Dai Die's identity as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea would allow him to grow up safely.

Just like Doflamingo back then.

Until now, she also understood the real reason why Dai Die took the initiative to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

If things continue to develop like this, Dai Die's Big Daddy Pirate Group will definitely be more powerful and difficult to deal with than Doflamingo's Don Quixote family.

"Now the CP organization has been suspecting that Dai Die is planning the Pluto design, and even has the intention of taking action against Dai Die, but has not made up his mind.

After Dai Die destroyed the Flying Pirates of Shiki the Golden Lion, it will allow Dai Die to leave a positive image in front of the public. If the World Government takes action now, it may cause serious consequences."

Buddha Sengoku rubbed his brows and said that if there was no incident with Shiki the Golden Lion, he would also be willing to send the admiral of the navy to assist the CP organization to investigate the Big Daddy Pirates and teach this lawless vicious dog a lesson.


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