Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 320: not good

After killing this person, the door of the ruler turned and killed another arrogant person led by another person.

Tianjiao hadn't reacted yet, he was killed by the ruler's door. Lan Feng's eyes almost burst, and his eyes were incredible.

Those two people, but Tianjiao like him, did not resist in Su Yi's hands and were killed directly.

How could this be?

I want to enter the Nine Palaces. Su Yi is just a spicy chicken he can kill.

How many years is this? How is the situation fully reflected?


The remaining two young men were almost scared to death and ran away.

Su Yi was too lazy to pursue, his eyes fell on Lan Feng.

He deliberately left Lan Feng, that is, to keep it slowly.

"How about you..."

Lan Feng screamed and flinched.

"How about this expression, isn't it arrogant? Come on, kill me!"

Su Yi stepped forward with a strong sarcasm on his face.

"Su Yi, you dare to move me. I am a blue family. If you dare to move me, not only you, but also the blue spirit and blue business, they will die very hard!"

Lan Feng caught a cold and was cold, and he saw that Su Yi's opponent did not threaten Su Yi.

What's more, this is very good. When it comes to this, Su Yi's eyes are murdered.


The ruler's gate directly suppressed it.

"Broken me!"

The blue maple was smashed, a strong blue light bloomed, and the sword was shining in the sky. This is the gate of the ruler.

Lan Feng's strength is very powerful, like the king of the gods, awakening twice the source of the power factor, his strength is stronger than the two.

Although he did not control the source of the secret, he also cultivated several extremely mysterious secrets.

Otherwise, he cannot be sure that he can enter the top ten after awakening his power.

Unfortunately, he met Su Yi.

The ruler's door was suppressed, and Lan Feng's sword light burst directly.


The powerful force bombarded Lan Feng's body, Lan Feng screamed, his sternum fractured, and his body flew out, almost bursting open.

"Protect my son!"

Several other Blue Clan Tianjiao rushed to Su Yi regardless of life and death.

In any case, the world will not really die, and the few priests of the Blue Clan dare not escape.

Their purpose is easily killed by Su Yi.

Su Yi stepped out and stepped on Lan Feng's face.

Su Yi stepped on Lan Feng's face, Lan Feng screamed. His body is like a meteorite. He fell to the ground, fell to the ground suddenly, pulling out a humanoid crater.

Lan Feng is located in a human-shaped crater. His body is constantly twitching, his mouth is bleeding, and his blood is crazy.

Tragic and terrible!


Outside, the owner of the Blue Family saw this scene, his face was shocked, and he couldn't wait to slap him.

BlueMaple is the first day of the young generation of the blue family. This is the face of the blue family. It's so miserable now. It's like being trampled on the face. This is equivalent to everyone in the blue family being licked on their faces and making their faces hot. of.

"Well, this Su Yi has great strength. Stepping on it and not hitting others, in fact, the threat behind the power behind it is really shameless. What is Tianjiao?"

Some people yelled loudly, naturally the hostile forces of the Blue Palace.

When I heard the words of the owner of the Blue Family, they made them vomit blood. The world of the ball...

Su Yi's body slammed on Lan Feng's face.

"Su Yi, I won't let you go!"

Lan Feng screamed, his body shook violently, and then roared, his body was torn apart.

Lan Feng actually detonated himself.

He will not continue to be abused by Lu Ming.

Lan Feng blew himself up, and his body appeared outside the world of the ball.

"Su Yi, Su Yi..."

Lan Feng is low-key, his face is very embarrassing, like a beast.

Although once he withdrew from the world of the ball, his injury would heal, but he still felt his face burning, and Su Yi's feet impressed him.

His murder of Lu Ming was so strong that it was very powerful.

"It really sucks!"

Su Yi grinned. He really didn't want to kill Lan Feng so easily. He wanted to abuse him. He didn't expect Lan Feng to be so decisive.

"Oh, self-destruction will be half absorbed by me too!"

Su Yi snorted and found that Lan Feng blew himself up, and half of the war was in his shirt.

I killed several top Tianjiao in a row, especially Lan Feng. The original fighting spirit is very rich and has reached the point of a blue shirt.

Nowadays, Su Yi's battle uniform has so many battles incorporated, and Su Yi's uniform is constantly becoming more colorful.

Several times, Su Yi's shirt color reached the peak of the blue shirt.

Su Yi felt that if he was only one step away, he could upgrade to a purple suit.

"It is almost, and it will be absorbed. This is not good for the plan behind me. I am still looking for a place to hide and practice. After three months, go to the center to grab the throne!"

Su Yi thought for a while, then turned into rainbow light and left here.

Soon after, Su Yi found a hidden place, then dived underground, opened up a space on the ground, and worked quietly.

Those outside, completely lost the trace of Su Yi.

"How did Su Yi practice underground? His shirt upgraded to a purple suit after one step. Once upgraded to a purple suit, his strength will definitely increase!"

"Yes, he should quickly improve his shirt level now. With his strength, if the suit is strong enough, maybe he can participate in the top ten competition!"

"I do not understand!"

Some people talked about shaking their heads and did not understand Su Yi's thoughts.

Only a few people think about their ideas.

In the sphere world, suffocation continues.

Over time, the killing became more and more intense.

The further you go, the higher the level of more people. Killing a person will lead to more fighting, and some weakened people will be killed.

And the sacred capital, Emperor Jian, Chu Chengkong, etc., are undoubtedly dazzled, becoming the most dazzling stars, attracting everyone's attention.

In the blink of an eye, it was still three days, and three months was about to come.

On this day, Su Yi left the ground and rushed out, ending the retreat for more than a month.

For more than a month, he naturally did not have any major breakthroughs, but he was repaired more stable. "There are still three days left, enough!"

Su Yi rushed to the center of the world. ..

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