In the captain's bedroom, a hemispherical shield covered the big bed, completely isolating the sounds inside and outside, so as to avoid disturbing others with the sound of reading aloud.

From inside came the sound of reading, Dai Die was tirelessly imparting some cultural knowledge to Nami to make up for the regret that Nami could not go to school when she was a child.

In order for Nami to learn some excellent literary poems and cultivate her sentiments, Dai Die picked out the best sentences on the spot, integrated the essence of various poems, and chanted a poem.

The grass and trees in the city are deep in spring, and the moss marks are green on the steps. Dancing with clear shadows, pear blossoms overwhelm the crabapple. These poems are Dai Die's earnest teachings to Nami, and each sentence can make her reach the pinnacle of life.

After getting tired of learning poems, they learned about medicine and biology, such as compound grass coral, hematopoietic stem cells

, and finally, even mathematics, such as square difference formula and Pythagorean theorem.

This knowledge will make it easier for Nami to draw nautical charts in the future.

In the captain's bedroom, although no sound was heard, there seemed to be some petal-shaped eyes carefully observing and studying in some hidden directions.

Dai Die did not care about Nicole Robin's trick of"the wall has eyes", but generously showed various knowledge points. He expressed his approval and praise for Robin's serious and hard study.

This is no less than the hard study of drilling a hole in the wall to steal light.

Robin is worthy of being a genius girl who has a doctorate in archaeology at the age of eight. This enthusiasm for learning is worthy of Dai Die's admiration and affirmation.

It seems that this bunch of purple grapes has a wealth of theoretical knowledge and is ready to take the exam at any time to study for a master's degree and a doctorate.

The practice lasted two and a half hours. When Dai Die finished tutoring Nami with a refreshed mind, he left Nami, who was tired and overwhelmed by the pressure of study, to rest in the captain's bedroom and walked to the deck alone.

He saw Nicole Robin lying on a sun lounger, twisting her legs, wearing sunglasses, and looking at a thick book with a flushed face.

Dai Die showed a meaningful Nike smile, and he walked to the side of Nicole Robin and sat down

""Dr. Robin, I think you hold the book upside down."

Dai Die picked up an apple on the table and took a bite. Then he said jokingly, and took a sip of Robin's drink without hesitation to quench his thirst.

His words made Nicole Robin turn the book over quickly.

But she quickly realized that it was the other side after turning it over. She knew she was fooled, so she forced herself to calm down and turned the book back.

She was actually a little nervous, and was fooled by Dai Die's little trick.

"Why are you so flustered? Do you want to eat an apple?"

Dai Die looked at Nico Robin, who was wearing very cool clothes, with a burning gaze, and handed her the bitten apple.

In recent months, Nico Robin has used so many whitening skin care products after leaving Alabasta. Now this queen has become much whiter and is slowly becoming the Robin in Dai Die's mind.

As a beginner, Nami can't learn all the knowledge points of Dai Die, so now Dai Die needs to find another student to teach him excellent cultural knowledge.

"Hmm? How much food do you have left in your stomach? You should eat and take a rest! My Captain!"

Nicole Robin said with a forced expressionless face, and quickly changed the position of her crossed legs. She was a little uncomfortable now and wanted to go back to take a shower and change clothes.

"My energy is beyond your imagination! Come on, let's study ancient texts and exchange cultural knowledge."

Dai Die also noticed Nicole Robin's unusual movements, and his tone became a little tougher, and he directly handed the apple to her mouth.

Nicole Robin's big eyes met Dai Die's burning eyes, and the two of them fought fiercely for a while.

In the end, Robin was defeated, gently opened her mouth, bit the apple, then got up from the sun lounger and walked straight to her room.

Dai Die smiled, swallowed the apple that Robin had bitten, threw away the core, and followed Robin into her room.

On this day, Dai Die realized how passionate Nicole Robin was about studying ancient characters, but he was the only one who knew it in his life, and it was not enough to tell outsiders.

Nicole Robin, who possesses the ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit, has a combat power at least five times that of Nami.

Moreover, Robin is knowledgeable and has a solid foundation, and completely crushes the knowledge-poor gangster sisters and female pirates such as De Zaya and Queen Sweetheart.

Dai Die was on the road of this expedition to plunder. On the golden spaceship, he thoroughly enjoyed the taste of heaven. The golden spaceship Ark Maxim left him with the most favorite memories of his life.

Two days later.

The waters of Changlian Island.

Dai Die, who had been happy for two days, finally pulled himself out of the gentle land of study with high spirits and threw himself into the imperial hegemony again.

After feeling extremely refreshed, Dai Die felt that his spirit had actually reached a higher level. When awake, he holds the power of the world; when drunk, he lies on the lap of a beauty.

This is probably what he meant by this heroic and domineering state.

Not long after, the crew of the Big Daddy Pirate Group on the golden spaceship saw that there were densely packed pirates on the Long Chain Island, and there were also extremely noisy shouts, as if a sports meeting had been held.

It felt like at least thousands of people were cheering and shouting.

Dai Die stood on the bow of the Ark Maxim, looking at the vast sea and the dense pirates like ants, and a sense of heroism and ambition arose spontaneously.

After the Ark Maxim approached the island, Dai Die showed a [Smile of the Dragon King] and actually jumped directly off the ship.


Dai Die laughed unscrupulously during the landing, and a terrifying momentum burst out. He was venting his Conqueror's Haki madly.

However, because Dai Die had only awakened for a few days and had not yet learned to control the Conqueror's Haki, even the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates on the Ark Proverbs felt a little dizzy.

""Haha! Is this the captain's domineering aura? It's so scary!"

Fighting champion Badgers laughed with a little shock, holding the railing with one hand, and sweating on his forehead.

Dai Die had already jumped off the boat, so far away from the Ark Maxim, and it was aimed at the pirates below, but it still had a strong deterrent effect on them.

"I knew that fate would not make the wrong choice!"

Death God·Du Q smiled sickly, and the demon horse Zhuangzhuang he was riding was also trembling. This terrifying Conqueror's Haki was probably stronger than many famous Conqueror's Haki masters.

How old is Dai Die? How many days has it been since he awakened his Conqueror's Haki?

"Isn't this natural?"

Yin Yuefan Oka and Devil Sheriff Lafitte smiled, and their faces became more and more determined. Captain Dai Die will definitely lead them to the top.


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