Looking at this CP9 captain who was proficient in the Navy Six Styles, Dai Die smiled. He remembered that the other CP9 members respected Rob Lucci very much.

As long as he captured this guy, the Navy Six Styles would basically be in his hands.

Even if Rob Lucci would rather die than surrender the Navy Six Styles, the other CP members might not.

They would pay a lot to save Lucci's life.

"Your life return is very good!"

Dai Die looked at Rob Lucci's tough leopard form with full admiration. This move can infuse consciousness into muscles, internal organs, and hair, change the arrangement of cells in each muscle, make muscles tighter, and even change shape.

In this form, defense, speed, and instinctive dodge will be greatly enhanced.

"I didn't expect that a dignified Shichibukai would wait until his subordinates exhausted the enemy's strength before he dared to attack. Don't you even have the courage to fight me fairly?"

Rob Lucci's half-leopard face had a cold expression and said with disdain, and there seemed to be a hint of provocation in his words.

The implicit meaning was: If you have the guts, let me go, and wait for me to recover my strength before fighting a fair fight.

"Have you ever seen the King being sent out to fight at the very beginning?

Or is it that the Admiral and the Five Elders are sent out to fight a pirate minion?"

Dai Die didn't care about Lucci's words at all. He didn't regard Lucci as an equal opponent at all. This guy was just a sparring partner for the Big Daddy Pirates.


‘Six-style secret technique: Six Kings Spear!!

Rob Lucci's leopard legs turned into a shadow, and he flew over directly, launching his own powerful attack on Dai Die.


Lucci's explosive fists hit a transparent barrier in front of Dai Die, and the shock wave was so powerful that a huge roar broke out in an instant.

However, the barrier shield in front of Dai Die was intact and did not move at all.

""The power of your move seems to be only comparable to the shock wave of a repelling shell!"

Dai Die chuckled. Many pirates and navy officers have practiced for most of their lives, but they can't match the attack power of a repelling shell.

Even Lucci, a genius, not only mastered the six styles, but also had a power of 4000. As a result, the power of his original move, the Six Kings Spear, was only as strong as the repelling shell of Sky Island.

So it is estimated that Rob Lucci's strongest move, the Six Kings Spear, is only twice the power of the repelling shell.

"Damn it!"

Lucci saw that his attack had no effect on this Shichibukai, so he immediately jumped back strategically and evacuated.

"I won't bully you! I'll just use an empty shell to let you know how strong you are now."

Dai Die really took out a rare attack shell from his pocket, not even bothering to use his Armament Haki and Seven Star Demon Marks.

"I don't know the Navy's Six Styles of Shave now, but I know the enhanced version of Silent Step!"

Seeing Lucci use 'Shave' to turn into an afterimage and retreat, Dai Die also activated his Observation Haki and used Silent Step to quickly add, following closely behind.

"Let me show you my"Repulsion Beyour Six Kings Spear!"

Dai Die flew in front of Lucci and said to him with a joking smile.

Dai Die raised a Repulsion Bey and aimed it at Rob Lucci's chest.


Even Dai Die was pushed back several steps by the impact of the repelling shell, and Lucci, who was attacked head-on, was hit by a high-speed sea train and was directly hit against the wall of Bruno's bar and smashed out of the street.

Rob Lucci crawled out of the rubble and stared at an empty shell in Dai Die's hand.

The power of a shell was actually comparable to the Six Kings Spear that he had practiced for many years. This was too contemptuous.

The other crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates also began to touch their treasured impact shells and repelling shells. The recoil of this thing was too strong, and they had to bear more than half of the damage, which was not easy to use at all.

Generally, only when there was no other way and they had to fight desperately, would they choose to use this rare empty shell that hurt the enemy by 1,000 and hurt themselves by 800.

Dai Die had the Armament Haki and the Barrier Fruit, which could offset the recoil of the repelling shell.

However, masters with Armament Haki would hardly need external forces such as repelling shells.

Lucci, who had exited the leopard form, was gasping for breath, with blood oozing out of his mouth. Dai Die knew that this guy's physical strength was almost exhausted.

On the other side, Robin and De Zaya had captured the CP9 spy Kalifa and tied her up.

The battle between the pirate hunter Zoro and Yamakaze Kaku was also approaching the end of the fierce battle.

Kaku, the CP9 little genius, was still no match for Zoro, the swordsmanship genius. Both in swordsmanship and strength, he was completely suppressed.

In the original work, even Kaku after taking the Giraffe Fruit couldn't beat Zoro.

What's more, the current Zoro has been strengthened for several rounds on Dai Die's ship. Kaku, who is not blessed with the ability of the animal-type devil fruit, can't beat Zoro even more.

As Rob Lucci was knocked away, Kaku had a flaw in his mind, and was instantly killed by Zoro with three swords, and was chopped to the ground.

"What? Still want to fight? Your two companions have fallen!"

Dai Die smiled at Lucci who had entered the half-beast form again. He was indeed an elite agent and would never surrender until the last moment.

At this time, a pigeon screamed, and Rob Lucci's face changed suddenly.

A white pigeon in clothes was caught in the hand of the devil sheriff Lafitte. It struggled desperately and dropped several white feathers.


Even Kaku and Kalifa were defeated, Lucci's face only changed slightly, but the capture of this white dove that had been with him for twenty years directly broke his defense.

Leopard man Lucci immediately stepped on the moon step and rushed towards Lafitte in the air, wanting to snatch back his"family" Hadori.

"Your behavior is not like that of a secret agent spy walking in the dark!"

‘Cannon Hammer!

Dai Die jumped up, clasped his hands together, and with his armed color swirling around him, he suddenly smashed Rob Lucci, whose back was exposed, down from the air.


With a powerful hammer, Rob Lucci smashed into the street, creating a huge pit several meters deep. When the dust cleared, Rob Lucci could no longer maintain his leopard form and returned to human form. He coughed up blood in the huge pit and basically lost his ability to resist.

""Hahaha! You have to face this now!"

Fighting champion Badges jumped out with a big laugh, rushed into the huge pit, took out the seastone handcuffs, and handcuffed the leopard man. He also stepped hard on Lucci's chest a few times to get revenge. Now there are several hideous blood holes on Badges' waist that were poked by Lucci's finger gun.

With the capture of these three CP9 spies, the battle of the Big Daddy Pirates today has come to an end.

"Lafitte, Clo, make good use of their relationships and force me to practice the Six Styles of the Navy!"

Dai Die ordered his think tank. The Six Styles of the Navy are of great help to the middle and lower-level crew members. It is worth exploring.


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