Dai Die pointed at Enelu who was lying on the ground.

"Don't let him die, and don't wake him up!"

Dai Die waved his finger, and the barrier spike disappeared, and the Shandians who were pierced in the air fell back to the ground one after another.

"Got it!"

Poison Q immediately bandaged Enel's broken legs and added a lot of coma toxins. He did not pull out the seastone ten hands.

"Next, start taking over Sky Island!"

Dai Die carried Enelu back to the battlefield with the priests and crew. As for Nico Robin and Golden Bell, he was not very concerned about them now. He let her go and play by herself. Anyway, they would be his sooner or later.

"These guys..."

Poison Q pointed at these Shandia guerrillas and asked weakly, should we kill them all or spare their lives?

"Don't kill them, they are all good tools, but these primitive people have some good and powerful air shells, we can take them all away."

Daidie carried Enel back. Now there are seastone handcuffs on Bajes's hands and on the boat, so he went back to handcuff this electric rat first.

The reason why he didn't kill War Ghost Webber and others for the time being is because Daidie wanted to subdue the Shandians and breed air shells for him.

Otherwise, if he killed them now, he would probably have to kill the entire Shandian race later.

After all, War Ghost Webber is a core figure in the Shandian tribe.

However, if these Shandians refuse to obey orders, it is not impossible to exterminate this race!

Anyway, one angel tribe is enough to breed air shells.

On the battlefield on the edge of the God's Island 'Arpayardo'.

Lafei Te has defeated the priest Nirvana. This cruel West Sea sheriff actually cut Nirvana's tendons in his hands and feet, cut his tongue, and blinded his eyes. He was extremely cruel.

A pair of huge white wings were covered with blood. The holiness was full of blood, and everything seemed out of place.

The devil sheriff Lafit's perverted white face had a weird smile of playfulness and satisfaction, like a white-faced devil.

He looked in a certain direction, and immediately restrained his perverted smile. The crutch sword in his hand flashed by, and the priest Nirvana fell down in extreme pain, covering his bleeding neck.

However, the priest Nirvana seemed to have an expression of relief on his face, and finally Yu Ke Ke died.

This perverted demon from Qinghai, this method of torture was too cruel, he could no longer bear it and was about to collapse, and death would be the end of everything.

On the other side, Yin Yuefan Oka was holding a corpse, standing in front of a three-foot bird with injured wings, holding a gun, as if trying to persuade the hideous big monster bird to surrender.

The priest Shura had bullet holes on his forehead, neck, and heart, and blood was still flowing out, which looked very scary.

In the eyes of this sniper, sniping is not playing house with a slingshot.

Either you kill the other party, or the other party kills you, or everyone keeps quiet and stays safe.

Otherwise, once you start, it means casualties.

Now there is only Zoro was still fighting fiercely with the priest Ohm. With a Cloud Iron Sword and excellent swordsmanship, Zoro, who was good at three-sword swordsmanship, was very excited, and he was unable to quickly finish off his opponent.

He was constantly honing his new moves through this Sky Island priest.

If he couldn't use all of the new moves in battle, what was the difference between this and a night march in brocade clothes?

So no matter whether his opponent was weaker than him or not, he had to try all the moves. He also had to read out the names of these moves that he racked his brains to come up with.

After Badgers, Eddrago, Iron Bear, and Eric cleared out these divine troops, Zoro was still fighting a 50-50 battle with the priest Ohm.

"Mr. Hunter, the captain is coming back~"

Lafitte reminded politely in the air, completely unlike the perverted look that just killed the priest Nirvana.

""Green algae head, if you can't do it, then retreat, we are going to attack!"

Fighting champion Badges yelled and cursed, even Soundwave Edragor had the same attitude, the two of them felt that they seemed to be gradually moving away from the first echelon of the Big Daddy Pirates.

Every time they dealt with the enemy, they had to deal with the minions, which was simply too infuriating.

They would never allow themselves to become the minions of the second and third teams!

No matter what, they had to become senior cadres of the first echelon of the Big Daddy Pirates.

"Has the Thunder Fruit user been killed by Dai Die?"

Pirate hunter Zoro was surprised by Dai Die's speed. It seemed that he had been playing for too long. He immediately used his strongest move.

Amid the noise of the crew, this three-sword swordsman actually killed Priest Ohm in one move.

Even Priest Ohm did not react. He could not believe that this Qinghai man really had such strength.

However, although Priest Ohm was seriously injured and fell down, he did not die.

Unlike Lafitte and Van Oka's opponents, the survival rate is almost zero.

""Captain, you have worked hard!"

When Lafitte saw Dai Die appear, he immediately flew up to take over the captive Enelu from Dai Die's hands, and swiftly asked Badgers to take out the seastone handcuffs to handcuff the trophy.

No need to guess, this guy must be the natural thunder fruit ability user.

This should be locked up in the seastone prison like the sand crocodile.

Lafitte and the others didn't know what the captain's plan was to lock up some powerful people.

Did he really want to wear down these guys' willpower bit by bit through imprisonment, and finally achieve the goal of conquering them?

However, they didn't dare to ask Dai Die what the real purpose was.

Seeing that their crew members had already... After dealing with the priests and divine soldiers of Sky Island, Dai Die showed a satisfied smile.

These guys did not disappoint him, and each of them has the potential to become a strong man.

Now his crew should be able to clash with the most powerful of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Don Quixote Family.

It took Doflamingo more than ten years to build a family with so many people with special abilities.

And it took Dai Die less than a year, relying on his foresight advantage of the plot, to win over so many potential crew members.

Next, when the supernovas of the worst era appear, the Big Daddy Pirates will usher in a blowout development, and by then they will be able to develop into a force at the level of the Four Emperors.

"Take that old knight with you and get ready to become the master of Sky Island!"

Daidie wants to subdue the angels and the Shandians through Gan Fowl, the former god of Sky Island, and Webber, the war ghost, and make them become the tools of the Big Daddy Pirates.

If these Shandians insist on becoming troublemakers, then Daidi's butcher knife will not show mercy.

Soon, the Big Daddy Pirates captured the Shandian guerrillas and the surviving Sky Island priests and soldiers.

"Keep an eye on them! I'll go up there and ring the bell to get the Shandia and Angel tribes to gather together!"

Dai Die ordered the crew to watch over the captives while he quickly rushed up onto the giant vines.


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