Cp9 Kalifa is already 70% to 80% sure that the design drawings of Pluto are in the hands of Iron Man Franky.

No wonder she has been lurking beside Iceberg for several years and has been his secretary for several years, but Iceberg has never revealed any flaws.

She even knows what color panties Iceberg is wearing today and where her private collection of little royal books is hidden.

In the end, she still couldn't find any information about the design drawings of Pluto. It turned out that the design drawings were not in Iceberg's hands at all.

Seeing that the airship had already left with Iron Man Franky, Kalifa and Rob Lucci could only worry. There was no other way. Should they catch up with him using the Moon Step?

Putting aside the problem of exposure, can the three of them defeat the entire ship of pirates of the new Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Now their level of anxiety is not much lower than that of Iceberg, the person involved.

""They are flying towards the island!"

Shanfeng Kaku said immediately, and Bingshan forced himself to calm down. He couldn't reveal too much of his emotions. He also knew that someone in the World Government was investigating him.

He knew this very well, because he was Tom's apprentice!

"Let's go! We can't let any citizen of Water 7 get hurt!"

Iceberg immediately pulled the mayor's righteousness and rushed to the direction of the golden spaceship. The foreman of Carrera Company also hurriedly followed his president.

Kalifa pretended to be weak and ran slowly behind. Lucci and Kaku were also a little slower.

"In that direction, could Daidi Babaya be heading to Bruno's Tavern?"

Even Rob Lucci felt that today's events were a bit too strange. The Big Daddy Pirates actually captured an Iron Man Franky, and even Mayor Iceberg didn't care. This gave him a bad feeling.

"Let the CP leader intervene immediately, let the World Government take action, and let the Shichibukai Daidi Babaya hand over Iron Man Franky.

Then let Bruno see if he can put drugs in the wine to knock out these pirates, and directly snatch Iron Man Franky away."

Kalifa suggested to the captain Lucci that if this mission that has been lurking for several years fails and the clues to the Pluto design are lost, they will probably suffer severe punishment.

Lucci thought about it, and immediately found a corner to report today's events and all speculations to Spandam, the CP9 leader of the Judicial Island, to see what the instructions above are.

"Grab it for me! Who cares if he's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! Grab him!"

Spandam said excitedly without saying anything. What other reports and instructions are needed?

As long as he can get the design drawings of Pluto and ask for credit from the World Government, it's okay even if he kills the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The

Seven Warlords of the Sea are just dogs raised by the World Government, a group of lowly pirates!

Rob Lucci, who received the order from his superior, was also ready to take action and snatch people from the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Bruno in the bar also received advance notice from Kalifa to prepare to do something to Big Daddy Babaya, the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

At this time, on the golden spaceship of the Big Daddy Pirates.

Dai Die directly opened the chest of the cyborg Franky, and Nami was so scared that she quickly covered her eyes, but she slowly calmed down when she saw that there was no blood splattering.

Dai Die pulled a few times above the back of Franky's Coke device and finally found a yellowed drawing. He also showed a satisfied smile.

He directly snatched the Pluto design drawing. Before the other crew members could see what it was, Dai Die had already put it in his arms.

At this time, the matter of the Pluto design drawing should not be revealed, because they still have to continue hunting in the Seven Water City. He doesn't want the loudmouths like Edrag and Badges to expose the secret of the Pluto design drawing.

At least they have to return to their own nest to let these crew leaders know something.

And after returning to the Grosseadi, perhaps they can mock and seduce the arrogant Sand Crocodile.

Crocodile has been planning the Pluto battleship for more than ten or twenty years, but Dai Die has obtained the Pluto design drawings in less than a year.

I wonder if this Sand Crocodile will change his mind and work under Dai Die!

When the other crew members saw Dai Die hiding the things, they felt a little itchy in their hearts, and each of them had a look on their faces that wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

"Let's talk about this when we get back! Now we are going to hunt and capture the user of the superhuman Door-Door Fruit!"

Dai Die chuckled, then waved his hand and had someone tie up Franky after he recovered. This guy is also stubborn and it is estimated that he will be difficult to subdue.

However, with the Pluto design and some island technology, perhaps this transformation maniac can be attracted.

Moreover, the Big Daddy Pirates have precious things like shape memory alloys. This expensive alloy is most suitable for cyborgs like him.

If he was not worried that Franky would burn the Pluto design if he disagreed with him, he would not have resorted to such a brutal method of direct robbery.

Now that the Pluto design is in hand, the terms can be discussed slowly later.

If Franky, the mechanic and ship worker, is unwilling to join, Dai Die has other alternative plans.

"Got it!"

The crew members didn't dwell on this question and immediately diverted their attention to the topic of hunting people with special abilities.

"The same old rules! We still only have one chance! Otherwise, if the user of the Door-to-Door Fruit escapes into another dimension, it will be very difficult for us to catch him!"

Dai Die turned back to his serious look, which made the crew members immediately prepare their own surprise attack.

Otoko Van Oka directly loaded the seastone bullets this time, and Badgers put on his seastone gloves...

Dai Die felt that his barrier ball could not trap Bruno who possessed the Door-Door Fruit. This spatial ability could ignore the terrain, buildings and any colliding objects, which was very shameless.

Bruno in the original work was also quite stupid. He chose to use iron blocks to fight Straw Hat Luffy head-on. The spatial ability of the Door-Door Fruit could obviously make Straw Hat Luffy have no way to deal with it.

Seeing the golden spaceship hovering over Bruno's bar, many pirates and tourists fled the bar for fear of encountering some unexpected disaster.

The Ark Proverbs slowly landed���The sky was suspended on the roof of Bruno's bar, and the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates jumped directly from the ship.

""Boss! Serve the wine!"

Dai Die threw a black metal coin in his hand, looking like a rogue captain, and rushed into the bar with many crew members and cadres, cursing.

Bruno's hand tightened when he wiped the wine glass, but he quickly calmed down. This is the quality of a professional spy.

""Welcome, Captain! What would you like to drink?"

Bruno immediately asked respectfully and humbly, his mind already flashing over the bounties and information of all the members of the Big Daddy Pirates.

In particular, the detailed personal information of Daidi Baba, the user of the Parahuman Barrier Fruit, was very powerful.

"I want all the wine and everything I see!"

Dai Die said with a smile, throwing the black metal coin in his hand to the horn bartender, and Bruno subconsciously reached out to catch the coin.


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