Nico Robin came down from Dai Die's arms, without any shyness or timidity of a young girl, but was very generous and calm.

She also used her broad chest to show the greatest tolerance for Dai Die's accidental advantage.

"What you want is on top of the giant vines, go find it yourself."

Dai Die stood in front, looking directly at Enel, the god of the sky island, and said calmly without turning his head.

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain!"

Nico Robin smiled slightly, and without hesitation, she left from the side and ran to a higher place, with no intention of staying behind to hold them back.

"Ants, don't even think about running away"

‘30 Million Volts Thunderbird!

Seeing the Qinghai woman trying to escape, Enel raised his lips slightly, swung the golden stick in his hand, and casually hit the drum on his right shoulder.

Thunder and lightning suddenly emerged from the drum, crackling.

A large amount of lightning surged from the thunder drum, forming a phoenix-shaped thunderbird, which flew towards Nico Robin at high speed.

"It's really rude to ignore the opponent standing in front of you!"

‘Protective barrier!

Dai Die waved his finger, and the barrier that had been prepared long ago appeared, blocking the thunderbird attack for Nico Robin.

"Really? Ignorant ants! It's just the difference between dying early and dying late!"

Seeing the Thunderbird return empty-handed, Enel's face turned cold, and he instantly turned into a flash of lightning, and with a crackling sound, he flashed in front of Dai Die.

‘Inazuma! '

Enelu appeared in front of Dai Die at a close distance, with the five fingers of his hand spread out, and a large amount of electricity, like a thousand birds singing, instantly flooded Dai Die's body.

"Aren’t you good at dodging? At such a close distance, let’s see what you can use to block it!!"

Enel’s body was filled with thunder and he said proudly, as the God of Thunder, his attack power and speed were unparalleled, no one could compare to him.

This Qinghai man had actually dodged his divine punishment time and time again before, this was simply unforgivable!

Now he would let him see what the power of the God of Thunder was, what the speed of lightning was!

Bathed in the shining thunder, Dai Die’s entire body turned pitch black.

However, it was not the charcoal black color that Enel had imagined, but a shiny black color full of metallic luster.

"You are really arrogant! I didn't expect you to dare to get close to me. I was thinking about how to get close to you unexpectedly!"

Dai Die, who was drowned by thunder, did not show much pain on his face. Instead, the corners of his mouth showed a slight upward smile, as if he had encountered something great.

This made Enel frown. He also found his own heart network. It seemed that he could not hear the voice of this Qinghai man. Moreover, why didn't the other party's vitality weaken? He electrocuted this guy for so long that he turned black. Why didn't he die of electrocution?

He also had to hurry to kill the Qinghai woman who ran away. Any ant who dared to enter the holy land would die.

"The winner is decided!"

‘Barrier: Death Duel Cage!!'

Dai Die's body quickly extended a large number of flowing barriers, covering him and Enelu, forming a translucent octagonal duel cage.

"You can still talk? What on earth are you?!

But, you don't want these rubbish barriers to stop me, do you?"

Enel was a little surprised at Dai Die's ability to resist electricity. He was obviously electrocuted and turned black like charcoal, so how come he wasn't dead yet?

And when he saw that this Qinghai man actually wanted to trap him with some broken things that looked like they would break at the touch, he couldn't help but sneer.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter yet.

In his eyes, he could shatter these transparent barriers with a thunderbolt, and even his golden stick could break them with a single blow.

"Pride and ignorance will make a person look like a frog in a well!"

Dai Die, whose body was shining with a dark metallic luster, also felt the high temperature from the endless thunder. If he continued to be electrocuted by Enel's thunder, he would have to consume a lot of his Armament Haki to defend his whole body.

"Feel the fist from Big Daddy!"

At the moment when the death duel cage was completely closed, Dai Die's heavy fist of armed color had already blasted towards Enelu who was right in front of him.

"Ants! The body of a god cannot be touched by mortals!"

Enel didn't even have the intention to defend himself. Instead, his eyes were full of contempt. His body had already turned into thunder, and any physical attack was ineffective against him.

""Enelu, you look so proud and simple, but you really look like a smart guy!"

Dai Die grinned, and his high-speed black fist rubbed against the air to create an explosion. With terrifying force, he punched Enelu in the stomach.

‘The sound of bones breaking was heard, and Enelu instantly bent like a dead shrimp, his eyes bulging with bloodshot. He turned into a residual image and disappeared in front of Dai Die in an instant.

‘Bang!! '

There was a dull sound of flesh colliding on the wall of the barrier cage, and a few screams of broken bones.


A large amount of blood spurted out of Enel's mouth, and his breath quickly weakened. He lay limply on the ground.

But soon, electric lights kept coming out of his body, and his muscles were throbbing, as if stimulating his body functions frantically.

He stood up trembling all over, with blood still overflowing from his mouth. He looked at the Qinghai man in disbelief, his eyes full of anger and a hint of panic.

Why could this Qinghai man hit himself, a god!!!

This is impossible!

After eating the Thunder Fruit, he has not experienced the feeling of pain.

But the injuries and severe pain on his body reminded him all the time that his body of the Thunder God was really hit!

Enel felt his horrible injuries, and immediately hit the four drums on his back furiously.

"I must kill you!���"

‘200 Million Volts Thunder God!'

Enelu released all the lightning in his body crazily, wrapping him up and slowly forming a thunder giant. The terrifying aura spread inside the barrier cage.

But the next moment, this rapidly expanding thunder giant suddenly hit the top layer of the barrier cage, knocking its head crooked, and suppressing its growth trend.

"Break it for me!!"

Enelus entered the thunder god form in a rage, but his head hit the wall, which made him even angrier.

Several thunder dragons and thunder beasts violently hit the barrier, and the golden sticks in their hands also violently hit these garbage barriers that looked like transparent glass.

The entire barrier cage turned into a sea of thunder, bursting with endless dazzling lightning.

Dai Die, with a calm face, had a barrier blade in his hand, with seven-star demon patterns flashing on it, and the black scales on his chest and back also turned scarlet.

The scales combined with Dai Die's armed color domineering, also turned into wine-red armed color scales


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