Guided by the permanent compass of Shifeng Island, the Grosseadi rushed towards the base of the Thieves Chief Association under the command of Shiki the Golden Lion.

Dai Die wanted to destroy the base of the Thieves Chief Association and officially declare war on Shiki the Golden Lion!

Previously, he directly killed the three pirate groups that joined the Thieves Chief Association, just to give an explanation to the Navy Headquarters and obtain the position of the Seven Warlords of the Sea in advance.

This time, Dai Die took action against the Thieves Chief Association to lure Shiki the Golden Lion out for a life-and-death duel.

He wanted to hone and suppress his will and courage through a life-and-death battle.

On the Grosseadi, a super cannon has been activated.

There are not many opportunities to bombard the island like this. The Big Daddy Pirates want to fully verify this island-destroying cannon built for the Momo Fruit.

Under the budget of the Cube Fruit ability user Guyram, this cannon with a diameter of several meters, plus the hundred-fold amplification of the Momo Fruit used by Bondi Wald, makes the shells a hundred times larger.

Then Bondi Wald will let the world see what a real world destroyer is!

"I'll open it!"

"I'll do the fighting, I'm the best!"

The crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates were all excitedly scrambling for the chance to fire the first shot, especially Buggy and Edrag.

In the end, it was Captain Dai Die who fired the first shot of the war.

With the bomb ability of the bomb man Jem, a high-energy bomb with a diameter of several meters, with a roar, shot straight at Shifeng Island.

As the horrific explosion sounded, a mushroom cloud rose, and the entire Shifeng Island was suddenly filled with sharp warnings, and various conch horns were blowing.

""One more shot!"

Under Dai Die's order, the Guluo Seadi's cannon fired more than ten shots in succession, and almost every cadre fired a shot!

"Get on the deputy ship, the main ship retreats, and kill them!"

Dai Die led the cadres to board the White Iron King, and under the traction of the sea beast Moo, they quickly approached the Shifeng Island, while the Gulosayadi began to retreat and move away from this sea area.

Lily Carnation began to activate its racial talent and transform the illusion, completely disguising the Gulosayadi as an ordinary deserted island. There was no trace of an island ship, and it sailed to a remote sea area.

Facing the Golden Lion Shiki who possessed the Floating Fruit, Dai Die did not want to waste his foundation. He didn't even want the Golden Lion Shiki to be destroyed! The White

Iron King quickly entered the port of Shifeng Island, and Dai Die led the cadres to land on this Thief Leader's Association stronghold.

""Leave a few pirate captains to sell to the navy! The rest, kill them at will!"

Dai Die jumped off the White Iron King and said murderously. Ten pirate captains will join the pirate group. Except for the unlucky ones who were killed by the explosion, the remaining pirates will be enough for the Big Daddy Pirate Group to kill in one round.

""Hahaha~! Got it! Captain!"

Fighting Champion Badges, the reckless man, was the first to lead the charge. Beside him were two other reckless men, Soundwave Edrag and Iron Bear! The three reckless men of the Big Daddy Pirates, like an arrow, took the lead in the charge!


A pair of white wings spread out, a few feathers fell, and another pair of transparent wings waved rapidly, and the devil sheriff Lafitte and Baiji Kro flew into the sky.

And Otokoshi Van Oka also boarded his ferocious three-foot bird, carrying his famous gun Qianlu and flew into the sky, becoming a sky sniper.

"Zhuangzhuang, I will definitely let you fly in the future!"

The god of death, Poison Q, comforted his sick horse Zhuangzhuang. How could he not feel the little eyes of his beloved horse longing to fly.

Although this guy was most likely trying to carry a beautiful woman to the sky, rather than for himself, an old man.

The pirate hunter Zoro also jumped off the boat and rushed to the battlefield. The demon Ajin, the swordsman Golas, and the tornado Eric hurriedly got off the boat, ready to take this second-in-command who was bad at finding his way to the town battlefield in the center of the island.

Otherwise, they were afraid that Zoro would get lost between the port and the town.

Dai Die specially organized them into an action team.

The Big Daddy Workshop team, the shemale, the candle man, the bomb man, the thorn girl, the umbrella girl, and the painting girl also teamed up to attack.

Nico Robin chose to take Nami and Carmen to guard the ship and intercept the fleeing pirates at the port. Dai Die also left the cat brothers, hypnotist Zangao, and Iron Wall Bara at the port to kill the pirate minions.

These guys are also equipped with Slashing Bay, and with Dai Die's brutal training, their strength has been enhanced a little, and now they can fight pirates with a bounty of 20 million.

When Dai Die brought the slippery girl De Zaya and the smooth girl Sweet Queen into the central town of Shifeng Island, the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates had gone crazy.

Especially Momokakuro, who got the Mantis Fruit, turned into a flying mantis at this moment, and his blood dyed him from a green mantis to a dark red mantis.

How long has he been suppressed?

Is this to prove his strength ? Is he strong?

Whether in wisdom or strength, he is not worse than Lafitte, or even stronger!

Dai Die showed a smile. The crew is under pressure, which is better!

With pressure, there is motivation!

Dai Die also has pressure. You see, Doflamingo and Boa Hancock, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, all have Conqueror's Haki, but he, a time traveler, does not have it. This is too embarrassing!

So this time Dai Die brazenly attacked the Golden Lion Shiki, just to see the Golden Lion's domineering momentum and the unparalleled ability of the Float-Float Fruit! Among the ten pirate captains, except for one who was killed by a coincidence, the remaining nine pirate captains seemed a little inadequate in the face of the many cadres and crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates.

"There is no captain of a pirate group whose bounty exceeds 100 million!"

Dai Die said coldly. At least seven or eight captains must be sold to cover the intelligence fee this time!

Facing the lion's big mouth of Big News Morgans, Dai Die did not bargain, because even the navy could not find the intelligence here.

The navy gave some intelligence about the Thieves Chief Association Pirates who were searching for the Big Daddy Pirates, and Dai Die did not have time to kill these affiliated pirate groups one by one.

He chose to step directly on the tail of Golden Lion Shiki and destroy his base. He even had to use Shifeng Island as a battlefield and fight to the death with Golden Lion Shiki!

The captains who joined the Thieves Chief Association were only so strong. If the bounty exceeded 100 million, they would have recruited soldiers and entered the New World with the status of supernovas.

Instead of staying in the Grand Line to join the Golden Lion Shiki, the outdated legendary pirate.

Dai Die watched his crew members fighting with these Grand Line captains and estimated their true strength.

Their true combat power cannot be seen from the usual sparring battles.

"Can't even the Devil Claw Poros, who has a bounty of 90 million berries, withstand his virus?"

Dai Die looked at the captain of the Devil Claw Pirates who fell in the hands of the Grim Reaper, Devil Claw Q. He felt that the real combat power of Devil Q should have exceeded 100 million. If he is not careful, even a supernova will be killed by him.

However, in a head-on battle, Devil Q may also be killed by a supernova's surprise attack.

Dai Die saw a pirate minion holding a Den Den Mushi and fearfully asked for help from the headquarters of Golden Lion Shiki.

This time, Dai Die and Otokoshi Van Oka did not stop the pirate who reported the news.

Because Dai Die was going to face the revenge of Golden Lion Shiki!


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